Unit ID
11.09.2019 18:00:45
Confirmation delay (full node)
5 minutes 7 seconds
Confirmation delay (light node)
9 minutes 2 seconds
Definition: [ "autonomous agent", { "init": "{ $release_fee = 1000; $balance_key = 'balance_'||trigger.address; $timestamp_key = 'timestamp_'||trigger.address; }", "messages": { "cases": [ { "if": "{trigger.data.keep}", "init": "{ if (!trigger.data.seconds AND !var[$balance_key]) bounce("Please add 'seconds' data field with number of seconds to lock the bytes."); //if (trigger.data.seconds AND typeof(trigger.data.seconds) != "number") bounce("Only numbers are allowed in the 'seconds' field."); }", "messages": [ { "app": "state", "state": "{ //if (trigger.data.seconds AND !var[$balance_key]) //$release_timestamp = timestamp + trigger.data.seconds; //var[$balance_key] = (var[$balance_key]? var[$balance_key]:0) + trigger.output[[asset=base]]; //response['message'] = "Total number of locked bytes is "|| var[$balance_key] || " bytes. You can withdraw bytes after the last stable unit after"|| timestamp_to_string($release_timestamp) || ". You can withdraw your bytes only from the address you made this deposit: " || trigger.address || ". Please make a wallet backup and store it in a safe place."; //var[$timestamp_key] = $release_timestamp; response['message'] = parse_date(trigger.data.seconds); }" } ] }, { "if": "{trigger.data.release}", "init": "{ if (!var[$balance_key]) bounce('No bytes to release for this address.'); if (var[$timestamp_key] > timestamp) bounce('The release date has not come yet. Bytes are locked till '||timestamp_to_string(var[$timestamp_key], 'datetime')); if (var[$balance_key] <= $release_fee) bounce('Bytes amount is less than ' || $release_fee || ' bytes fee.'); }", "messages": [ { "app": "payment", "payload": { "asset": "base", "outputs": [ { "address": "{trigger.address}", "amount": "{ var[$balance_key] - $release_fee}" } ] } }, { "app": "state", "state": "{ response['message'] = var[$balance_key] || ' bytes will be released. Transaction fee is ' || $release_fee || ' bytes. You will receive ' || (var[$balance_key] - $release_fee) || ' bytes to your account.'; var[$balance_key] = false; var[$timestamp_key] = false; }" } ] }, { "messages": [ { "app": "state", "state": "{ bounce("Welcome user! If you want to store your bytes please add 'keep' data field with any value and 'seconds' data field with number of seconds the bytes will be locked. If you want to withdraw previously deposited bytes add 'release' data field. Otherwise the transaction will be bounced."); }" } ] } ] } } ]
Technical information
2,826 bytes
(353 headers, 2473 payload)
Witnessed level:1055956
Main chain index:1054736
Latest included mc index:1054735