"autonomous agent",
"init": "{
if (trigger.output[[asset!=base]].asset != 'none')
bounce('foreign coins');
$payment_amount = trigger.output[[asset=base]];
$min_reward = 1e5;
$coef = 1.5;
$overpayment_fee = 1000;
$min_delay_before_deadline = 15*60;
$period_length = 3600;
// $period_length = 3*24*3600;
$question = trigger.data.question;
$additional_description = trigger.data.description;
$question_id = trigger.data.question_id;
$outcome = trigger.data.outcome;
if ($question AND trigger.data.question_id)
bounce("Question and question_id not allowed together");
if (!$question AND !trigger.data.question_id)
bounce("No question nor key");
if ($question AND length($question) > 256)
bounce("Question cannot be over 256 chars");
if ($question AND contains($question, '_'))
bounce('Question cannot contain underscore');
if ($additional_description AND length($additional_description) > 256)
bounce("Additional description cannot be over 256 chars");
if ($additional_description AND contains($additional_description, '_'))
bounce('Additional description cannot contain underscore');
if ($question_id AND !var[$question_id])
bounce("This question doesn't exist");
if ($outcome AND $outcome != "no" AND $outcome != "yes")
bounce("Outcome must be yes or no");
if ($question_id AND !$outcome AND !trigger.data.withdraw)
bounce("You must either provide an outcome, commit or withdraw");
"messages": {
"cases": [
"if": "{$question}",
"init": "{
if ($payment_amount < $min_reward)
bounce("Reward must be at least "||$min_reward||" bytes");
$key = "k_"||substring(sha256($question||' '||$additional_description||' '||$payment_amount),0,16);
if (var[$key])
bounce("This question already exists");
if (!trigger.data.deadline)
bounce("You must specify a deadline");
$deadline = json_parse(trigger.data.deadline);
if (!is_integer($deadline))
bounce("Deadline must be an integer");
if ($deadline < timestamp + $min_delay_before_deadline)
bounce("Deadline must be at least "||$min_delay_before_deadline||" seconds from now");
"messages": [
"app": "state",
"state": "{
var[$key] = "created";
var[$key||"_question"] = $question;
var[$key||"_deadline"] = $deadline;
var[$key||"_reward"] = $payment_amount;
response['your_address'] = trigger.address;
response['new_question'] = $question;
response['question_id'] = $key;
"if": "{$outcome AND $question_id}",
"init": "{
$key = $question_id;
if (var[$key||"_deadline"] > timestamp)
bounce("Deadline isn't reached, cannot be graded yet");
if(var[$key||'_outcome']){ // it's a counterstake
if(var[$key||'_outcome'] == $outcome)
bounce("Question is already graded with this outcome");
if (timestamp - var[$key || '_countdown_start'] > $period_length)
bounce('challenging period expired');
$current_outcome = var[$key || '_outcome'];
$stake_on_current_outcome = var[$key || '_total_staked_on_' || $current_outcome];
$stake_on_proposed_outcome = var[$key || '_total_staked_on_' || $outcome];
$required_to_challenge = round($coef * $stake_on_current_outcome);
$would_override_current_outcome = ($stake_on_proposed_outcome + $amount >= $required_to_challenge);
if ($would_override_current_outcome)
$excess = $stake_on_proposed_outcome + $amount - $required_to_challenge;
} else {
if ($payment_amount < var[$key||"_reward"])
bounce("You must stake at least "||$min_reward||" bytes to grade this question");
$excess = $payment_amount - $min_reward;
$bInitialStake = true;
"messages": [
"if": "{$excess}",
"app": "payment",
"payload": {
"asset": "base",
"outputs": [
"address": "{trigger.address}",
"amount": "{$excess - $overpayment_fee}"
"app": "state",
"state": "{
var[$key] = "being_graded";
if ($bInitialStake || $would_override_current_outcome)
var[$key||'_outcome'] = $outcome;
$accepted_amount = $payment_amount - $excess;
var[$key||'_total_staked_on_'||$outcome] += $accepted_amount;
var[$key || '_total_staked'] += $accepted_amount;
var[$key || '_total_staked_on_' || $outcome || '_by_' || trigger.address] = $accepted_amount;
var[$key || '_countdown_start'] = timestamp;
if ($bInitialStake){
var[$key || '_initial_reporter'] = trigger.address;
response['expected_reward'] = var[$key||"_reward"];
} else {
response['your_address'] = trigger.address;
response['your_stake'] = var[$key || '_total_staked_on_' || $outcome || '_by_' || trigger.address];
response['question'] = $question;
response['reporting'] = $outcome;
"if": "{trigger.data.commit AND $question_id}",
"init": "{
if (var[$key] == 'committed')
bounce('already committed');
if (timestamp - var[$key || '_countdown_start'] <= $period_length)
bounce('challenge period is still running');
$outcome = var[$key || '_outcome'];
// immediately pay to the initial reporter. Other stakers (if any) will have to manually request withdrawals
$address = var[$key || '_initial_reporter'];
$initial_reporter_stake = var[$key || '_total_staked_on_' || $outcome || '_by_' || $address];
if ($initial_reporter_stake){
$reward = var[$key||"_reward"];
$total_winning_stake = var[$key || '_total_staked_on_' || $outcome];
$total_stake = var[$key || '_total_staked'];
$full_amount = round($initial_reporter_stake / $total_winning_stake * ($total_stake + $rewar));
"messages": [
"app": "data_feed",
"payload": {
"{$key}": "{$outcome}"
"if": "{$initial_reporter_stake}",
"app": "payment",
"payload": {
"asset": "base",
"outputs": [
"address": "{$address}",
"amount": "{$full_amount}"
"app": "state",
"state": "{
var[$key] = 'committed';
var[$pair||"_committed_outcome"] = $outcome;
if ($initial_reporter_stake){
var[$key || '_total_staked_on_' || $outcome || '_by_' || $address] = false;
response['paid_out_amount'] = $full_amount;
response['paid_out_address'] = $address;
response['question_id'] = $key;
response['committed_outcome'] = $outcome;
"if": "{trigger.data.withdraw AND $question_id}",
"init": "{
if (var[$key] != 'committed')
bounce('not committed yet');
$address = trigger.data.address otherwise trigger.address; // withdrawal can be triggered by anybody
$outcome = var[$key || '_outcome'];
$my_stake = var[$key || '_total_staked_on_' || $outcome || '_by_' || $address];
if (!$my_stake)
bounce("you didn't stake on the winning outcome or you already withdrew");
$reward = var[$key||"_reward"];
$total_winning_stake = var[$key || '_total_staked_on_' || $outcome];
$total_stake = var[$key || '_total_staked'];
$full_amount = round($my_stake / $total_winning_stake * ($total_stake + $reward));
"messages": [
"app": "payment",
"payload": {
"asset": "base",
"outputs": [
"address": "{$address}",
"amount": "{$full_amount}"
"app": "state",
"state": "{
var[$key || '_total_staked_on_' || $outcome || '_by_' || $address] = false;
response['message'] = "paid " || $amount || " bytes";
response['question_id'] = $key;
response['paid_out_amount'] = $full_amount;
response['paid_out_address'] = $address;
"if": "{trigger.data.nickname}",
"messages": [
"app": "state",
"state": "{
var['nickname_' || trigger.address] = trigger.data.nickname;
response['your_address'] = trigger.address;
response['nickname'] = trigger.data.nickname;
response['message'] = "Nickname changed for " || trigger.data.nickname;