"autonomous agent",
"init": "{
$nom_AA = 'Consultes';
$versio = '0.1';
$args = trigger.data;
$_Portal = $args._Portal;
"messages": [
"app": "state",
"state": "{
if ( $args.ref == 'Portal' ) {
response[ '_Acces' ] = var[ $_Portal ][ '_Acces' ];
response[ '_Getons' ] = var[ $_Portal ][ '_Getons' ];
response[ '_Validacions' ] = var[ $_Portal ][ '_Validacions' ];
response[ '_FRO' ] = var[ $_Portal ][ '_FRO' ];
response[ '_FOP' ] = var[ $_Portal ][ '_FOP' ];
response[ '_FDIP' ] = var[ $_Portal ][ '_FDIP' ];
response[ '_Estels' ] = var[ $_Portal ][ 'id_Estels' ];
response[ 'interval' ] = var[ $_Portal ][ 'interval' ];
response[ 'lapse' ] = var[ $_Portal ][ 'lapse' ];
response[ '_Transfer' ] = var[ $_Portal ][ '_Transfer' ];
response[ '_Capacitacio' ] = var[ $_Portal ][ '_Capacitacio' ];
response[ '_Avis' ] = var[ $_Portal ][ '_Avis' ];
response[ 'Import_Activacio' ] = var[ $_Portal ][ 'Import_Activacio' ];
response[ 'Import_Subscripcio' ] = var[ $_Portal ][ 'Import_Subscripcio' ];
response[ 'Import_Renovacio' ] = var[ $_Portal ][ 'Import_Activacio' ];
response[ 'Taxa_Conversio' ] = var[ $_Portal ][ 'Taxa_Conversio' ];
response[ 'Factor_Conversio' ] = var[ $_Portal ][ 'Factor_Conversio' ];
response[ 'Cicles_Latencia' ] = var[ $_Portal ][ 'Cicles_Latencia' ];
response[ '_AUT_0' ] = var[ $_Portal ][ '_AUT_0' ];
response[ '_AUT_A' ] = var[ $_Portal ][ '_AUT_A' ];
response[ '_AUT_B' ] = var[ $_Portal ][ '_AUT_B' ];
response[ '_AUT_C' ] = var[ $_Portal ][ '_AUT_C' ];
if ( $args.ref == 'Cicle_actual' ) {
$_AA = var[ $_Portal ][ '_Transfer' ];
$cicle_actual = var[ $_AA ][ 'cicle_actual'];
$data_cicle_actual = var[ $_AA ][ 'data_cicle_actual'];
$data_cicle_anterior = var[ $_AA ][ 'data_cicle_anterior'];
$interval = var[ $_AA ][ 'interval'];response[ 'Cicle Actual' ] = $cicle_actual;
response[ 'Data Cicle Actual' ] = timestamp_to_string( $data_cicle_actual, 'datetime' );
response[ 'Data Cicle Anterior' ] = timestamp_to_string( $data_cicle_anterior, 'datetime' );
response[ 'Data Cicle Actual milisegons' ] = $data_cicle_actual;
response[ 'Data Cicle Anterior milisegons' ] = $data_cicle_anterior;
response[ 'Interval' ] = $interval;
if ( $args.ref == 'Dades_Node' ) {
$_AA = var[ $_Portal ][ '_Transfer' ];
$activacio = var[ $_AA ][ 'activacio_' || $args.adr || '_en_' || $args.geto ];
$subscripcio = var[ $_AA ][ 'subscripcio_' || $args.adr || '_en_' || $args.geto ];
$cicle_renovacio = var[ $_AA ][ 'renovacio_' || $args.adr__ || '_' || $args.geto ];
$cicle_renovacio = var[ $_AA ][ 'cicle_' || $args.adr ];
$total_Derivacions = var[ $_AA ][ 'total_Derivacions_de_' || $args.adr || '_en_' || $args.geto ];
$_Avis = var[ $_Portal ][ '_Avis' ];
$avis = var[ $_Avis ][ 'Avis_' || $args.adr || '_' || $args.geto ];
response[ 'Nom Activació' ] = $activacio.nom;
response[ 'Escala Activació' ] = $activacio.escala;
response[ 'Nom Subscripció' ] = $subscripcio.nom;
response[ '% Derivació a FOP' ] = $subscripcio.aFOP;
response[ 'Cicle Subscripció' ] = $subscripcio.cicle;
response[ 'Cicle Renovació' ] = $cicle_renovacio;
response[ 'Total Derivacions a FOP' ] = $total_Derivacions;
if ( !! $avis.operatiu ) { response[ 'Avís' ] = $avis.text; }
if ( $args.ref == 'Totals' ) {
$_AA = var[ $_Portal ][ '_Transfer' ];
$total_activacions = var[ $_AA ][ 'total_Activacions' || '_en_' || $args.geto ];
$total_subscripcions = var[ $_AA ][ 'total_Subscripcions' || '_en_' || $args.geto ];
$total_renovacions = var[ $_AA ][ 'total_Renovacions' || '_en_' || $args.geto ];
$total_compensacions = var[ $_AA ][ 'total_Compensacions' || '_en_' || $args.geto ] ;
$total_derivacions = var[ $_AA ][ 'total_Derivacions' || '_en_' || $args.geto ];
$total_diposits = var[ $_AA ][ 'total_Diposits' || '_en_' || $args.geto ];
$total_liquidacions = var[ $_AA ][ 'total_Liquidacions' || '_en_' || $args.geto ];
response[ 'Total Activacions' ] = $total_activacions;
response[ 'Total Subscripcions' ] = $total_subscripcions;
response[ 'Total Renovacions' ] = $total_renovacions;
response[ 'Total Compensacions' ] = $total_compensacions;
response[ 'Total Derivacions' ] = $total_derivacions;
response[ 'Total Diposits' ] = $total_diposits;
response[ 'Total Liquidacions' ] = $total_liquidacions;
if ( $args.ref == '_Avis' ) {
$_AA = var[ $_Portal ][ '_Avis' ];
$avis = var[ $_AA ][ 'Avis_' || $args.adr || '_' || $args.geto ];
response[ 'Actuant' ] = $avis.actuant;
response[ 'Text' ] = $avis.text;
response[ 'Rebot' ] = $avis.rebot;
response[ 'Operatiu' ] = $avis.operatiu;
if ( !! $avis.data ) {
response[ 'Data' ] = timestamp_to_string( $avis.data, 'datetime' );
if ( $args.ref == 'Capacitacio' ) {
$_AA = var[ $_Portal ][ '_Capacitacio' ];
$ref = $args.tipus || '_' || $args.adr || '_' || $args.geto;
$capacitacio = var[ $_AA ][ $ref ];
response[ 'Ref Capacitacio' ] = $ref;
response[ 'Ordinal' ] = $capacitacio.ordinal;
response[ 'Data' ] = timestamp_to_string( $capacitacio.data, 'datetime' );
response[ 'Estat' ] = $capacitacio.estat;
response[ 'Capacitadora' ] = $capacitacio.capacitadora;
Show transactions in assets:
No transactions found, it may be worth changing the filter
Unit ID