Unit ID
22.10.2019 21:09:14
Confirmation delay (full node)
2 minutes 54 seconds
Confirmation delay (light node)
4 minutes 19 seconds
create: 1
AA responses
  • Bounced
  • Response: { "error": "formula { $aa_name = "CODAAA"; // Safe Autonomous Agent Forwarding Estate; $aa_asset_creation_and_issuing = "O7NYCFUL5XIJTYE3O4MKGMGMTN6ATQAJ"; // could withdraw the dust is calculable; $DAY = 60 * 60 * 24; $WEEK = 7 * $DAY; $YEAR = 364.25 * $DAY; $TOTAL_CODS_AMOUNT=1e15; // BONUS RELATED STUFF $DEBUG = true; // There is a give away period for people ready to stake their bytes: $GIVEAWAY_PERIOD = $DEBUG ? 15*60 : 0.5 * $YEAR; // at the beginning of the give away period the bonus is max: $MAX_BONUS_P100 = 200; // then during every day the bonus is reducing: $DAILY_BONUS_REDUCTION_P100 = 1; // We need better interest for longer stake: return = 0.7 * ln(period) + 1.5 // Viva robin the hood!, we need to steal the riches to feed the pool: reduction_p100 = 0.04 * ln(balance) - 0.31 // ACCOUNTING RELATED STUFF // Every given time interest should be computed and paied by each user $ACCOUNTING_PERIOD = 1 * $YEAR; // from the pool of unclaim coins, we can allow a percentage per week $YEARLY_INTEREST_P100_FROM_POOL = 4 / 52; // 4% per year // input $key = trigger.address||"_"||$account_name; // load state concerning the CODAA $temp_next_accounting_time = var["next_accounting_time"]; $temp_interest_next_accounting = var["interest_next_accounting"] otherwise 0; $temp_pool_balance = var["pool_balance"] otherwise $TOTAL_CODS_AMOUNT; // load state concerning the user $user_bytes = var[$key||"_bytes"] otherwise 0; $user_cods = var[$key||"_cods"] otherwise 0; $user_stake_start = var[$key||"_stake_start"] otherwise timestamp; $user_predicted_lock_time = var[$key||"_predicted_lock_time"] otherwise trigger.data.lock_time; // make weekly accounting? (removing the needed coin reserved to pay interets from the pool) if ( timestamp > $temp_next_accounting_time ) { $cods_available_from_pool = round($pool_balance * $YEARLY_INTEREST_P100_FROM_POOL / 100); $pool_balance = $temp_pool_balance - $cods_available_from_pool; $next_accounting_time = $temp_next_accounting_time + $ACCOUNTING_PERIOD; $interest_next_accounting = 0; } else { $pool_balance = $temp_pool_balance; $next_accounting_time = $temp_next_accounting_time; $interest_next_accounting = $temp_interest_next_accounting; } } failed: booleans cannot be compared with other types" }
Technical information
612 bytes
(353 headers, 259 payload)
Witnessed level:1116103
Main chain index:1114869
Latest included mc index:1114868