Unit ID
13.08.2019 22:08:15
Confirmation delay (full node)
3 minutes 19 seconds
Confirmation delay (light node)
4 minutes 32 seconds
Definition: [ "autonomous agent", { "bounce_fees": { "base": 10000 }, "init": "{ if (!$FOREVER_CONSTANT){ // FOREVER CONSTANTS (the if(!) is trick to be able to create blocks) $owner = 'MYESSCFGDERS3YIEGNZDOG2BI5HKQHLU'; $domain_creation_fee = 500000; // 500,000.0 bytes $requesting_reputation_fee = 10000; // 10,000.0 bytes $reward_pourcentage = 1; // 1% of the balance for an evalution of an attested address $symbolic_reward= 10; // for evaluation of not attested address $evaluation_delay = 2*24*60*60; // 1 days $default_domain = 'base'; $default_attestor = '35IT3ZYKEPQSCXG2F7A7KWNRAD3SZXN4'; //'UOYYSPEE7UUW3KJAB5F4Y4AWMYMDDB4Y'; // official attestor } if (!$TRIGGER_INFO){ // info coming from the triggering transaction $user_address = trigger.address; // Attested user (if evaluator) $evaluated_address = trigger.data.adress otherwise trigger.data.ad; $domain = trigger.data.domain otherwise trigger.data.do otherwise $default_domain; // Evaluation domain $evaluation = trigger.data.evaluation otherwise trigger.data.ev; // Evaluation: 0-5 or ? $attestor = trigger.data.attestor otherwise trigger.data.at otherwise $default_attestor; $input_is_test_mode = trigger.data.testmode otherwise trigger.data.tm otherwise false; $TRIGGER_INFO = 'At the begining there was a user ('||$user_address_hash||') interested in a seller('|| $evaluated_address ||') in a given domain ('|| $domain ||') in the scope of an attestor ('|| $attestor ||') the user could try to initial the test mode ('|| $input_is_test_mode ||'). '; } if (!$HASHES){ // hashing to avoid to store the reputation openely in the dag (euh why?) $user_address_hash = sha256($user_address); $evaluated_address_hash = sha256($evaluated_address); $domain_hash = sha256($domain); $attestor_hash = sha256($attestor); $attested_domain = sha256($domain_hash and $attestor_hash); $evaluation_hash = sha256($attested_domain and $evaluated_address_hash and $user_address_hash); $reputation_hash = sha256(($attested_domain and $evaluated_address_hash) || 'reputation'); $evaluation_count_hash = sha256(($attested_domain and $evaluated_address_hash) || 'count'); // confuse attested address in the dag to avoid to gather information for free // is it even possible ? $evaluated_address_confused = $evaluated_address(2); $HASHES= 'user hash is ('|| $user_address_hash ||') seller ('|| $evaluated_address_hash ||') domain ('|| $domain_hash ||') attestor ('|| $attestor_hash ||') attested_domain ('|| $attested_domain ||'). The evaluation hash for the AD and this pair of user is ('|| $evaluation_hash ||') seller reputation hash is ('|| $reputation_hash ||') number of evaluation for this seller hash is ('|| $evaluation_count_hash ||'). '; } if (!$INITIAL_DAG_STATE){ // aka state variables $state_var_is_test_mode = var['is_test_mode']; $attested_domain_exist = var['coad('||$attested_domain] otherwise false; $balance_in_attestor_scope = var['bo('||$attestor_hash] otherwise 0; $reputation = var['ro('||$reputation_hash] otherwise -1; $eval_count = var['eco('||$evaluation_count_hash] otherwise 0; $previous_evaluation = var['le(=)'||$evaluation_hash] otherwise -1; $is_re_evaluation = var['leo('||$evaluation_hash] otherwise false; // this return false if the var doesn't exist $INITIAL_DAG_STATE = 'Is test mode activated to allow unattested user to vote? ('|| $state_var_is_test_mode || '). It is ('|| $attested_domain_exist || '/' || var['coad('||$attested_domain] ||') that the attested domain exist. The balance for this attestor scope is ('|| $balance_in_attestor_scope || '/' || var['bo('||$attestor_hash] || '). The reputation of the seller is ('|| $reputation || '/' || var['ro('||$reputation_hash] || ') with ('|| $eval_count|| '/' || var['eco('||$evaluation_count_hash] ||') votes. The previous evalutaion of the seller from this user is ('|| $previous_evaluation|| '/' || var['le(=)'||$evaluation_hash] ||') so it is ('|| $is_re_evaluation || ') to says that it is a re-evaluation. '; } if (!$PRELIMINARY_CHECKS){ // Preliminary checks and deductions // test mode? if ($user_address==$owner) $is_test_mode = $input_is_test_mode otherwise $state_var_is_test_mode otherwise false; else $is_test_mode = var['is_test_mode'] otherwise false; // function? $is_requesting = $evaluation == '?'; $is_contributing = (!$is_requesting)? $evaluation >= 0 and $evaluation <= 5 : false; // attested domain? $attested_default_domain = ($domain == $default_domain) and ($attestor == $default_attestor); // Preliminary checks if(!$is_requesting and !$is_contributing) bounce('Sorry, You have to specify a \'evaluation\' field in the data section. Use \'0\' to \'5\' to evaluate an address or use \'?\' to request the reputation of an address.'); // (money - bounce fee) is return automatically if(!$evaluated_address) bounce('Sorry, You have to specify which address you want to find reputation for. Please add an \'address\' field in the data section.'); // Fee checks $fee_received = trigger.output[[asset=base]].amount; $is_creation_fee_received = $fee_received > $domain_creation_fee; $is_requesting_fee_received = $fee_received > $requesting_reputation_fee; $PRELIMINARY_CHECKS= 'The test mode is set to ('|| $is_test_mode ||') requesting mode to ('|| $is_requesting ||') contributing mode to ('|| $is_contributing ||') this is ('|| $attested_default_domain ||') to say that we will work with the default attested domain. The fee received is ('|| $fee_received ||') ok for creation ('|| $is_creation_fee_received ||') ok for requesting a reputation ('|| $is_requesting_fee_received ||'). '; } if (!$ATTESTATIONS){ // Attestation checks $evaluated_is_attested = attestation[[attestors=$attestor, address=$evaluated_address, ifnone=0]]; $user_is_attested = attestation[[attestors=$attestor, address=$user_address, ifnone=0]]; $ATTESTATIONS = 'User attestation is ('|| $user_is_attested ||') and seller attestation is ('|| $evaluated_is_attested ||'). '; } }", "messages": { "cases": [ { "if": "{$is_requesting}", "init": "{ if (!$REQUESTING_CHECKS){ // if (!$attested_domain_exist and !$attested_default_domain) bounce('Sorry, You have requested reputation for a domain-attestor pair that do not exist.'); $reputationExists = ($reputation != -1); if (!$reputationExists) bounce('Sorry, the address (user) do not have reputation in this domain-attestor pair yet. Please consider to rate this user once you interacted with him/her.'); if (!$is_requesting_fee_received) bounce('Sorry, The fee to request a reputation is '|| $requesting_reputation_fee || 'bytes'); } if (!$RETURNING_REPUTATION){ // Respond $reputation_to_show = round($reputation,1); $message_about_reputation ='Reputation for domain \''|| $domain ||'\' is '||$reputation_to_show||'/5 from ' || $eval_count || 'votes '; if ($evaluated_is_attested) $message_about_attestation = 'and the address is attested by \''||$attestor_address||'\').'; else $message_about_attestation = 'BUT the address is NOT attested by \''||$attestor_address||'\')!'; response['message'] = $message_about_reputation || $message_about_attestation; response['domain'] = $domain; response['attestor'] = $attestor; response['reputation'] = $reputation_to_show; response['evaluation_count'] = $eval_count; response['attested'] = $evaluated_is_attested; } }", "messages": [ { "app": "data", "payload": { "message": "{$message}", "domain": "{$domain}", "attestor": "{$attestor}", "reputation": "{$reputation}", "evaluation_count": "{$evaluation_count}", "attested": "{$attested}" } }, { "app": "state", "state": "{ if (!$FINAL_DAG_STATE){ // $saved_fee = trigger.output[[asset=base]].amount - 1000; // 1000 is the data transfert fee approximation var['bo('||$attestor_hash] += $saved_fee; var['is_test_mode'] = $is_test_mode; $FINAL_DAG_STATE = 'After the requesting, the new balance for this attestor scope is('|| var['bo('||$attestor_hash] ||') bytes, it added ('|| $saved_fee ||') bytes. The test mode will be activated? ('|| $is_test_mode ||'). '; } var['debug_message_1'] =$FOREVER_CONSTANT||$TRIGGER_INFO||$HASHES||$INITIAL_DAG_STATE||$PRELIMINARY_CHECKS||$ATTESTATIONS; var['debug_message_2'] =$REQUESTING_CHECKS||$RETURNING_REPUTATION||$FINAL_DAG_STATE; }" } ] }, { "if": "{$is_contributing}", "init": "{ if (!$CONTRIBUTION_CHECKING){ // if (!$attested_domain_exist and !$is_creation_fee_received and !$attested_default_domain){ bounce('Sorry, the domain-attestor pair do not exists. It can be created but the fee is \''||$domain_creation_fee || '\' bytes, this money will be used to reward the evaluators');} if (!$user_is_attested) { if(!$is_test_mode) bounce('Sorry, to be able to give an evaluation you need to be attested by the following attestor: \''|| $attestor || '\' or it will be too easy to pump a reputation.'); else $warning ='Normally, a user not attested by the attestor linked to a domain should not be able to vote, but as you are in test mode you will be able to vote. '; $message_about_testing = $warning otherwise ''; } } if (!$REWARD_COMPUTATION){ // calculating reward $reward = $evaluated_is_attested? round($balance_in_attestor_scope* $reward_pourcentage /100) : $symbolic_reward; $REWARD_COMPUTATION = 'The reward will be ('|| $reward ||'). '; } if (!$REPUTATION_COMPUTATION){ // compute new reputation $total_score=($reputation * $eval_count); if ($is_re_evaluation){ $new_reputation = ($total_score + ($evaluation-$previous_evaluation) / ($eval_count)); $message_about_re_evaluation = 'Your evaluation was changed from '||$previous_evaluation||' to '||$evaluation||'. '; $new_eval_count = $eval_count; $message_about_number_of_eval = 'The number of votes for this address is still '||$new_eval_count||'. '; } else{ $new_reputation = ($total_score + $evaluation) / ($eval_count+1); $message_about_re_evaluation = ''; $new_eval_count = $eval_count+1; $message_about_number_of_eval = 'There is now '||$new_eval_count||' votes for this address. '; } $reputation_to_show = round($new_reputation,1); $REPUTATION_COMPUTATION = 'the new reputation is ('|| $new_reputation ||'-'|| $reputation_to_show ||'). '; } if (!$RESPONSE_CREATION){ // create message // Domain creation? if (!$attested_domain_exist) $message_about_domain = 'The domain \''||$domain||'\' has been created in the scope of the attestor \''||$attestor||'\'. '; else $message_about_domain = ''; $message = $message_about_testing||$message_about_domain||'Thank you for your contribution, a reward of '||$reward||' byte have been sent to you ('||$user_address||'). The new reputation of '||$evaluated_address||' is now'||$reputation_to_show||'/5. '|| $message_about_re_evaluation || $message_about_number_of_eval; response['message'] = $message; response['domain'] = $domain; response['attestor'] = $attestor; response['vote_from'] = $user_address; if ($is_re_evaluation) { response['old_evaluation'] = $previous_evaluation; response['new_evaluation'] = $evaluation; } else response['evaluation'] = $evaluation; response['old_reputation'] = $reputation; response['new_reputation'] = $new_reputation; response['attested'] = $evaluated_is_attested; $RESPONSE_CREATION = 'The message to the user will be ('|| $message ||'). '; } }", "messages": [ { "app": "payment", "payload": { "asset": "{'base'}", "outputs": [ { "address": "{trigger.address}", "amount": "{$reward}" } ] } }, { "app": "state", "state": "{ if (!$FINAL_DAG_STATE){ // if (!$attested_domain_exist) var['coad('||$attested_domain]=$user_address_hash; // creating the var. var['ro('||$reputation_hash] = $new_reputation; var['eco('||$evaluation_count_hash] = $new_eval_count; var['leo('||$evaluation_hash] = $evaluation; // last evaluation for later revote var['bo('||$attestor_hash] = $balance_in_attestor_scope - $reward; // attestor balance var['is_test_mode'] = $is_test_mode; $FINAL_DAG_STATE = 'Finally the state of the DAG is: the new reputation of the seller is ('|| $new_reputation ||') with a number of vote of ('|| $new_eval_count ||'), the last evaluation saved from this user will be ('|| $evaluation ||'). The new balance available in the scope is ('|| var['bo('||$attestor_hash] ||'). The test mode will be activated? ('|| $is_test_mode ||'). '; } //var['debug_message_1'] = $FOREVER_CONSTANT||$TRIGGER_INFO||$HASHES||$INITIAL_DAG_STATE||/$PRELIMINARY_CHECKS||$ATTESTATIONS; //var['debug_message_2'] = $CONTRIBUTION_CHECKING||$REWARD_COMPUTATION||$REPUTATION_COMPUTATION; //var['debug_message_3'] = $FINAL_DAG_STATE; }" } ] } ] } } ]
Technical information
13,564 bytes
(353 headers, 13211 payload)
Witnessed level:997557
Main chain index:996383
Latest included mc index:996382