Unit ID
04.01.2023 18:27:39
Confirmation delay (full node)
4 minutes 18 seconds
Confirmation delay (light node)
8 minutes 20 seconds
Definition: [ "autonomous agent", { "doc_url": "https://obyte.org/obby-forms-store-aa.json", "init": "{ $challenging_period = 30*24*3600; $grace_period = 30*24*3600; // new address can change their symbol immediately during this period after the first registration, if a new symbol got overwhelming support over the previous symbol $overwhelming_multiplier = 5; $min_amount = 1e8; $amount = trigger.output[[asset=base]]; $drawer = trigger.data.drawer OTHERWISE 0; if (!is_integer($drawer)) bounce("drawer must be integer"); if ($drawer != 0 AND $drawer != 1 AND $drawer != 7 AND $drawer != 30 AND $drawer != 90 AND $drawer != 180 AND $drawer != 360) bounce("bad drawer: " || $drawer); $symbol = trigger.data.symbol; if ($symbol){ if (typeof($symbol) != 'string') bounce("symbol must be string"); if ($symbol != to_lower($symbol)) bounce("symbol must be lowercase"); if (length($symbol) > 20) bounce("symbol must be max 20 characters long"); if ($symbol == 'store' OR $symbol == 'editor' OR $symbol == 'docs' OR $symbol == 'agent') bounce("bad symbol"); if (contains($symbol, "/")) bounce("url must not be followed by a slash"); if (!has_only($symbol, "a-z0-9")) bounce("url must not valid"); } $description = trigger.data.description; if ($description){ if (typeof($description) != 'string') bounce("description must be string"); if (length($description) > 140) bounce("description must be max 140 characters long"); } $url = trigger.data.url; if (exists($url)){ if ($url != to_lower($url)) bounce("url must be lower"); if (contains($url, "/")) bounce("url must not be followed by a slash"); } $address = trigger.data.address; if ($address){ if (!is_aa($address)) bounce("address is not AA"); } }", "messages": { "cases": [ { "if": "{ trigger.data.withdraw AND trigger.data.amount AND $address AND $symbol }", "init": "{ $drawer_key = trigger.address || '_' || $drawer || '_' || $symbol || '_' || $address; if (var[$drawer_key] < trigger.data.amount) bounce("not enough funds in this drawer"); if ($drawer){ $expiry_ts = var[$drawer_key || '_expiry_ts']; if ($expiry_ts AND timestamp < $expiry_ts) bounce("warm-up period has not expired yet"); $allowed = !!$expiry_ts; // after expiry } else $allowed = true; }", "messages": [ { "if": "{$allowed}", "app": "payment", "payload": { "outputs": [ { "address": "{trigger.address}", "amount": "{trigger.data.amount}" } ] } }, { "app": "state", "state": "{ if ($allowed){ var[$drawer_key] -= trigger.data.amount; if ($drawer) var[$drawer_key || '_expiry_ts'] = false; // lock the drawer again var['support_' || $symbol || '_' || $address] -= trigger.data.amount; // if the support drops below some competitor, the current leader is not updated automatically, someone has to trigger the update with a new deposit (even a small one) var['balance_' || trigger.address || '_' || $address] -= trigger.data.amount; $desc_hash = var['desc_choice_' || $address || '_' || trigger.address]; if ($desc_hash) var['desc_support_' || $address || '_' || $desc_hash] -= trigger.data.amount; } else if (!$expiry_ts) var[$drawer_key || '_expiry_ts'] = timestamp + $drawer * 24 * 3600; }" } ] }, { "if": "{$description AND $url AND ($address OR $symbol) AND $amount < $min_amount}", "init": "{ if ($address){ $voted_address = $address; $voted_symbol = var['a2s_' || $voted_address]; } else { $voted_address = var['s2a_' || $symbol]; if (!$voted_address) bounce("no address found by symbol " || $symbol); $voted_symbol = $symbol; } $balance = var['balance_' || trigger.address || '_' || $voted_address]; if (!$balance) bounce("you have no balance in this address"); $desc_hash = sha256($description || $url); $current_my_desc_hash = var['desc_choice_' || $voted_address || '_' || trigger.address]; $current_desc_hash = var['current_desc_' || $voted_address]; $is_initial_desc = !$current_desc_hash; if ($is_initial_desc) $current_desc_changed = true; else if ($desc_hash != $current_desc_hash){ $new_desc_support = var['desc_support_' || $voted_address || '_' || $desc_hash] + $balance; $is_removed_support_from_current_desc = ($current_my_desc_hash AND $current_my_desc_hash == $current_desc_hash); $current_desc_support = var['desc_support_' || $voted_address || '_' || $current_desc_hash] - $is_removed_support_from_current_desc * $balance; $current_desc_changed = ($new_desc_support > $current_desc_support); } if ($current_desc_changed AND !$is_initial_desc){ $current_url = var['url_' || $current_desc_hash]; $url_changed = ($url != $current_url); } }", "messages": [ { "if": "{ ($is_initial_desc OR $url_changed) AND $voted_symbol }", "app": "data", "payload": { "address": "{$voted_address}", "name": "{$voted_symbol}", "url": "{$url}" } }, { "app": "state", "state": "{ if (!var['desc_' || $desc_hash]){ // a dictionary: description by its hash var['desc_' || $desc_hash] = $description; var['url_' || $desc_hash] = $url; } if ($current_my_desc_hash) // remove support from the previous description var['desc_support_' || $voted_address || '_' || $current_my_desc_hash] -= $balance; var['desc_choice_' || $voted_address || '_' || trigger.address] = $desc_hash; var['desc_support_' || $voted_address || '_' || $desc_hash] += $balance; if ($current_desc_changed){ var['current_desc_' || $voted_address] = $desc_hash; response['updated_support'] = var['desc_support_' || $voted_address || '_' || $desc_hash]; response['message'] = "Your description is now the current"; } }" } ] }, { "if": "{trigger.data.move AND trigger.data.wallet_address AND $drawer AND $address AND $symbol}", "init": "{ $drawer_key = trigger.data.wallet_address || '_' || $drawer || '_' || $symbol || '_' || $address; $balance = var[$drawer_key]; if (!$balance) bounce("nothing in this drawer"); $expiry_ts = var[$drawer_key || '_expiry_ts']; if (!$expiry_ts) bounce("warm-up period has not started yet"); if (timestamp < $expiry_ts) bounce("warm-up period has not expired yet"); $drawer_0_key = trigger.data.wallet_address || '_0_' || $symbol || '_' || $address; }", "messages": [ { "app": "state", "state": "{ var[$drawer_key] = false; var[$drawer_0_key] += $balance; var[$drawer_key || '_expiry_ts'] = false; // lock the (empty) drawer again response['message'] = "Moved " || $balance || " to drawer 0"; }" } ] }, { "if": "{$amount >= $min_amount AND $symbol AND $address }", "init": "{ $support = var['support_' || $symbol || '_' || $address] + $amount; $current_address = var['s2a_' || $symbol]; $current_symbol = var['a2s_' || $address]; $current_address_with_largest_support = var['by_largest_s2a_' || $symbol]; $current_symbol_with_largest_support = var['by_largest_a2s_' || $address]; if ($current_address AND !$current_address_with_largest_support) // should never happen bounce("no current address by largest support?"); if ($current_symbol AND !$current_symbol_with_largest_support) // should never happen bounce("no current symbol by largest support?"); // by symbol if (!$current_address_with_largest_support OR $current_address_with_largest_support != $address AND var['support_' || $symbol || '_' || $current_address_with_largest_support] < $support) $update_by_largest_s2a = true; $symbol_challenge_expiry_ts = var['expiry_ts_' || $symbol]; if (!$current_address){ // the symbol is not taken yet $s2a_ready = true; } else if ($current_address != $address AND var['support_' || $symbol || '_' || $current_address] < $support){ if (!$symbol_challenge_expiry_ts) // start a challenging period $schedule_symbol_expiry = true; else if (timestamp > $symbol_challenge_expiry_ts AND var['by_largest_s2a_' || $symbol] == $address){ $s2a_ready = true; } } else if ($current_address == $address AND var['by_largest_s2a_' || $symbol] == $address AND $symbol_challenge_expiry_ts AND timestamp > $symbol_challenge_expiry_ts) $end_symbol_expiry = true; // by address if (!$current_symbol_with_largest_support OR $current_symbol_with_largest_support != $symbol AND var['support_' || $current_symbol_with_largest_support || '_' || $address] < $support) $update_by_largest_a2s = true; $address_challenge_expiry_ts = var['expiry_ts_' || $address]; $current_symbol_support = var['support_' || $current_symbol || '_' || $address]; if (!$current_symbol){ $a2s_ready = true; } else if ($current_symbol != $symbol AND $current_symbol_support < $support){ $has_largest_support = ($current_symbol_with_largest_support == $symbol); $will_have_largest_support = ($has_largest_support OR $update_by_largest_a2s); $has_overwhelming_support = ($support > $overwhelming_multiplier * $current_symbol_support); $immediate = $will_have_largest_support AND $has_overwhelming_support AND timestamp < var['grace_expiry_ts_' || $address]; if (!$address_challenge_expiry_ts){ // start a challenging period or apply the change immediately if ($immediate){ $a2s_ready = true; } else $schedule_address_expiry = true; } else if ((timestamp > $address_challenge_expiry_ts OR $immediate) AND $has_largest_support){ $a2s_ready = true; } } else if ($current_symbol == $symbol AND $current_symbol_with_largest_support == $symbol AND $address_challenge_expiry_ts AND timestamp > $address_challenge_expiry_ts) $end_address_expiry = true; if ($s2a_ready AND $a2s_ready){ if (!$current_address AND !$current_symbol AND exists($url) AND $description){ // new registration $initial_desc_hash = sha256($description || $url); $current_url = $url; } else { // address already registered $current_desc_hash = var['current_desc_' || $address]; if ($current_desc_hash) $current_url = var['url_' || $current_desc_hash]; } } }", "messages": [ { "if": "{$s2a_ready AND $a2s_ready AND exists($current_url)}", "app": "data", "payload": { "address": "{$address}", "name": "{$symbol}", "url": "{$current_url}" } }, { "app": "state", "state": "{ var['support_' || $symbol || '_' || $address] = $support; // by symbol if ($update_by_largest_s2a) var['by_largest_s2a_' || $symbol] = $address; if ($schedule_symbol_expiry) var['expiry_ts_' || $symbol] = timestamp + $challenging_period; if ($end_symbol_expiry) var['expiry_ts_' || $symbol] = false; // by address if ($update_by_largest_a2s) var['by_largest_a2s_' || $address] = $symbol; if ($schedule_address_expiry) var['expiry_ts_' || $address] = timestamp + $challenging_period; if ($end_address_expiry) var['expiry_ts_' || $address] = false; // only update both links at the same time if ($s2a_ready AND $a2s_ready){ // tear old links if ($current_address) var['a2s_' || $current_address] = false; if ($current_symbol) var['s2a_' || $current_symbol] = false; // create both new links var['s2a_' || $symbol] = $address; var['a2s_' || $address] = $symbol; response[$symbol] = $address; response[$address] = $symbol; if ($symbol_challenge_expiry_ts) var['expiry_ts_' || $symbol] = false; if ($address_challenge_expiry_ts) var['expiry_ts_' || $address] = false; if (!var['grace_expiry_ts_' || $address]) // first registration var['grace_expiry_ts_' || $address] = timestamp + $grace_period; } $drawer_key = trigger.address || '_' || $drawer || '_' || $symbol || '_' || $address; var[$drawer_key] += $amount; response[$drawer_key] = $amount; if ($drawer) var[$drawer_key || '_expiry_ts'] = false; // abort any timers for this drawer var['balance_' || trigger.address || '_' || $address] += $amount; $desc_hash = var['desc_choice_' || $address || '_' || trigger.address]; if ($desc_hash) var['desc_support_' || $address || '_' || $desc_hash] += $amount; if ($initial_desc_hash){ if (!var['desc_' || $initial_desc_hash]){ var['desc_' || $initial_desc_hash] = $description; var['url_' || $initial_desc_hash] = $url; } var['desc_choice_' || $address || '_' || trigger.address] = $initial_desc_hash; var['desc_support_' || $address || '_' || $initial_desc_hash] = $amount; var['current_desc_' || $address] = $initial_desc_hash; response['message'] = "Your description is now the current"; } }" } ] } ] } } ]
Technical information
13,721 bytes
(452 headers, 13269 payload)
Witnessed level:2945161
Main chain index:2920485
Latest included mc index:2920484