Unit ID
24.03.2021 21:22:03
Confirmation delay (full node)
5 minutes 9 seconds
Confirmation delay (light node)
7 minutes 1 second
Definition: [ "autonomous agent", { "bounce_fees": { "base": 10000 }, "init": "{ $HOUSE_CUT = 0.1; //We will take this cut on the debut of an NFT in our platform $ARTIST_CUT = 0.01; //The artist will get this cut from every resale of their NFT $HALF_HOUR = 1800; //30m = 1800s $extendDeadLine = $NFT=>$NFT.soldAt <= timestamp + $HALF_HOUR?$NFT || {soldAt: $NFT.soldAt + $HALF_HOUR}: $NFT; //Extend the auction if there is a bid less than half an hour before the auction is closed if (NOT exists(trigger.data["method"])) bounce("method field is mandatory"); }", "getters": "{ $mintedUnits = $NFT=>{ if (NOT var[$NFT]) bounce("NFT not found"); if (NOT asset[$NFT].exists) bounce("That NFT does not exist"); return asset[$NFT].cap; }; $tokenInfo = $NFT => { if (NOT var[$NFT]) bounce("NFT not found"); return var[$NFT] || { isBanned: data_feed[[oracles=this_address, feed_name=$NFT, ifnone=false, ifseveral="last", type="string"]] == "REVOKED", issuer: asset[$NFT].definer_address, maxUnits: $mintedUnits($NFT) }; }; $circulatingSupply = $NFT=>{ if (data_feed[[oracles=this_address, feed_name=$NFT, ifnone=false, ifseveral="last", type="string"]] == "REVOKED") bounce("That NFT was revoked"); if ($tokenInfo($NFT).issuer != this_address) bounce("That NFT was not minted by us, thus we don't know how many of them are out in the wild"); return var[$NFT]["unitsSold"]; }; }", "messages": { "cases": [ { "if": "{ NOT var["owner"] //The owner has not been set }", "messages": [ { "app": "state", "state": "{ var["owner"] = "IUU43O7TS2TBYKAPGKUARDZHOTAE275A"; //Set the Owner to my address }" } ] }, { "if": "{ trigger.address == var["owner"] }", "init": "{ if (NOT exists(trigger.data["method"])) bounce("method field is mandatory"); }", "messages": { "cases": [ { "if": "{ trigger.data["method"] == "mint" }", "init": "{ if (NOT exists(trigger.data["amount"])) bounce("amount field is mandatory"); if (NOT is_valid_amount(trigger.data["amount"])) bounce("The amount of NFT copies to mint is not valid"); if (NOT exists(trigger.data["ipfs"])) bounce("ipfs field is mandatory"); if (NOT exists(trigger.data["seller"])) bounce("seller field is mandatory"); if (NOT is_valid_address(trigger.data["seller"])) bounce("The seller address is not valid"); if (NOT exists(trigger.data["endTime"])) bounce("endTime field is mandatory"); if (NOT is_integer(trigger.data["endTime"])) bounce("endTime field is not a timestamp"); if (trigger.data["endTime"] <= timestamp) bounce("The endTime cannot be set in the past"); if (trigger.data["endTime"] - timestamp > 2628000) bounce("You cannot set the end time in more than 30 days"); }", "messages": { "cases": [ { "if": "{ trigger.data["amount"] == 1 }", "messages": [ { "app": "asset", "payload": { "cap": 1, "is_private": false, "is_transferrable": true, "auto_destroy": false, "fixed_denominations": false, "issued_by_definer_only": true, "cosigned_by_definer": false, "spender_attested": false } }, { "app": "state", "state": "{ var[response_unit] = { bid: 0, //Max current bid (a NFT can have this field because it was resold. Check for price field instead) by: trigger.data["seller"], at: timestamp, //Max bid time mintedAt: timestamp, //Mint date ipfs: trigger.data["ipfs"], //Hash of the content author: trigger.data["seller"], //The original seller soldAt: trigger.data["endTime"], //End of the auction soldBy: trigger.data["seller"] //Who is currently selling the NFT }; }" } ] }, { "init": "{ if (NOT exists(trigger.data["price"])) bounce("price field is mandatory if you intend to sell more than one NFT copy"); if (trigger.data["price"] < 20000) bounce("The minium price is 20000 bytes"); if (NOT is_valid_amount(trigger.data["price"])) bounce("price is not valid"); }", "messages": [ { "app": "asset", "payload": { "cap": "{trigger.data["amount"]}", "is_private": false, "is_transferrable": true, "auto_destroy": false, "fixed_denominations": false, "issued_by_definer_only": true, "cosigned_by_definer": false, "spender_attested": false } }, { "app": "state", "state": "{ var[response_unit] = { price: trigger.data["price"], //Sale price (this field is only present if the first sale was a fixed price one) at: timestamp, //Max bid time mintedAt: timestamp, //Mint date ipfs: trigger.data["ipfs"], //Hash of the content unitsSold: 0, maxUnits: trigger.data["amount"], author: trigger.data["seller"], //The original seller soldAt: trigger.data["endTime"], //End of the auction soldBy: trigger.data["seller"] //Who is currently selling the NFT }; }" } ] } ] } }, { "if": "{ trigger.data["method"] == "payout" }", "init": "{ $balance = balance["base"]; if ($balance - storage_size - 200000 <= 0) bounce("There are not enough funds to withdraw"); }", "messages": [ { "app": "payment", "payload": { "asset": "base", "outputs": [ { "address": "{trigger.address}", "amount": "{$balance - storage_size - 200000}" } ] } } ] }, { "if": "{ trigger.data["method"] == "approve" }", "init": "{ if (NOT exists(trigger.data["NFT"])) bounce("NFT field is mandatory"); $NFT = var[trigger.data["NFT"]]; if (NOT $NFT) bounce("That NFT is not known by this AA"); if (NOT $NFT.pendingAproval) bounce("That NFT is not pendingAproval"); }", "messages": [ { "app": "state", "state": "{ var[trigger.data["NFT"]] ||= {pendingAproval: '', duration: '', foreign: true, bid: 0, by: $NFT.soldBy, at: timestamp, soldAt: timestamp + $NFT.duration}; }" } ] }, { "if": "{ trigger.data["method"] == "revoke" }", "init": "{ if (NOT exists(trigger.data["NFT"])) bounce("NFT field is mandatory"); }", "messages": [ { "app": "data_feed", "payload": { "{trigger.data["NFT"]}": "REVOKED" } } ] }, { "if": "{ trigger.data["method"] == "transferOwnership" }", "init": "{ if (NOT exists(trigger.data["newOwner"])) bounce("newOwner field is mandatory"); if (NOT is_valid_address(trigger.data["newOwner"])) bounce("newOwner field is not a valid address"); }", "messages": [ { "app": "payment", "payload": { "asset": "base", "outputs": [ { "address": "{trigger.address}" } ] } }, { "app": "state", "state": "{ var["owner"] = trigger.data["newOwner"];//Ownership is transferred }" } ] } ] } }, { "if": "{ trigger.data["method"] == "BUY" }", "init": "{ if (NOT exists (trigger.data["NFT"])) bounce("NFT field is mandatory"); $NFT = var[trigger.data["NFT"]]; $isAuction = typeof($NFT.bid) == "number"; $hasBidders = (NOT $NFT.by)?false:($NFT.soldBy != $NFT.by);//Booleans cannot be compared if (NOT $NFT) bounce("This NFT was not minted by us nor we listed it for sale"); if (timestamp > $NFT.soldAt){ if ($isAuction){ if ($hasBidders) //You can still buy it if there were no bidders bounce("The auction is over"); } else bounce("The auction is already over"); } }", "messages": { "cases": [ { "if": "{ $isAuction }", "init": "{ if (trigger.output[[asset=base]].amount < 20000) bounce("The minimum bid is 20000 bytes"); if (trigger.output[[asset=base]].amount <= $NFT.bid) bounce("Your bid is lower or equal to the last bid. You must increase it"); if ($NFT.soldBy == trigger.address) bounce("You cannot bid on your own auction"); }", "messages": [ { "app": "payment", "if": "{ $NFT.bid - 10000 > 0 }", "payload": { "asset": "base", "outputs": [ { "address": "{$NFT.by}", "amount": "{$NFT.bid - 10000}" } ] } }, { "app": "state", "state": "{ $NFT.bid = trigger.output[[asset=base]].amount; $NFT.by = trigger.address; var[trigger.data["NFT"]] ||= $extendDeadLine($NFT); }" } ] }, { "init": "{ if (NOT asset[trigger.data["NFT"]].exists) bounce("That asset does not exists"); if (asset[trigger.data["NFT"]].definer_address != this_address) bounce("We have not listed that asset for sale"); if ($NFT.unitsSold == $NFT.maxUnits) bounce("All NFT copies have been already sold"); if (trigger.output[[asset=base]].amount < $NFT.price) bounce("Your payment is lower than the NFT price"); }", "messages": [ { "app": "payment", "if": "{ floor($NFT.price * (1-$HOUSE_CUT) - 10000, 0) > 0 }", "payload": { "asset": "base", "outputs": [ { "address": "{$NFT.soldBy}", "amount": "{floor($NFT.price * (1-$HOUSE_CUT) - 10000, 0)}" } ] } }, { "app": "payment", "payload": { "asset": "{trigger.data['NFT']}", "outputs": [ { "address": "{trigger.address}", "amount": 1 } ] } }, { "app": "state", "state": "{ var[trigger.data["NFT"]] ||= {unitsSold: $NFT.unitsSold + 1}; }" } ] } ] } }, { "if": "{ trigger.data["method"] == "CLAIM" }", "init": "{ if (NOT exists(trigger.data["NFT"])) bounce("NFT field is mandatory"); $NFT = var[trigger.data["NFT"]]; //Do NOT check for the NFT in the data_feed as it is not yet there if (timestamp <= $NFT.soldAt) bounce("The auction is not over yet"); }", "messages": { "cases": [ { "if": "{//NFT was first sold $NFT.soldBy != $NFT.author }", "messages": [ { "app": "payment", "if": "{ floor($NFT.bid * (1-$HOUSE_CUT) - 10000, 0) > 0 //enough to be worth paying AND $NFT.soldBy != $NFT.by //there is at least a bid }", "payload": { "asset": "base", "outputs": [ { "address": "{$NFT.soldBy}", "amount": "{floor($NFT.bid * (1-$HOUSE_CUT) - 10000, 0)}" } ] } }, { "app": "payment", "payload": { "asset": "{trigger.data['NFT']}", "outputs": [ { "address": "{$NFT.by}", "amount": 1 } ] } } ] }, { "messages": [ { "app": "payment", "if": "{ $NFT.soldBy != $NFT.by //Do not pay if there were no bids as the seller would be stealing money from the contract }", "payload": { "asset": "base", "outputs": [ { "address": "{$NFT.soldBy}", "amount": "{floor($NFT.bid * (1-$ARTIST_CUT) - 10000, 0)}" } ] } }, { "app": "payment", "if": "{ floor($NFT.bid * $ARTIST_CUT, 0) - 10000 > 0 AND is_valid_address($NFT.author) }", "payload": { "asset": "base", "outputs": [ { "address": "{$NFT.author}", "amount": "{floor($NFT.bid * $ARTIST_CUT, 0) - 10000}" } ] } }, { "app": "payment", "payload": { "asset": "{trigger.data['NFT']}", "outputs": [ { "address": "{$NFT.by}", "amount": 1 } ] } } ] } ] } }, { "if": "{//[PUBLIC] Resell a NFT trigger.data["method"] == "SELL" }", "init": "{ if (NOT var[trigger.output[[asset!=base]].asset]) bounce("You need to send an actual NFT but you are sending only bytes"); $NFT = var[trigger.output[[asset!=base]].asset]; if (NOT $NFT) bounce("This NFT was not minted by us nor we listed it for sale"); if (trigger.output[[asset!=base]].amount!=1) bounce("You cannot auction more than 1 copy of an NFT at a time"); if (data_feed[[oracles=this_address, feed_name=trigger.output[[asset!=base]].asset, ifnone=false, ifseveral="last", type="string"]] == "REVOKED") bounce("We revoked the trading of that token probably due to copyright reasons"); if ($NFT.soldAt >= timestamp) bounce("A copy of that NFT is already being auctioned. Please try again after " || timestamp_to_string($NFT.soldAt) || " UTC+0"); if (NOT is_valid_amount(trigger.data["initialPrice"])) bounce("initialPrice must be a valid amount"); if (trigger.data["initialPrice"] < 20000) bounce("The minimum initialPrice is 20000 bytes"); if (NOT exists(trigger.data["endTime"])) bounce("endTime field is mandatory"); if (trigger.data["endTime"] < timestamp) bounce("You cannot set the end time in the past"); if (trigger.data["endTime"] - timestamp > 2628000) bounce("You cannot set the end time in more than 30 days"); }", "messages": [ { "app": "state", "state": "{ $NFT.bid = trigger.data["initialPrice"]; $NFT.by = trigger.address; $NFT.soldBy = trigger.address; $NFT.at = timestamp; $NFT.soldAt = trigger.data["endTime"]; var[trigger.output[[asset!=base]].asset] ||= $NFT; }" } ] }, { "if": "{ trigger.data["method"] == "PRELIST" }", "init": "{ if (NOT exists(trigger.data["NFT"])) bounce("NFT field is mandatory"); if (NOT asset[trigger.data["NFT"]].exists) bounce("That NFT does not exist within the Obyte network"); if (NOT asset[trigger.data["NFT"]].is_transferrable) bounce("That NFT is not tradeable"); if (NOT exists(trigger.data["ipfs"])) bounce("ipfs field is mandatory"); if (NOT exists(trigger.data["seller"])) bounce("seller field is mandatory"); if (NOT is_valid_address(trigger.data["seller"])) bounce("The seller address is not valid"); if (NOT exists(trigger.data["duration"])) bounce("duration field is mandatory. Enter the auction duration in seconds"); if (NOT is_integer(trigger.data["duration"])) bounce("duration field is not a valid amount of seconds"); if (trigger.data["duration"] > 2628000) bounce("The auction cannot last more than 30 days"); if (NOT exists(trigger.data["pairing"])) //TODO MAYBE REMOVE bounce("Pairing code is mandatory. We need it in case we have any questions about your NFT"); }", "messages": [ { "app": "state", "state": "{ var[trigger.data["NFT"]] = { mintedAt: unit[trigger.data["NFT"]].timestamp, ipfs: trigger.data["ipfs"], //Hash of the content author: 'foreign', //The original seller soldBy: trigger.data["seller"], duration: trigger.data["duration"] //Duration of the auction in seconds }; }" } ] } ] } } ]
Technical information
14,081 bytes
(452 headers, 13629 payload)
Witnessed level:1933375
Main chain index:1925417
Latest included mc index:1925416