"autonomous agent",
"init": "{
$nom_AA = 'Emissions';
$_Registre = trigger.data._Registre; // * només x tests
// Retorna una dada del Registre
$__dada = $refdada =>
data_feed[[ oracles = $_Registre, feed_name = $refdada, ifnone = '' ]];
//$_Portal = $__dada( '_Portal' );
$_Portal = trigger.address; // * només x tests
if ( $_Portal != trigger.address ) bounce ( 'Portal no reconegut' );
$args = trigger.data;
$adr__ = trigger.initial_address;
$unitat = trigger.output[[ asset != base ]].asset;
$qt = trigger.output[[ asset = $unitat ]];
$proces = $args.proces;
$dades = $args.dades otherwise {};
$refgeto = 'geto_' || $args.nomgeto;
// Retorna una dada del getó referenciat
$dada_geto = $refval => $__dada( $refgeto || '_' || $refval );
$topall = $dada_geto( 'topall' );
if ( $proces == 'emissio' ) {
// L'aportació ha de ser en estels
if ( $unitat != $args.id_estels )
bounce ( 'Cal aportar-hi estels' );
// Només les admins...
$_AUT_A = $dada_geto( '_AUT_A' ) otherwise '';
$_AUT_B = $dada_geto( '_AUT_B' ) otherwise '';
$_AUT_C = $dada_geto( '_AUT_C' ) otherwise '';
$autoritzacio = $_AUT_A == $adr__ OR $_AUT_B == $adr__ OR $_AUT_C == $adr__;
if ( ! $autoritzacio )
bounce ( 'No autoritzada per administrar el getó' );
// La quantitat ha de ser superior a la mínima establerta
$minim = $__dada( 'Generacio_Minima' );
if ( $qt < $minim )
bounce ( 'Cal aportar-hi si més no ' || $minim || ' estels' );
// No es pot excedir el topall d'emissions establert
$total_emissions = $__dada( 'total_emissions_' || $refgeto ) otherwise 0;
if ( $topall < $total_emissions + $qt )
bounce ( 'Topall de ' || $topall || ' excedit. Total emissions: ' || $total_emissions );
$idgeto = $dada_geto( 'id' );
$_FOP = $dada_geto( '_FOP' );
$factor_conversio = $dada_geto( 'factor_conversio' );
$total_emissio = $qt * $factor_conversio;
$dades[ 'Total_emissions_' || $refgeto ] = $total_emissions + $total_emissio;
$ref_emissio = 'emissio_' || $args.ordinal;
$dades[ $ref_emissio || '_data' ] = timestamp;
$dades[ $ref_emissio || '_geto' ] = $refgeto;
$dades[ $ref_emissio || '_emissora' ] = $adr__;
$registre = {};
$registre.dades = $dades;
"messages": [
"if": "{ $proces == 'emissio' }",
"app": "payment",
"payload": {
"asset": "{ $idgeto }",
"outputs": [
"address": "{ $_FOP }",
"amount": "{ $total_emissio }"
"app": "state",
"state": "{
response[ 'Getó' ] = $refgeto;
if ( $proces == 'emissio' ) {
response[ 'Emissió' ] = $args.ordinal;
response[ 'Adreça emissora' ] = $adr__;
response[ 'FOP destinatari' ] = $_FOP;
response[ 'Estels aportats' ] = $qt;
response[ 'Factor de conversió' ] = $factor_conversio;
response[ 'Unitats emeses' ] = $total_emissio;
response[ 'Total emissions getó' ] = $total_emissions;
if ( $proces == 'dotacio' ) {
response[ 'Procés' ] = $proces;
response[ 'Topall' ] = $topall;
Show transactions in assets:
No transactions found, it may be worth changing the filter
Unit ID