Unit ID
30.12.2019 06:07:56
Confirmation delay (full node)
3 minutes 30 seconds
Confirmation delay (light node)
6 minutes 44 seconds
Definition: [ "autonomous agent", { "init": "{ if (trigger.output[[asset!=base]].asset != 'none') bounce('foreign coins'); $min_stake = 1e6; $min_reward = 10e6; $coef = 1.5; $overpayment_fee = 1000; $period_length = 3600; //$period_length = 3*24*3600; $exchange = trigger.data.exchange; $remove_wallet_id = trigger.data.remove_wallet_id; $add_wallet_id = trigger.data.add_wallet_id; $specified_key = trigger.data.operation_id; $commit = trigger.data.commit; $payment_amount = trigger.output[[asset=base]]; //input checking for variables used in different blocks if ($exchange AND length($exchange) > 40) bounce('exchange cannot be over 40 chars'); if ($exchange AND contains($exchange, '_')) bounce('exchange cannot contain underscore'); if ($remove_wallet_id AND $add_wallet_id) bounce('cannot remove and add'); $wallet_id = $remove_wallet_id ? $remove_wallet_id : $add_wallet_id; if ($wallet_id AND !is_integer(+$wallet_id)) bounce("wallet_id must be an integer"); if ($wallet_id AND $wallet_id > 1e14) bounce('wallet_id cannot be over 1e14'); }", "messages": { "cases": [ { "if": "{$specified_key OR $exchange AND $wallet_id }", "init": "{ if ($specified_key AND !var[$specified_key]) bounce("unknown operation"); if ($specified_key AND var[$specified_key] != 'committed' AND !$commit) bounce('this operation is not committed'); if ($specified_key){ $key = $specified_key; $pair = var[$key || '_pair']; } else { $pair = 'pair_' || $exchange || '_' || $wallet_id; $num = var[$pair || '_number'] otherwise 0; $old_key = 'operation_' || $exchange || '_' || $wallet_id || '_' || ($num); if ((!$num OR var[$old_key] == 'committed') AND !$commit) $key = 'operation_' || $exchange || '_' || $wallet_id || '_' || ($num + 1); else $key = $old_key; } }", "messages": { "cases": [ { "if": "{ if ($commit) return false; if ($payment_amount <= 10000) return false; if ($payment_amount < $min_stake) bounce("min stake is" || $min_stake); if ($specified_key) bounce("you can specify operation id only for withdrawal"); $outcome = $add_wallet_id ? 'in' : 'out'; $bInitialStake = !var[$key]; if ($bInitialStake){ if($remove_wallet_id AND (!var[$pair ||"_committed_outcome"] OR var[$pair||"_committed_outcome"] == $outcome)) bounce("this wallet id is not active"); if($add_wallet_id AND var[$pair||"_committed_outcome"] AND $outcome == var[$pair||"_committed_outcome"]) bounce("committed outcome for this pair is already " || $outcome); $pool_id = trigger.data.pool_id; if (!$pool_id) bounce('please specify a reward pool id'); if (!is_integer(+$pool_id)) bounce("pool_id must be an integer"); $number_of_rewards = var['pool_' || $pool_id || '_number_of_rewards']; if (!$number_of_rewards) bounce("pool " || $pool_id || " doesn't exist or is empty"); $pool_exchange = var['pool_' || $pool_id || '_exchange']; if ($pool_exchange AND $pool_exchange != $exchange) bounce("pool " || $pool_id || " is for exchange " || $pool_exchange || " only"); return true; } // else expect a counterstake if (timestamp - var[$key || '_countdown_start'] > $period_length) bounce('challenging period expired'); $current_outcome = var[$key || '_outcome']; if ($current_outcome == $outcome) bounce('staking on the current outcome is not allowed'); $stake_on_current_outcome = var[$key || '_total_staked_on_' || $current_outcome]; $stake_on_proposed_outcome = var[$key || '_total_staked_on_' || $outcome]; $required_to_challenge = round($coef * $stake_on_current_outcome); $would_override_current_outcome = ($stake_on_proposed_outcome + $payment_amount >= $required_to_challenge); if ($would_override_current_outcome) $excess = $stake_on_proposed_outcome + $payment_amount - $required_to_challenge; true }", "messages": [ { "if": "{$excess}", "app": "payment", "payload": { "asset": "base", "outputs": [ { "address": "{trigger.address}", "amount": "{$excess - $overpayment_fee}" } ] } }, { "app": "state", "state": "{ if ($bInitialStake){ var[$pair || '_exchange'] = $exchange; var[$pair || '_wallet_id'] = $wallet_id; var[$key || '_pair'] = $pair; var[$pair || '_number'] += 1; var[$key] = 'onreview'; var[$key || '_initial_outcome'] = $outcome; var[$key || '_initial_reporter'] = trigger.address; var['pool_' || $pool_id || '_number_of_rewards'] -= 1; var[$key || '_pool_id'] = $pool_id; // we'll need it if the feed is not accepted and the reward needs to be returned to the pool response['pool_id'] = $pool_id; response['expected_reward'] = var['pool_' || $pool_id || '_reward_amount']; } response['proposed_outcome'] = $outcome; if ($bInitialStake OR $would_override_current_outcome){ var[$key || '_countdown_start'] = timestamp; var[$key || '_outcome'] = $outcome; response['outcome'] = $outcome; } else response['outcome'] = $current_outcome; $accepted_amount = $payment_amount - $excess; var[$key || '_total_staked'] += $accepted_amount; var[$key || '_total_staked_on_' || $outcome] += $accepted_amount; var[$key || '_total_staked_on_' || $outcome || '_by_' || trigger.address] += $accepted_amount; $url_1 = trigger.data.url_1; $url_2 = trigger.data.url_2; $url_3 = trigger.data.url_3; $url_4 = trigger.data.url_4; $url_5 = trigger.data.url_5; if ($url_1 AND length($url_1) > 256) bounce('url_1 cannot be over 256 chars'); if ($url_2 AND length($url_2) > 256) bounce('url_2 cannot be over 256 chars'); if ($url_3 AND length($url_3) > 256) bounce('url_3 cannot be over 256 chars'); if ($url_4 AND length($url_4) > 256) bounce('url_4 cannot be over 256 chars'); if ($url_5 AND length($url_5) > 256) bounce('url_5 cannot be over 256 chars'); if($url_1){ var[$key || '_url_id_proof_for_' || $outcome] += 1; $url_1_id = var[$key || '_url_id_proof_for_' || $outcome]; var[$key || '_url_proof_for_' || $outcome ||'_' || $url_1_id] = $url_1; } if($url_2){ var[$key || '_url_id_proof_for_' || $outcome] += 1; $url_2_id = var[$key || '_url_id_proof_for_' || $outcome]; var[$key || '_url_proof_for_' || $outcome ||'_' || $url_2_id] = $url_2; } if($url_3){ var[$key || '_url_id_proof_for_' || $outcome] += 1; $url_3_id = var[$key || '_url_id_proof_for_' || $outcome]; var[$key || '_url_proof_for_' || $outcome ||'_' || $url_3_id] = $url_3; } if($url_4){ var[$key || '_url_id_proof_for_' || $outcome] += 1; $url_4_id = var[$key || '_url_id_proof_for_' || $outcome]; var[$key || '_url_proof_for_' || $outcome ||'_' || $url_4_id] = $url_4; } if($url_5){ var[$key || '_url_id_proof_for_' || $outcome] += 1; $url_5_id = var[$key || '_url_id_proof_for_' || $outcome]; var[$key || '_url_proof_for_' || $outcome ||'_' || $url_5_id] = $url_5; } response['operation_id'] = $key; response['staked_on_in'] = var[$key || '_total_staked_on_in']; response['staked_on_out'] = var[$key || '_total_staked_on_out'] otherwise 0; response['your_address'] = trigger.address; response['accepted_amount'] = $accepted_amount; response['your_stake'] = var[$key || '_total_staked_on_' || $outcome || '_by_' || trigger.address]; }" } ] }, { "if": "{ if (!$commit) return false; if (!var[$key]) bounce('unknown operation'); if (var[$key] == 'committed') bounce('already committed'); if (timestamp - var[$key || '_countdown_start'] <= $period_length) bounce('challenge period is still running'); $pool_id = var[$key || '_pool_id']; $outcome = var[$key || '_outcome']; // immediately pay to the initial reporter. Other stakers (if any) will have to manually request withdrawals $address = var[$key || '_initial_reporter']; $initial_reporter_stake = var[$key || '_total_staked_on_' || $outcome || '_by_' || $address]; $require_datafeed = var[$key || '_initial_outcome'] == $outcome; if ($initial_reporter_stake){ $reward = var['pool_' || $pool_id || '_reward_amount']; $total_winning_stake = var[$key || '_total_staked_on_' || $outcome]; $total_stake = var[$key || '_total_staked']; $amount = round($initial_reporter_stake / $total_winning_stake * $total_stake); $full_amount = $amount + $reward; } true }", "messages": [ { "if": "{$require_datafeed AND $outcome == 'in'}", "app": "data_feed", "payload": { "{$exchange}": "{$wallet_id}" } }, { "if": "{$require_datafeed AND $outcome == 'out'}", "app": "data_feed", "payload": { "{$exchange}": "{"-"||$wallet_id}" } }, { "if": "{$initial_reporter_stake}", "app": "payment", "payload": { "asset": "base", "outputs": [ { "address": "{$address}", "amount": "{$full_amount}" } ] } }, { "app": "state", "state": "{ var[$key] = 'committed'; var[$pair||"_committed_outcome"] = $outcome; if ($initial_reporter_stake){ var[$key || '_total_staked_on_' || $outcome || '_by_' || $address] = false; response['paid_out_amount'] = $full_amount; response['paid_out_address'] = $address; } else // return the reward to the pool var['pool_' || $pool_id || '_number_of_rewards'] += 1; response['pair'] = $pair; response['operation_id'] = $key; response['committed_outcome'] = $outcome; }" } ] }, { "if": "{ if (!trigger.data.withdraw) return false; if (!var[$key]) bounce('unknown feed'); if (var[$key] != 'committed') bounce('not committed yet'); $address = trigger.data.address otherwise trigger.address; // withdrawal can be triggered by anybody $outcome = var[$key || '_outcome']; $my_stake = var[$key || '_total_staked_on_' || $outcome || '_by_' || $address]; if (!$my_stake) bounce("you didn't stake on the winning outcome or you already withdrew"); $total_winning_stake = var[$key || '_total_staked_on_' || $outcome]; $total_stake = var[$key || '_total_staked']; $amount = round($my_stake / $total_winning_stake * $total_stake); true }", "messages": [ { "app": "payment", "payload": { "asset": "base", "outputs": [ { "address": "{$address}", "amount": "{$amount}" } ] } }, { "app": "state", "state": "{ var[$key || '_total_staked_on_' || $outcome || '_by_' || $address] = false; response['message'] = "paid " || $amount || " bytes"; response['pair'] = $pair; response['operation_id'] = $key; response['paid_out_amount'] = $amount; response['paid_out_address'] = $address; }" } ] } ] } }, { "if": "{trigger.data.reward_amount AND trigger.data.number_of_rewards}", "init": "{ $reward_amount = +trigger.data.reward_amount; if (!is_integer($reward_amount)) bounce("reward_amount must be an integer"); if ($reward_amount < $min_reward) bounce('reward_amount must be at least ' || $min_reward || ' bytes'); $number_of_rewards = +trigger.data.number_of_rewards; if (!is_integer($number_of_rewards)) bounce("number_of_rewards must be an integer"); $expected_amount = $reward_amount * $number_of_rewards; if ($payment_amount != $expected_amount) bounce('wrong amount received, expected: ' || $expected_amount); }", "messages": [ { "app": "state", "state": "{ var['pool_id'] += 1; $pool_id = var['pool_id']; var['pool_' || $pool_id || '_sponsor'] = trigger.address; var['pool_' || $pool_id || '_reward_amount'] = $reward_amount; var['pool_' || $pool_id || '_number_of_rewards'] = $number_of_rewards; if ($exchange) // the pool can be for one feed name only or general var['pool_' || $pool_id || '_exchange'] = $exchange; response['created_pool'] = $pool_id; response['amount'] = $number_of_rewards * $reward_amount; response['your_address'] = trigger.address; response['message'] = "created a reward pool " || $pool_id || " of " || $expected_amount || " bytes"; }" } ] }, { "if": "{trigger.data.withdraw_pool AND trigger.data.pool_id}", "init": "{ $pool_id = trigger.data.pool_id; $sponsor = var['pool_' || $pool_id || '_sponsor']; if (!$sponsor) bounce('no such pool: ' || $pool_id); if ($sponsor != trigger.address) bounce('not your pool: ' || $pool_id); $number_of_rewards = var['pool_' || $pool_id || '_number_of_rewards']; // can be less than the initial number as some rewards might be already consumed or locked if (!$number_of_rewards) bounce('pool ' || $pool_id || ' is already empty'); $reward_amount = var['pool_' || $pool_id || '_reward_amount']; }", "messages": [ { "app": "payment", "payload": { "asset": "base", "outputs": [ { "address": "{trigger.address}", "amount": "{$number_of_rewards * $reward_amount}" } ] } }, { "app": "state", "state": "{ var['pool_' || $pool_id || '_number_of_rewards'] = false; response['destroyed_pool'] = $pool_id; response['amount'] = $number_of_rewards * $reward_amount; response['message'] = "destroyed reward pool " || $pool_id; }" } ] }, { "if": "{trigger.data.nickname}", "init": "{ $nickname = trigger.data.nickname; if ($nickname AND length($nickname) < 3) bounce('Nickname must be over at least 3 chars'); if ($nickname AND length($nickname) > 50) bounce("Nickname can't be over 50 chars"); if ($nickname AND contains($nickname, '_')) bounce('Nickname cannot contain underscore'); }", "messages": [ { "app": "state", "state": "{ var['nickname_' || trigger.address] = trigger.data.nickname; response['your_address'] = trigger.address; response['nickname'] = trigger.data.nickname; response['message'] = "Nickname changed for " || trigger.data.nickname; }" } ] } ] } } ]
Technical information
14,321 bytes
(353 headers, 13968 payload)
Witnessed level:1173470
Main chain index:1172213
Latest included mc index:1172212