"autonomous agent",
"init": "{
$asset_ct = 'hd936lRtPN11pkgNv8qVnqN2OHMyAp8P/NsLp6KsuqA=';
if(!var['-Last price'] and !trigger.data.price){
bounce('Price must be defined before first exchange');
//bytes per 1 asset
$ratio = round(trigger.data.price);
if($ratio <= 0){
bounce('Price not allowed');
$ratio = var['-Last price'];
$addr = trigger.address;
$base_inp = trigger.output[[asset=base]] - 700;
if(trigger.output[[asset!=base]].asset != 'none')
$asset = trigger.output[[asset!=base]].asset;
if($asset == 'ambiguous')
bounce('Only 1 asset per tx');
if($asset != $asset_ct)
bounce('Asset not allowed, please send ' || $asset_ct);
$asset_inp = (trigger.output[[asset!=base]] != 0) ? trigger.output[[asset!=base]] : bounce('Zero asset tx');
//user amounts-price
$base_key = $addr || $ratio || 'b';
$asset_key = $addr || $ratio;
//total amounts-price
$total_key = 'b' || $ratio;
$total_asset_key = 'a' || $ratio;
//exchanged amounts, allow users to withdraw afterwards
$exch_key = 'b_' || $ratio ;
$exch_asset_key = 'a_' || $ratio ;
//exchanged amounts are 'protected' until owners withdraw
$max_b_to_exchange = var[$total_key] - var[$exch_key];
$max_a_to_exchange = var[$total_asset_key] - var[$exch_asset_key];
//base_inp without leftover bytes
$base_inp_round = ($base_inp - ($base_inp % $ratio));
$base_inp_in_asset = $base_inp_round/$ratio;
$asset_inp_in_bytes = $asset_inp*$ratio;
//allowed if there is exchanged amount and user deposited previously
$withdraw_asset = var[$exch_asset_key] and var[$base_key] and var[$exch_asset_key] > 0 and var[$base_key] > 0;
$withdraw_base = var[$exch_key] and var[$asset_key] and var[$exch_key] > 0 and var[$asset_key] > 0;
//allowed if there is amount to exchange and user did not deposit previously for this price
$exchange_asset = $asset and $byte_amount and !var[$base_key];
$exchange_base = !$asset and $asset_amount and !var[$asset_key];
//allowed if user has non-filled or partial filled orders to cancel
$cancel_asset = trigger.data.cancel and var[$asset_key] and var[$asset_key] > 0;
$cancel_base = trigger.data.cancel and var[$base_key] and var[$base_key] > 0;
"messages": {
"cases": [
"if": "{
$withdraw_asset or $withdraw_base
"init": "{
$withdraw_key = $withdraw_asset ? $exch_asset_key : $exch_key;
$w_total_key = $withdraw_asset ? $total_asset_key : $total_key;
$max_to_withdraw = $withdraw_asset ? (var[$base_key] / $ratio) : (var[$asset_key] * $ratio);
$key = $withdraw_asset ? $base_key : $asset_key;
//user can withdraw all their exchanged amount or a part of their exchanged amount (rest of order could be cancel)
$withdraw_amount = (var[$withdraw_key] <= $max_to_withdraw) ? var[$withdraw_key] : $max_to_withdraw;
"messages": [
"app": "payment",
"payload": {
"asset": "base",
"outputs": [
"address": "{$addr}",
"amount": "{ $withdraw_asset ? $base_inp : ($withdraw_amount + $base_inp) }"
"if": "{$withdraw_asset}",
"app": "payment",
"payload": {
"asset": "{$asset_ct}",
"outputs": [
"address": "{$addr}",
"amount": "{$withdraw_amount}"
"app": "state",
"state": "{
//substract withdrawn amount
var[$w_total_key] -= $withdraw_amount;
if(var[$w_total_key] == 0)var[$w_total_key] = false;
//substract exchanged amount
var[$withdraw_key] -= $withdraw_amount;
if(var[$withdraw_key] == 0)var[$withdraw_key] = false;
//substract user deposit
var[$key] -= $withdraw_asset ? ($withdraw_amount * $ratio) : ($withdraw_amount / $ratio);
if(var[$key] == 0)var[$key] = false;
response['message'] = 'withdrawn exchanged amount ('||$withdraw_asset ? 'assets': 'bytes' ||') at '||$ratio||' bytes per token';
"if": "{
//user sent assets
if($max_b_to_exchange and $max_b_to_exchange > 0 and !trigger.data.cancel){
//there are bytes to exchange
if($asset_inp_in_bytes > $max_b_to_exchange){
//user sent more amount than allowed, exchange to max allowed
$byte_amount = $max_b_to_exchange;
$asset_amount = (($asset_inp_in_bytes - $max_b_to_exchange) - (($asset_inp_in_bytes - $max_b_to_exchange) % $ratio)) / $ratio;
//user sent less or equal amount than allowed, exchange to user input
$byte_amount = $asset_inp_in_bytes;
$asset_amount = 0;
//there are no bytes to exchange, deposit allowed unless order cancelation
$deposit = true;
//user sent bytes
if($max_a_to_exchange and $max_a_to_exchange > 0 and !trigger.data.cancel){
//there are assets to exchange
if($base_inp_in_asset > $max_a_to_exchange){
//user sent more amount than allowed, exchange to max allowed
$asset_amount = $max_a_to_exchange;
$byte_amount = ($base_inp_in_asset - $max_a_to_exchange) * $ratio;
//user sent less or equal amount than allowed, exchange to user input
//fail fast to let user know
if($base_inp_in_asset == 0)
bounce('Not enough funds for minimum');
$asset_amount = $base_inp_in_asset;
$byte_amount = 0;
//there are no assets to exchange, deposit allowed unless order cancelation
$deposit = true;
$exchange_asset or $exchange_base
"messages": [
"if": "{$exchange_asset or $byte_amount > 0}",
"app": "payment",
"payload": {
"asset": "base",
"outputs": [
"address": "{$addr}",
"amount": "{$exchange_asset ? ($byte_amount + $base_inp) : $byte_amount}"
"if": "{$exchange_base or $asset_amount > 0}",
"app": "payment",
"payload": {
"asset": "{$asset_ct}",
"outputs": [
"address": "{$addr}",
"amount": "{$asset_amount}"
"app": "state",
"state": "{
var['-Last price'] = $ratio;
//sum exchanged amount
var[$total_asset_key] += $asset_inp - $asset_amount;
var[$exch_asset_key] += $asset_inp - $asset_amount;
//substract taken amount
var[$total_key] -= $byte_amount;if(var[$total_key] == 0)var[$total_key] = false;
response['message'] = 'sold '||($asset_inp - $asset_amount)||' assets for '||($byte_amount)||' bytes';
//sum exchanged amount
var[$total_key] += $base_inp_round - $byte_amount;
var[$exch_key] += $base_inp_round - $byte_amount;
//substract taken amount
var[$total_asset_key] -= $asset_amount;if(var[$total_asset_key] == 0)var[$total_asset_key] = false;
response['message'] = 'bought '||($asset_amount)||' assets for '||($base_inp_round - $byte_amount)||' bytes';
"if": "{ //if we are here, means user does not fulfill conditions to withdraw
$cancel_asset or $cancel_base
"init": "{
$max_to_cancel = $cancel_asset ? $max_a_to_exchange : $max_b_to_exchange;
$key = $cancel_asset ? $asset_key : $base_key;
$cancel_tot_key = $cancel_asset ? $total_asset_key : $total_key;
//just in case
if($max_to_cancel <= 0){
bounce('Not allowed');
//cancel all amount if possible
$cancel_amount = ($max_to_cancel <= var[$key]) ? $max_to_cancel : var[$key];
"messages": [
"app": "payment",
"payload": {
"asset": "base",
"outputs": [
"address": "{$addr}",
"amount": "{$cancel_asset ? $base_inp : ($cancel_amount + $base_inp)}"
"if": "{$cancel_asset}",
"app": "payment",
"payload": {
"asset": "{$asset_ct}",
"outputs": [
"address": "{$addr}",
"amount": "{$cancel_amount}"
"app": "state",
"state": "{
var[$cancel_tot_key] -= $cancel_amount;
if(var[$cancel_tot_key] == 0)var[$cancel_tot_key] = false;
var[$key] -= $cancel_amount;
if(var[$key] == 0)var[$key] = false;
response['message'] = 'canceled order ('||$cancel_asset?'sell':'buy'||' at '||$ratio||' bytes per token)';
"if": "{
$deposit otherwise bounce('Deposit not allowed, please cancel order first')
"messages": [
"if": "{$asset}",
"app": "payment",
"payload": {
"asset": "base",
"outputs": [
"address": "{$addr}",
"amount": "{$base_inp}"
"app": "state",
"state": "{
var[$total_asset_key] += $asset_inp;
var[$asset_key] += $asset_inp;
response['message'] = 'deposited '||$asset_inp||' assets to sell at '||$ratio||' bytes per token';
var[$total_key] += $base_inp_round;
var[$base_key] += $base_inp_round;
response['message'] = 'deposited '||$base_inp_round||' bytes to buy at '||$ratio||' bytes per token';