Definition: [
"autonomous agent",
"bounce_fees": {
"base": 10000
"init": "{
// Store an easy accessible proof that You Were Holding Asset In The Past to be used by an AA.
$name = "DAG Snapshot for AA";
// made to be used by an other AA via var[this_aa_address][sha256($address||$asset||$timestamp)]
// The user trigger the this AA with information and the AA store a state var linking address and timestamp to amount.
// will probably work only for funds on single address wallet :(
"messages": {
"cases": [
"if": "{ !! and !! and !! }",
"init": "{
$address = otherwise trigger.address;
if(!is_valid_address($address)) bounce ("invalid address");
$asset = otherwise "base";
$date_and_time = timestamp_to_string(timestamp);
if(!is_integer( )) bounce("invalid timestamp");
$first_timestamp = unit[unit[].mc_unit].timestamp;
if(!$first_timestamp) bounce ('first_unit not existing');
if($first_timestamp> bounce("first unit should be earlier than "||$date_and_time);
$second_timestamp = unit[unit[].mc_unit].timestamp;
if(!$second_timestamp) bounce ('first_unit not existing');
if(>$second_timestamp) bounce("second unit should be older than "||$date_and_time);
$amount_from_first = unit[].messages[[.app='payment', .asset=$asset]].payload.outputs[[.address=$address] ].amount;
if(!!$amount_from_first)bounce("asset not existing in first unit");
$amount_from_second= unit[].messages[[.app='payment', .asset=$asset]].payload.outputs[[.address=$address] ].amount;
if(!!$amount_from_second)bounce("asset not existing in second unit");
$prooven_amount = ($amount_from_first<$amount_from_second) ? $amount_from_first : $amount_from_second;
$id = sha256($address||$asset||; // to be able to use different assets and timestamps for a given address.
if (!!var[$id]) bounce ("proof already existing for "||var[$id]||' '||$asset);
"messages": [
"app": "state",
"state": "{
var[$id] = $amount;
response["message"] = $amount||' '||$asset||" proof stored";
"messages": [
"app": "state",
"state": "{
bounce ("I need a 'first_unit_id', 'second_unit_id' and 'timestamp', to store the 'hodling amount proof', the timestamp must be include betwwen the timestamp of the first and the second unit.");