Unit ID
10.10.2019 18:41:14
Confirmation delay (full node)
3 minutes 36 seconds
Confirmation delay (light node)
7 minutes 58 seconds
Definition: [ "autonomous agent", { "init": "{ $BYTE_ASSET = var['7T3MIJFUUZD23DZJ6BDDGBZPNS6RYFAM']['asset']; $BASE_INP = 9300; $asset_wanted = typeof(trigger.data.want) == 'string' AND trigger.data.want=='bytes'?$BYTE_ASSET:trigger.data.want; $asset_inp = trigger.output[[asset!=base]]; if(trigger.output[[asset!=base]].asset != 'none') $asset = trigger.output[[asset!=base]].asset; if(!trigger.data.cancel){ if(!$asset) bounce('You must send an asset to offer for exchange. To fill already created order, send fill = 1'); if(!$asset_wanted OR !asset[$asset_wanted].exists) bounce('want param missing. You must send asset you ask for which will be atomically exchanged for yours or send "bytes" if you want a asset redeemable for bytes, issued by AA 7T3MIJFUUZD23DZJ6BDDGBZPNS6RYFAM'); if($asset == 'ambiguous') bounce('Only 1 asset per tx'); } $asset_offered = $asset; $fill_pair = sha256($asset_wanted||'_'||$asset_offered); $price = trigger.data.price; $orders_to_fill = $fill_pair||'_'||$price; }", "messages": { "cases": [ { "if": "{trigger.data.cancel}", "init": "{ $asset_ofered = trigger.data.asset; if(!$asset_ofered OR !asset[$asset_ofered].exists) bounce('asset param missing, send asset you offered in your order'); if(!$asset_wanted OR !asset[$asset_wanted].exists) bounce('want param missing, send asset you asked for to cancel'); if(!$price OR !is_integer($price)) bounce('price param missing, send price of your order'); $order_id = sha256($asset_ofered||'_'||$asset_wanted)||'_'||$price||'_'||trigger.address; if(!var[$order_id]) bounce('Order not found, check params'); }", "messages": [ { "app": "payment", "payload": { "asset": "{$asset_ofered}", "outputs": [ { "address": "{trigger.address}", "amount": "{var[$order_id]}" } ] } }, { "app": "payment", "payload": { "asset": "base", "outputs": [ { "address": "{trigger.address}", "amount": "{$BASE_INP}" } ] } }, { "app": "state", "state": "{ var[$cancel_key] -= 1; if(var[$cancel_key] == 0){ var[$cancel_key]=false; var[$pair_key] = false; } $am = var[$order_id]; var[$order_id] = false; response['message'] = 'Canceled order to sell '||$am||' '||$asset_ofered||' at '||$price||' '||$asset_wanted||' per unit'; }" } ] }, { "if": "{trigger.data.fill}", "init": "{ $to_fill = trigger.data.address; $fill_key = $orders_to_fill||'_'||$to_fill; if(!var[$fill_pair]) bounce('No orders to fill for this pair'); if(!var[$orders_to_fill]) bounce('No orders to fill, check price param. There are '||var[$fill_pair]||' orders who match, to know address to fill check '||this_address||' state vars around '||$orders_to_fill); if(!$price OR !is_integer($price)) bounce('price param missing or invalid'); if(!$to_fill OR !is_valid_address($to_fill)) bounce('address param missing or invalid.'); if(!var[$fill_key]) bounce('Address has no created order on this pair'); $a_amount = var[$fill_key]; $in_exch = ($a_amount*$price_fill); if($asset_inp < $in_exch) bounce('Not enough funds sent to fill the order, need '||$in_exch); $b_amount = $a_amount*$price_fill; $return_amount = ($asset_inp - $in_exch) > 0?($asset_inp - $in_exch):0; }", "messages": [ { "app": "payment", "payload": { "asset": "{$asset_offered}", "outputs": [ { "address": "{$to_fill}", "amount": "{$in_exch+$return_amount}" } ] } }, { "app": "payment", "payload": { "asset": "{$asset_wanted}", "outputs": [ { "address": "{trigger.address}", "amount": "{$a_amount}" } ] } }, { "app": "payment", "payload": { "asset": "base", "outputs": [ { "address": "{trigger.address}", "amount": "{$BASE_INP}" }, { "address": "{$to_fill}", "amount": "{$BASE_INP}" } ] } }, { "app": "state", "state": "{ var[$orders_to_fill] -= 1; if(var[$orders_to_fill] == 0){ var[$orders_to_fill]=false; var[$fill_pair] = false; } response['message'] = 'Exchanged '||$a_amount||' '||$asset_wanted||' for '||$b_amount||' '||$asset_offered; var[$fill_key] = false; }" } ] }, { "init": "{ $ord_pair = sha256($asset_offered||'_'||$asset_wanted); $ord_key = $ord_pair ||'_'||$price; $ord_addr_key = $ord_pair||'_'||$price||'_'||trigger.address; if(var[$orders_to_fill]) bounce('There are '||var[$orders_to_fill]||' orders who match, to know address to fill check '||this_address||' state vars around '||$orders_to_fill||'. Send fill = 1 or change params to continue'); if(!$price OR !is_integer($price)) bounce('price param missing or invalid. Send a price (in assets wanted per asset offered) to create order'); if(var[$ord_addr_key]) bounce('You already sent to exchange for this pair, please cancel order first sending cancel = 1'); }", "messages": [ { "app": "state", "state": "{ var[$ord_key] += 1; var[$ord_addr_key] = $asset_inp; response['message'] = 'Order created to sell '||$asset_inp||' '||$asset_offered||' at '||$price||' '||$asset_wanted||' per unit'; response['cancel'] = 'To cancel order, send cancel = 1 and follow instructions'; }" } ] } ] } } ]
Technical information
5,042 bytes
(353 headers, 4689 payload)
Witnessed level:1101560
Main chain index:1100327
Latest included mc index:1100326