"autonomous agent",
"init": "{
$nom_AA = 'Consultes_Accions';
$args = trigger.data;
$_Portal = $args._Portal;
$refcons = $args.refcons;
$geto = $args.geto;
$ref = $args.ref;
$__dada = $refval =>
data_feed[[ oracles = $args._Registre, feed_name = $refval, ifnone = false ]];
$Lapse = $__dada( 'Lapse' );
$Origen = $__dada( 'Origen' );
$cicle_actual =
1 + floor( ( timestamp - $Origen ) / $__dada( 'Interval' ) );
"messages": [
"app": "state",
"state": "{
response[ 'consulta' ] = $refcons;
//$dada_args_ref = !! $ref ? $__dada( $ref ) : false;
if ( $refcons == 'Dades_Diposit' ) {
response[ 'Ref' ] = $ref;
response[ 'Quantitat dipositada' ] = $__dada( $ref || '_qt' );
response[ 'Dipositant' ] = $__dada( $ref || '_dipositant' );
response[ 'Cicle dipòsit' ] = $__dada( $ref || '_cicle' );
response[ 'Getó dipòsit' ] = $__dada( $ref || '_geto_diposit' );
response[ 'Data dipòsit' ] = $__dada( $ref || '_data');
//response[ 'Data dipòsit' ] = timestamp_to_string( $__dada( $ref || '_data'), 'date' );
response[ 'Taxa' ] = $__dada( $ref || '_taxa' );
response[ 'Qt conversió' ] = $__dada( $ref || '_qt_conversio' );
response[ 'Cicle conversió' ] = $__dada( $ref || '_cicle_conversio' );
response[ 'Cicle actual' ] = $cicle_actual;
if ( $refcons == 'Dades_Contribucio' ) {
response[ 'Ref' ] = $ref;
response[ 'Quantitat' ] = $__dada( $ref || '_qt' );
response[ 'Contribuidora' ] = $__dada( $ref || '_contribuidora' );
response[ 'Cicle contribució' ] = $__dada( $ref || '_cicle' );
response[ 'Escala contribució' ] = $__dada( $ref || '_escala' );
response[ 'Interval contribució' ] = $__dada( $ref || '_interval' );
response[ 'Data contribució' ] = $__dada( $ref || '_data');
$data_escala = $__dada( 'data_escala_actual' );
response[ "Segons transcorreguts des del darrer salt d'escala" ] =
timestamp - $data_escala;
response[ 'Total Contribucions' ] = $__dada( 'total_contribucions_Estels' );
if ( $refcons == 'Dades_Conversio'
OR $refcons == 'Dades_Retribucio'
OR $refcons == 'Dades_Bonificacio' ) {
response[ 'Ref' ] = $ref;
response[ 'Rebedora' ] = $__dada( $ref || '_rebedora' );
response[ 'Quantitat' ] = $__dada( $ref || '_qt' );
response[ 'Data' ] = timestamp_to_string( $__dada( $ref || '_data' ), 'date' );
if ( $refcons == 'Dades_Conversio' )
response[ 'Unitat' ] = $__dada( $ref || '_unitat' );
if ( $refcons == 'Totals' ) {
$total_donacions = $__dada( 'total_donacions' ) otherwise 0;
$total_activacions = $__dada( 'total_activacions_' || $geto ) otherwise 0;
$total_subscripcions = $__dada( 'total_subscripcions_' || $geto ) otherwise 0;
$total_renovacions = $__dada( 'total_renovacions_' || $geto ) otherwise 0;
$total_aportacions = $__dada( 'total_aportacions_' || $geto ) otherwise 0;
$total_diposits = $__dada( 'total_diposits_' || $geto ) otherwise 0;
$total_contribucions = $__dada( 'total_contribucions_' || $geto ) otherwise 0;
$total_conversions = $__dada( 'total_conversions_' || $geto ) otherwise 0;
$total_taxes = $__dada( 'total_taxes_' || $geto ) otherwise 0;
$total_retribucions = $__dada( 'total_retribucions_' || $geto ) otherwise 0;
$total_bonificacions = $__dada( 'total_bonificacions_' || $geto ) otherwise 0;
$total_assignacions = $__dada( 'total_assignacions' ) otherwise 0;
$total_atribucions = $__dada( 'total_atribucions' ) otherwise 0;
$volum_escala =
$total_activacions + $total_subscripcions
+ $total_renovacions + $total_aportacions
+ $total_contribucions;
response[ 'Total Donacions' ] = $total_donacions || ' Estels';
response[ 'Total Assignacions' ] = $total_assignacions;
response[ 'Total Activacions' ] = $total_activacions;
response[ 'Total Subscripcions' ] = $total_subscripcions;
response[ 'Total Renovacions' ] = $total_renovacions;
response[ 'Total Aportacions' ] = $total_aportacions;
response[ 'Total Diposits' ] = $total_diposits;
response[ 'Total Contribucions' ] = $total_contribucions;
response[ 'Total Conversions' ] = $total_conversions;
response[ 'Total Taxes' ] = $total_taxes;
response[ 'Total Retribucions' ] = $total_retribucions;
response[ 'Total Bonificacions' ] = $total_bonificacions;
response[ 'Total Assignacions' ] = $total_assignacions;
response[ 'Total Atribucions' ] = $total_atribucions;
response[ 'Volum Escala calculat' ] = $volum_escala;
response[ 'Volum Escala registrat' ] = $__dada( 'volum_escala' ) otherwise 0;
if ( $refcons == 'Cicle_Actual' ) {
$interval = $__dada( 'Interval' );
$segons_cicle_actual = ( $Origen + ( $cicle_actual * $interval ) ) - timestamp;
$percent_cicle_actual = $segons_cicle_actual / $interval * 100;
response[ 'Cicle actual' ] = $cicle_actual;
response[ 'Data actual' ] = timestamp;
response[ 'Data origen' ] = $Origen;
response[ 'Durada cicles' ] = $interval;
response[ 'Segons restants cicle actual' ] = $segons_cicle_actual;
response[ '% restant del cicle actual' ] =
round( $percent_cicle_actual, 0 ) || ' %';
if ( $refcons == 'Escala_Actual' ) {
$escala_actual = $__dada( 'escala_actual_' || $geto );
$data_escala = $__dada( 'data_escala_actual_' || $geto );
response[ 'Geto' ] = $geto;
response[ 'Escala actual' ] = $escala_actual;
response[ 'Volum Escala actual' ] = $__dada( 'volum_escala_' || $geto );
if ( !! $data_escala ) {
response[ "Data del salt d'escala" ] = timestamp_to_string( $data_escala, 'date' );
response[ 'Data en segons' ] = $data_escala;
response[ 'Segons transcorreguts des de darrer salt escala' ] = timestamp - $data_escala;
Show transactions in assets:
No transactions found, it may be worth changing the filter
Unit ID