Unit ID
31.10.2020 18:34:14
Confirmation delay (full node)
4 minutes 40 seconds
Confirmation delay (light node)
6 minutes 35 seconds
Definition: [ "autonomous agent", { "doc_url": "https://ostable.org/bonded-stablecoin-factory.json", "init": "{ $stablecoin_base_aa = '3RNNDX57C36E76JLG2KAQSIASAYVGAYG'; $stablecoin_deposit_base_aa = 'GEZGVY4T3LK6N4NJAKNHNQIVAI5OYHPC'; }", "messages": { "cases": [ { "if": "{trigger.data.asset1 AND var['curve_' || trigger.address]}", "init": "{ $deposit_aa = [ 'autonomous agent', { base_aa: $stablecoin_deposit_base_aa, params: { curve_aa: trigger.address } } ]; $deposit_aa_address = chash160($deposit_aa); }", "messages": [ { "app": "definition", "payload": { "definition": "{$deposit_aa}" } }, { "app": "payment", "payload": { "asset": "base", "outputs": [ { "address": "{ $deposit_aa_address }", "amount": 6000 } ] } }, { "app": "data", "payload": { "define": 1, "factory": "{this_address}" } }, { "app": "state", "state": "{ $governance_aa_address = unit[trigger.unit].messages[[.app='definition']].payload.address; var['asset_' || trigger.address || '_1'] = trigger.data.asset1; var['asset_' || trigger.address || '_2'] = trigger.unit; var['deposit_aa_' || trigger.address] = $deposit_aa_address; var['governance_aa_' || trigger.address] = $governance_aa_address; response['asset_1'] = trigger.data.asset1; response['asset_2'] = trigger.unit; response['address'] = trigger.address; response['deposit_aa'] = $deposit_aa_address; response['governance_aa'] = $governance_aa_address; }" } ] }, { "if": "{trigger.data.write_stable_asset AND var['deposit_aa_' || trigger.data.curve_aa] == trigger.address}", "messages": [ { "app": "state", "state": "{ var['asset_' || trigger.data.curve_aa || '_stable'] = trigger.unit; }" } ] }, { "init": "{ $reserve_asset = trigger.data.reserve_asset OTHERWISE 'base'; if (!asset[$reserve_asset].exists) bounce("reserve asset " || $reserve_asset || " does not exist"); $reserve_asset_decimals = trigger.data.reserve_asset_decimals; if (!is_integer($reserve_asset_decimals) OR $reserve_asset_decimals < 0 OR $reserve_asset_decimals > 14) bounce("bad reserve_asset_decimals"); $decimals1 = trigger.data.decimals1; if (!is_integer($decimals1) OR $decimals1 < 0 OR $decimals1 > 14) bounce("bad decimals1"); $decimals2 = trigger.data.decimals2; if (!is_integer($decimals2) OR $decimals2 < 0 OR $decimals2 > 14) bounce("bad decimals2"); $m = trigger.data.m OTHERWISE 2; if (typeof($m) != 'number' OR $m < 0) bounce("bad m"); $n = trigger.data.n OTHERWISE 1/2; if (typeof($n) != 'number' OR $n < 0) bounce("bad n"); $leverage = trigger.data.leverage OTHERWISE 0; if (typeof($leverage) != 'number') bounce("bad leverage"); $interest_rate = trigger.data.interest_rate OTHERWISE 0; if (typeof($interest_rate) != 'number' OR $interest_rate < 0) bounce("bad interest_rate"); $fee_multiplier = trigger.data.fee_multiplier OTHERWISE 5; if (typeof($fee_multiplier) != 'number' OR $fee_multiplier <= 0) bounce("bad fee_multiplier"); $moved_capacity_share = trigger.data.moved_capacity_share OTHERWISE 0.1; if (typeof($moved_capacity_share) != 'number' OR $moved_capacity_share <= 0) bounce("bad moved_capacity_share"); $threshold_distance = trigger.data.threshold_distance OTHERWISE 0.01; if (typeof($threshold_distance) != 'number' OR $threshold_distance <= 0) bounce("bad threshold_distance"); $move_capacity_timeout = trigger.data.move_capacity_timeout OTHERWISE 2*3600; if (!is_integer($move_capacity_timeout) OR $move_capacity_timeout <= 0) bounce("bad move_capacity_timeout"); $slow_capacity_share = trigger.data.slow_capacity_share; // use AA default if missing if (exists($slow_capacity_share) AND (typeof($slow_capacity_share) != 'number' OR $slow_capacity_share < 0)) bounce("bad slow_capacity_share"); $params = { leverage: $leverage, m: $m, n: $n, allow_grants: !!trigger.data.allow_grants, allow_oracle_change: !!trigger.data.allow_oracle_change, reserve_asset: $reserve_asset, reserve_asset_decimals: $reserve_asset_decimals, decimals1: $decimals1, decimals2: $decimals2, interest_rate: $interest_rate, fee_multiplier: $fee_multiplier, moved_capacity_share: $moved_capacity_share, threshold_distance: $threshold_distance, move_capacity_timeout: $move_capacity_timeout, slow_capacity_share: $slow_capacity_share, }; foreach(['oracle1', 'oracle2', 'oracle3'], 3, $p => { $oracle = trigger.data[$p]; if (exists($oracle) AND !is_valid_address($oracle)) bounce("bad " || $p); $params[$p] = $oracle; }); foreach(['feed_name1', 'feed_name2', 'feed_name3'], 3, $p => { $feed_name = trigger.data[$p]; if (exists($feed_name) AND typeof($feed_name) != 'string') bounce("bad " || $p); $params[$p] = $feed_name; }); foreach(['op1', 'op2', 'op3'], 3, $p => { $op = trigger.data[$p]; if (exists($op) AND $op != '*' AND $op != '/') bounce("bad " || $p); $params[$p] = $op; }); $governance_params = ['regular_challenging_period', 'important_challenging_period', 'freeze_period', 'proposal_min_support']; foreach($governance_params, 4, $p => { $value = trigger.data[$p]; // use AA default if missing if (exists($value)) { if ($p == 'proposal_min_support'){ if (typeof($value) != 'number' OR $value < 0 OR $value > 1) bounce("bad " || $p); } else { if (!is_integer($value) OR $value < 0) bounce("bad " || $p); } $params[$p] = $value; } }); $deposit_params = ['min_deposit_term', 'challenging_period', 'challenge_immunity_period', 'reporter_share']; foreach($deposit_params, 4, $p => { if (exists(trigger.data.deposits[$p])) // nested list of params $value = trigger.data.deposits[$p]; else if (exists(trigger.data['deposits.' || $p])) // flat list $value = trigger.data['deposits.' || $p]; else return; // use AA default if missing if ($p == 'reporter_share'){ if (typeof($value) != 'number' OR $value < 0 OR $value > 1) bounce("bad " || $p); } else { if (!is_integer($value) OR $value < 0) bounce("bad " || $p); } $params.deposits[$p] = $value; }); $curve_aa = [ 'autonomous agent', { base_aa: $stablecoin_base_aa, params: $params } ]; $curve_aa_address = chash160($curve_aa); }", "messages": [ { "app": "payment", "payload": { "asset": "base", "outputs": [ { "address": "{ $curve_aa_address }", "amount": 8000 } ] } }, { "app": "data", "payload": { "define": 1, "factory": "{this_address}" } }, { "app": "definition", "payload": { "definition": "{$curve_aa}" } }, { "app": "state", "state": "{ // $aa_address = unit[response_unit].messages[[.app='definition']].payload.address; var['curve_' || $curve_aa_address] = "s1^"||$m||" s2^"||$n; }" } ] } ] } } ]
Technical information
7,774 bytes
(452 headers, 7322 payload)
Witnessed level:1718265
Main chain index:1710725
Latest included mc index:1710724