Response: {
"error": "formula
// Domain exist? bounce
if ($attested_domain_exist)
bounce('Sorry, The domain \''||$domain||'\' in the scope of the attestor \''||$attestor_address||'\' already exist. ');
// prepare meesages
$message_about_creation_requirements = 'In creation mode you should have '||$message_creation_howto||' and you should not specify any \'evaluation\'. ';
// to much param? bounce
if($is_requesting or $is_contributing)
bounce('Sorry, '|| $message_about_creation_requirements);
// check if creation mode ok
if(($moa != $mode_uwa) and ($moa != $mode_twa) and ($moa != $mode_cbwa) and ($moa != $mode_crwa))
bounce('Sorry, '|| $message_about_creation_requirements);
$message_about_creation = 'The domain \''||$domain||'\' has been created in the scope of the attestor \''||$attestor_address||'\' with the average mode \''||$mode_of_average_for_creation||'\'. ';
if ($AA_in_debug_mode){
$DOMAIN_CREATION = $message_about_creation;
failed: booleans cannot be compared with other types"