Definition: [
"autonomous agent",
"init": "{
$AA_NAME= "HOLLAA"; // Holder Of Linked List AA;
$INSTRUCTIONS = "For every operation 'list_name = <list name>' is needed. To add an element at the end of the list use ', 'add = <item name>' and optionaly 'value = <item value>'. To remove 'remove = <item name>'. You can insert with 'insert = <item name>', 'after/before = <ref item name>' and optionaly 'value = <item value>'. When the list s empty, you can delete it with 'delete = true'. If you need to iterate you might find useful to be triggered back with the next or previous item, use 'get_next/get_previous = <actual item name>'.";
// get info from state or input data
$list_name = otherwise bounce ("Need 'list = <list_name>'!");
$list_owner = var[$list_name||"_owner"] otherwise trigger.address;
$list_items_count = var[$list_name||"_items_count"] otherwise 0;
// access checking
$list_is_public = var[$list_name||"_is_public"] otherwise;
if (!$list_is_public) if (trigger.address != $list_owner)
bounce ("You don't own this private list");
"messages": {
"cases": [
"if": "{ !! }",
"init": "{
// get the item and its key used for state var
$item =;
$item_key = $list_name||"_"||$item;
"messages": [
"app": "state",
"state": "{
// update list properties
var[$list_name||"_owner"] = $list_owner;
var[$list_name||"_items_count"] = $list_items_count + 1;
var[$list_name||"_is_public"] = $list_is_public;
// update previously last item
$last_item = var[$list_name||"_last_item"];
$last_item_key = $list_name||"_"||$last_item;
if (!!$last_item) var[$last_item_key||"_next_item"] = $item;
// if this is the first item we have to set the first_item state var
if (var[$list_name||"_items_count"] == 1 ) var[$list_name||"_first_item"] = $item;
// add new item at the end of the linked list
var[$list_name||"_last_item"] = $item;
var[$item_key] = otherwise true;
var[$item_key||"_previous_item"] = $last_item;
var[$item_key||"_next_item"] = false;
response['message']= $item||" added ^^.";
"if": "{ !! }",
"init": "{
// get the item and its key used for state var
$item =;
$item_key = $list_name||"_"||$item;
// check that the list exist
if (!(var[$list_name||"_owner"]))
bounce ("'"||$list_name||"' did not exist !");
// check if item exist
if (!(var[$item_key]))
bounce ($item||" did not exist !");
// get the previous items
$previous_item = var[$item_key||"_previous_item"];
$previous_item_key = $list_name||"_"||$previous_item;
// get the next items
$next_item = var[$item_key||"_next_item"];
$next_item_key = $list_name||"_"||$next_item;
"messages": [
"app": "state",
"state": "{
// update list state
var[$list_name||"_items_count"] = $list_items_count - 1;
// update link in previous item
var[$previous_item_key||"_next_item"] = $next_item;
// update link in next item
var[$next_item_key||"_previous_item"] = $previous_item;
// remove item
var[$item_key] = false;
var[$item_key||"_previous_item"] = false;
var[$item_key||"_next_item"] = false;
response['message']=||" removed ^^.";
"if": "{ !! }",
"init": "{
// check that the list exist
if (!(var[$list_name||"_owner"]))
bounce ("'"||$list_name||"' did not exist !");
// get the item and its key used for state var
$item =;
$item_key = $list_name||"_"||$item;
// identify previous and next items
if (!!
$previous_item =;
$previous_item_key = $list_name||"_"||$previous_item;
if (!var[$previous_item_key]) bounce ($previous_item||" do NOT exist !");
$next_item = var[$previous_item_key||"_next_item"];
if (!!
$next_item =;
$next_item_key = $list_name||"_"||$next_item;
if (!var[$next_item_key]) bounce ($next_item||" do NOT exist !");
$previous_item_key = var[$next_item_key||"_previous_item"];
bounce ("Please, specify 'after' or 'before' = <existing item>");
"messages": [
"app": "state",
"state": "{
// update list state
var[$list_name||"_items_count"] = $list_items_count + 1;
// update previous item link
if (!!$previous_item_key)
var[$previous_item_key||"_next_item"] = $item;
var[$list_name||"_first_item"] = $item;
// update next item link
if (!!$next_item_key)
var[$next_item_key||"_previous_item"] = $item;
var[$list_name||"_last_item"] = $item;
// add new item
var[$item_key] = otherwise true;
var[$item_key||"_previous_item"] = $previous_item;
var[$item_key||"_next_item"] = $next_item;
response['message'] = $item||" added ^^.";
"if": "{ }",
"init": "{
// check if list exist
if (!var[$list_name||"_owner"])
bounce ("'"||$i.list_name||"' did not exist at the first place!");
// check that the list is empty so taht we can delete it without leaving anything in AA state var
if (var[$list_name||"_items_count"] > 0)
bounce ("List must be empty to be deleted, use 'remove_last_item' as much as needed");
"messages": [
"app": "state",
"state": "{
var[$list_name||"_owner"] = false;
var[$list_name||"_items_count"] = false;
var[$list_name||"_is_public"] = false;
response['message']= $list_name||" delete ^^.";
"if": "{ !! }",
"init": "{
// check that the list exist
if (!(var[$list_name||"_owner"]))
bounce ("'"||$list_name||"' did not exist !");
// get next item from specify one or very first one.
$next_from_item =;
$next_from_item_key = $list_name||"_"||$next_from_item;
// if the specify item from which starting exist
$next_item = !!var[$next_from_item_key] ?
// return the next item of the list
var[$next_from_item_key||"_next_item"] otherwise bounce ("Was last item!"):
// or start from the first item of the list
"messages": [
"app": "data",
"payload": {
"item_name": "{ $next_item }",
"item_value": "{ var[$list_name||$next_item] }",
"token": "{ }"
"app": "payment",
"payload": {
"outputs": [
"address": "{ trigger.address }",
"amount": "{4}"
"app": "state",
"state": "{
response['message']= $next_item||" sent ^^.";
"if": "{ !! }",
"init": "{
// check that the list exist
if (!(var[$list_name||"_owner"]))
bounce ("'"||$list_name||"' did not exist !");
// get previous item from specify one or very last one.
$previous_from_item =;
$previous_from_item_key = $list_name||"_"||$previous_from_item;
// if the specify item from which starting exist
$previous_item = !!var[$previous_from_item_key] ?
// return the next item of the list
var[$previous_from_item_key||"_previous_item"] otherwise bounce ("Was first item!") :
// or start from the last item of the list
"messages": [
"app": "data",
"payload": {
"item_name": "{ $previous_item }",
"item_value": "{ var[$list_name||$previous_item] }",
"token": "{ }"
"app": "payment",
"payload": {
"outputs": [
"address": "{ trigger.address }",
"amount": "{4}"
"app": "state",
"state": "{
response['message']= $previous_item||" sent ^^.";
"messages": [
"app": "state",
"state": "{ bounce ($INSTRUCTIONS||json_stringify(;}"