"autonomous agent",
"init": "{
$decimals = params.decimals OTHERWISE 2;
// underlying is the target currency we want to track, e.g. USD
$max_loan_value_in_underlying = params.max_loan_value_in_underlying OTHERWISE 10000; // prevent large loans as it would be difficult to auction them off
$overcollateralization_ratio = params.overcollateralization_ratio OTHERWISE 1.5;
$liquidation_ratio = params.liquidation_ratio OTHERWISE 1.3;
$auction_period = params.auction_period OTHERWISE 3600;
$oracle = params.oracle OTHERWISE 'F4KHJUCLJKY4JV7M5F754LAJX4EB7M4N';
if (params.feed_name AND !params.ma_feed_name OR !params.feed_name AND !params.ma_feed_name)
bounce("both or none of feed names must be specified");
$feed_name = params.feed_name OTHERWISE 'GBYTE_USD';
$ma_feed_name = params.ma_feed_name OTHERWISE 'GBYTE_USD_MA'; // moving average
$expiry_ts = parse_date(params.expiry_date);
$asset = var['asset'];
$expiry_exchange_rate = var['expiry_exchange_rate'];
$expired = !!$expiry_exchange_rate;
if ($expired)
$insolvent = (balance[base]/1e9 * $expiry_exchange_rate < var['circulating_supply']/10^$decimals);
"messages": {
"cases": [
"if": "{ trigger.data.define AND !$asset }",
"messages": [
"app": "asset",
"payload": {
"is_private": false,
"is_transferrable": true,
"auto_destroy": false,
"fixed_denominations": false,
"issued_by_definer_only": true,
"cosigned_by_definer": false,
"spender_attested": false
"app": "state",
"state": "{
var['asset'] = response_unit;
response['asset'] = response_unit;
"if": "{trigger.data.repay AND trigger.data.id AND $asset AND trigger.output[[asset=$asset]] > 0}",
"init": "{
$id = trigger.data.id;
if (var[$id || '_owner'] != trigger.address)
bounce('you are not the owner');
if (var[$id || '_repaid'])
bounce('already repaid');
if (var[$id || '_winner'])
bounce("the loan is currently on auction");
$amount = var[$id || '_amount'];
if (trigger.output[[asset=$asset]] < $amount)
bounce('you sent less than the loan amount');
$change = trigger.output[[asset=$asset]] - $amount;
$exchange_rate = $expired ? $expiry_exchange_rate : data_feed[[oracles=$oracle, feed_name=$ma_feed_name]];
$collateral = var[$id || '_collateral'];
$due_in_bytes = $amount/10^$decimals / $exchange_rate * 1e9;
$min_collateral = round($due_in_bytes * $liquidation_ratio);
if ($collateral < $min_collateral)
bounce("the loan is not sufficiently collateralized");
"messages": [
"app": "payment",
"payload": {
"asset": "base",
"outputs": [
"address": "{trigger.address}",
"amount": "{ var[$id || '_collateral'] }"
"app": "payment",
"payload": {
"asset": "{$asset}",
"outputs": [
"address": "{trigger.address}",
"amount": "{ $change }"
"app": "state",
"state": "{
var[$id || '_repaid'] = 1;
var['circulating_supply'] -= trigger.output[[asset=$asset]];
"if": "{trigger.data.add_collateral AND trigger.data.id AND $asset AND trigger.output[[asset=base]] >= 1e5}",
"init": "{
$id = trigger.data.id;
if (var[$id || '_owner'] != trigger.address) // to prevent funding somebody else's loan by mistake
bounce('you are not the owner');
if (var[$id || '_repaid'])
bounce('already repaid');
"messages": [
"app": "state",
"state": "{
var[$id || '_collateral'] += trigger.output[[asset=base]];
response['collateral'] = var[$id || '_collateral'];
"if": "{ trigger.data.seize AND trigger.data.id AND $asset }",
"init": "{
$id = trigger.data.id;
if (var[$id || '_repaid'])
bounce('already repaid');
$amount = var[$id || '_amount'];
if (!$amount)
bounce('no such loan');
$exchange_rate = $expired ? $expiry_exchange_rate : data_feed[[oracles=$oracle, feed_name=$ma_feed_name]];
$collateral = var[$id || '_collateral'];
$due_in_bytes = $amount/10^$decimals / $exchange_rate * 1e9;
$min_collateral = round($due_in_bytes * $liquidation_ratio);
$opening_collateral = round($due_in_bytes * $overcollateralization_ratio);
// the loan can return to above min collateral if the price corrects. In cuch case, the owner is allowed to win the auction
if ($collateral >= $min_collateral AND trigger.address != var[$id || '_owner'])
bounce("the loan is sufficiently collateralized, you can't seize it");
$missing_collateral = $opening_collateral - $collateral; // to bring it back to 1.5x
if (trigger.output[[asset=base]] < $missing_collateral)
bounce('you sent less than the missing collateral');
$auction_end_ts = var[$id || '_auction_end_ts'];
if ($auction_end_ts){
if (timestamp > $auction_end_ts)
bounce('auction already expired');
$current_winner_bid = var[$id || '_winner_bid'];
if (trigger.output[[asset=base]] <= $current_winner_bid)
bounce('your bid is less than the current winner');
if (trigger.output[[asset=base]] < 1.01*$current_winner_bid)
bounce('your bid must be at least 1% better than the current winner');
$current_winner = var[$id || '_winner'];
// will be refunded immediately if not AA, otherwise has to pull. Sending to AAs is dangerous as they can bounce.
$bRefundToCurrentWinner = !is_aa($current_winner);
"messages": [
"if": "{$bRefundToCurrentWinner}",
"app": "payment",
"payload": {
"asset": "base",
"outputs": [
"address": "{$current_winner}",
"amount": "{ $current_winner_bid - 1000 }"
"app": "state",
"state": "{
if ($current_winner AND !$bRefundToCurrentWinner)
var['balance_' || $current_winner] += $current_winner_bid; // he can later withdraw from this balance
var[$id || '_auction_end_ts'] = timestamp + $auction_period; // waiting period is restarted after each better bid
var[$id || '_winner'] = trigger.address;
var[$id || '_winner_bid'] = trigger.output[[asset=base]];
response['new_bid'] = trigger.output[[asset=base]];
response['id'] = $id;
"if": "{ trigger.data.end_auction AND trigger.data.id AND $asset }",
"init": "{
$id = trigger.data.id;
if (var[$id || '_repaid'])
bounce('already repaid');
$auction_end_ts = var[$id || '_auction_end_ts'];
if (!$auction_end_ts)
bounce('not on auction');
if (timestamp < $auction_end_ts)
bounce('auction still under way');
$winner_bid = var[$id || '_winner_bid'];
$winner = var[$id || '_winner'];
$owner = var[$id || '_owner'];
$collateral = var[$id || '_collateral'];
$amount = var[$id || '_amount'];
$exchange_rate = $expired ? $expiry_exchange_rate : data_feed[[oracles=$oracle, feed_name=$ma_feed_name]];
$due_in_bytes = $amount/10^$decimals / $exchange_rate * 1e9;
$min_collateral = round($due_in_bytes * $liquidation_ratio);
$bHealthy = ($collateral >= $min_collateral);
if ($bHealthy){ // the loan got back to fully collateralized state due to price correction or the owner refilling the callateral
$bRefundToWinner = !is_aa($winner);
// if the winner is the past owner, all the bid money is just added to the collateral, otherwise the collateral is the usual 1.5x and the excess is the AA's profit
if ($winner == $owner)
$new_collateral = $collateral + $winner_bid;
$opening_collateral = round($due_in_bytes * $overcollateralization_ratio);
$new_collateral = min($opening_collateral, $collateral + $winner_bid); // the rest is the AA's profit
"messages": [
"if": "{$bHealthy AND $bRefundToWinner}",
"app": "payment",
"payload": {
"asset": "base",
"outputs": [
"address": "{$winner}",
"amount": "{ $winner_bid - 1000 }"
"app": "state",
"state": "{
var[$id || '_auction_end_ts'] = false; // this ends the auction
var[$id || '_winner'] = false;
var[$id || '_winner_bid'] = false;
if (!$bHealthy) {
var[$id || '_owner'] = $winner;
var[$id || '_collateral'] = $new_collateral;
response['new_owner'] = $winner;
response['new_collateral'] = $new_collateral;
response['id'] = $id;
else {
if (!$bRefundToWinner)
var['balance_' || $winner] += $winner_bid;
"if": "{trigger.data.withdraw}",
"init": "{
$key = 'balance_' || trigger.address;
$balance = var[$key] + 0;
if ($balance <= 0)
bounce("you have no balance");
if (trigger.data.to){
if (!is_valid_address(trigger.data.to))
bounce("invalid withdrawal address: " || trigger.data.to);
$address = trigger.data.to;
$address = trigger.address;
$amount = trigger.data.amount OTHERWISE $balance;
if ($amount > $balance)
bounce("withdrawal amount too large, balance: " || $balance);
"messages": [
"app": "payment",
"payload": {
"asset": "base",
"outputs": [
"address": "{$address}",
"amount": "{$amount}"
"app": "state",
"state": "{
var[$key] -= $amount;
response[$address] = -$amount;
"if": "{ trigger.data.expire AND $asset AND !$expired AND timestamp > $expiry_ts }",
"messages": [
"app": "state",
"state": "{
$exchange_rate_last = data_feed[[oracles=$oracle, feed_name=$feed_name]];
$exchange_rate_ma = data_feed[[oracles=$oracle, feed_name=$ma_feed_name]];
if (abs($exchange_rate_last - $exchange_rate_ma) > 0.05 * $exchange_rate_ma)
bounce('recent price changes are too fast');
if (balance[base]/1e9 * min($exchange_rate_ma, $exchange_rate_last) < var['circulating_supply']/10^$decimals * $liquidation_ratio)
var['expiry_exchange_rate'] = $exchange_rate_last;
response['expiry_exchange_rate'] = $exchange_rate_last;
"if": "{ $asset AND trigger.output[[asset=$asset]] > 0 AND !$insolvent AND $expired }",
"init": "{
$asset_amount = trigger.output[[asset=$asset]];
$underlying_amount = $amount / 10^$decimals;
$gb_amount = $underlying_amount / $expiry_exchange_rate;
$bytes_amount = round($gb_amount * 1e9);
"messages": [
"app": "payment",
"payload": {
"asset": "base",
"outputs": [
"address": "{trigger.address}",
"amount": "{ $bytes_amount }"
"app": "state",
"state": "{
var['circulating_supply'] -= $asset_amount;
"if": "{ $asset AND trigger.output[[asset=base]] >= 1e5 AND $expired }",
"init": "{
$bytes_amount = trigger.output[[asset=base]] - 1000; // subtract a fee to compensate for network fees
$gb_amount = $amount / 1e9;
$underlying_amount = $gb_amount * $expiry_exchange_rate;
$asset_amount = round($underlying_amount * 10^$decimals);
"messages": [
"app": "payment",
"payload": {
"asset": "{$asset}",
"outputs": [
"address": "{trigger.address}",
"amount": "{ $asset_amount }"
"app": "state",
"state": "{
var['circulating_supply'] += $asset_amount;
"if": "{ trigger.output[[asset=base]] >= 1e5 AND $asset AND !$expired }",
"init": "{
$exchange_rate = data_feed[[oracles=$oracle, feed_name=$feed_name]];
$underlying_value = trigger.output[[asset=base]] / 1e9 * $exchange_rate;
$loan_value = $underlying_value / $overcollateralization_ratio;
if ($loan_value > $max_loan_value_in_underlying)
bounce('loan would be too large, please split it');
$loan_value_in_asset = round($loan_value * 10^$decimals);
"messages": [
"app": "payment",
"payload": {
"asset": "{$asset}",
"outputs": [
"address": "{trigger.address}",
"amount": "{ $loan_value_in_asset }"
"app": "state",
"state": "{
var[response_unit || '_owner'] = trigger.address;
var[response_unit || '_collateral'] = trigger.output[[asset=base]];
var[response_unit || '_amount'] = $loan_value_in_asset;
var['circulating_supply'] += $loan_value_in_asset;
response['amount'] = $loan_value_in_asset;
response['id'] = response_unit;