"autonomous agent",
"bounce_fees": {
"base": 10000
"init": "{
if (NOT exists(trigger.data["method"]))
bounce("method field is mandatory");
$method = trigger.data["method"];
$spendableFunds = balance["base"] - storage_size; //The max amount the owner can withdraw without bouncing due to not enough funds
$owner = var["owner"];
"getters": "{
$getCurrency = $ticker=>{
return var["CURRENCY_" || $ticker];
$getExchangeRate = $ticker=>{
$currency = $getCurrency($ticker);
if (NOT $currency)
bounce("That currency was not found");
$multiplier = $currency.feed2
? 1 / data_feed[[oracles=$currency.oracle2, feed_name=$currency.feed2, ifseveral="last"]] * data_feed[[oracles=$currency.oracle1, feed_name=$currency.feed1, ifseveral="last"]]
: data_feed[[oracles=$currency.oracle1, feed_name=$currency.feed1, ifseveral="last"]];
if ($ticker == "USD")
return $multiplier / 1000000000; //Inverse
return $multiplier / 1000000000;
$convert = ($amount, $sourceTicker, $destinationTicker)=>{
if ($amount < 0)
bounce("You cannot convert a negative amount!");
if ($sourceTicker != "GBYTE")
if (NOT var["CURRENCY_" || $sourceTicker])
bounce("Source currency is unsupported");
if ($destinationTicker != "GBYTE")
if (NOT var["CURRENCY_" || $destinationTicker])
bounce("Destination currency is unsupported");
if ($sourceTicker == "GBYTE") //Convert from GBYTE
return $amount * (1 / $getExchangeRate($destinationTicker)); //Rounding is up to the caller here
if ($destinationTicker == "GBYTE") //Convert to GBYTE
return round($amount * $getExchangeRate($sourceTicker) * 1000000000, 0); //Automatically rounded
$multiplier = $getExchangeRate($sourceTicker) * 1 / $getExchangeRate("USD"); //to USD
$usd = $amount * $multiplier;
$multiplier2 = 1 / $getExchangeRate($destinationTicker); //to destination currency
return $usd * $multiplier2; //Rounding is up to the caller here
"messages": {
"cases": [
"if": "{
NOT $owner //The owner has not been set
"messages": [
"app": "state",
"state": "{
var["owner"] = "
var["CURRENCY_USD"] = {
oracle1: "
feed1: "GBYTE_USD",
oracle2: false, //FIAT_USD
feed2: false
"if": "{
trigger.address == $owner
AND ($method == "payout"
OR $method == "transferOwnership"
OR $method == "addCurrency"
OR $method == "delCurrency")
"messages": {
"cases": [
"if": "{
$method == "payout"
"messages": [
"app": "payment",
"payload": {
"asset": "base",
"outputs": [
"address": "{trigger.address}",
"amount": "{$spendableFunds}"
"if": "{
$method == "transferOwnership"
"init": "{
if (NOT exists(trigger.data["newOwner"]))
bounce("newOwner field is mandatory");
if (NOT is_valid_address(trigger.data["newOwner"]))
bounce("newOwner field is not a valid address");
"messages": [
"app": "payment",
"payload": {
"asset": "base",
"outputs": [
"address": "{trigger.address}",
"amount": "{$spendableFunds}"
"app": "state",
"state": "{
var["owner"] = trigger.data["newOwner"];
"if": "{
$method == "addCurrency"
"init": "{
if (NOT exists(trigger.data["ticker"]))
bounce("ticker field is mandatory");
if (NOT exists(trigger.data["oracle1"]))
bounce("oracle1 field is mandatory");
if (NOT is_valid_address(trigger.data["oracle1"]))
bounce("oracle1 address is invalid");
if (NOT exists(trigger.data["feed1"]))
bounce("feed1 field is mandatory");
if (exists(trigger.data["oracle2"])){
if (NOT is_valid_address(trigger.data["oracle2"]))
bounce("oracle2 address is invalid");
if (NOT exists(trigger.data["oracle1"]))
bounce("If you provided oracle2 you have to provide oracle1");
if (NOT exists(trigger.data["feed2"]))
bounce("If you provided oracle2 you have to provide feed2");
if (NOT data_feed[[oracles=trigger.data["oracle2"], feed_name=trigger.data["feed2"], ifseveral="last", ifnone=false]])
bounce("oracle2 does not post that feed");
if (NOT data_feed[[oracles=trigger.data["oracle1"], feed_name=trigger.data["feed1"], ifseveral="last", ifnone=false]])
bounce("oracle1 does not post that feed");
"messages": [
"app": "state",
"state": "{
var["CURRENCY_" || trigger.data["ticker"]] = {
oracle1: trigger.data["oracle1"],
feed1: trigger.data["feed1"],
oracle2: trigger.data["oracle2"],
feed2: trigger.data["feed2"]
"if": "{
$method == "delCurrency"
"init": "{
if (NOT exists(trigger.data["ticker"]))
bounce("ticker field is mandatory");
if (NOT var[trigger.data["ticker"]])
bounce("That currency is unknown for the AA");
"messages": [
"app": "state",
"state": "{
var["CURRENCY_" || trigger.data["ticker"]] = false;