"autonomous agent",
"init": "{
$who = "
$day = 13 ;
$month = 9 ;
// Time for Birthday Fiddle AA by
[email protected]
// usage:
// friends or strangers can contribute to the annual fiddle fund anytime
// the person who has birthday can release the fiddle every year on their birthday to fulfil their wishes
// to release - need to send two 10,000 transactions, one to blow out the candle and one to withdraw
// the AA will also keep track of lifetime accumulated amount
// setup:
// set the person who has birthday address, day and month ( year might be a secret ) above
// maybe better to use real attestation, but let's keep it simple for now
$today = timestamp ;
$storage = 1000 ;
$present = var[ "present" ] otherwise $storage ;
$fiddle = var[ "fiddle" ] otherwise 0 ;
"messages": [
"if": "{ trigger.address != $who }",
"app": "data",
"payload": {
"friend": "{trigger.address}"
"if": "{ trigger.address == $who AND ( balance[ base ] - $present ) > 0 }",
"app": "payment",
"payload": {
"asset": "base",
"outputs": [
"address": "{$who}",
"amount": "{ balance[ base ] - $present }"
"app": "state",
"state": "{
if( $today > $fiddle ){ // THE FIDDLE PLAYED
var[ "present" ] = 0 ; // START NEW PRESENT
var[ "fiddle" ] = $today + 60 * 3 ; // TESTING
$year = substring( timestamp_to_string( $today , "date" ) , 0 , 4 ) + 1 ;
response[ "year" ] = $year;
//var[ "fiddle" ] = parse_date( $year || "-" || $month || "-" || $day ); // MOVE FIDDLE TO NEXT BIRTHDAY
if( trigger.address == $who ) response[ "happy_birthday" ] = "send one more transaction to get your present";
} else var[ "present" ] += trigger.output[[asset=base]] - $storage ; // ADD TO PRESENT
var[ "lifetime_amount" ] += trigger.output[[asset=base]] ;
// hopefully the person didn't put in a lot of money himself, but we will never know
response[ "fiddle" ] = "will be played on " || timestamp_to_string( var[ "fiddle" ] ) ;