Unit ID
15.03.2021 15:42:08
Confirmation delay (full node)
3 minutes 14 seconds
Confirmation delay (light node)
6 minutes 9 seconds
Definition: [ "autonomous agent", { "bounce_fees": { "base": 10000 }, "getters": "{ $get_growth_factor = ($rate_update_ts, $interest_rate, $curve_address) => { $term = (timestamp - $rate_update_ts) / (360 * 24 * 3600); // in years $growth_factor = var[$curve_address]['growth_factor'] * (1 + $interest_rate)^$term; $growth_factor }; $get_oracles = ($curve_address, $curve_params) => { $oracles = var[$curve_address]['oracles']; if ($oracles) return $oracles; $initial_oracles = []; if ($curve_params.oracle1 AND $curve_params.feed_name1) $initial_oracles[] = {oracle: $curve_params.oracle1, feed_name: $curve_params.feed_name1, op: $curve_params.op1 OTHERWISE '*'}; if ($curve_params.oracle2 AND $curve_params.feed_name2) $initial_oracles[] = {oracle: $curve_params.oracle2, feed_name: $curve_params.feed_name2, op: $curve_params.op2 OTHERWISE '*'}; if ($curve_params.oracle3 AND $curve_params.feed_name3) $initial_oracles[] = {oracle: $curve_params.oracle3, feed_name: $curve_params.feed_name3, op: $curve_params.op3 OTHERWISE '*'}; $initial_oracles }; $get_oracle_price = ($curve_address, $curve_params) => { $oracles = $get_oracles($curve_address, $curve_params); $oracle_price = reduce($oracles, 3, ($price, $oracle_info) => { if (!exists($price)) return false; $df = data_feed[[oracles=$oracle_info.oracle, feed_name=$oracle_info.feed_name, ifnone=false]]; if (!exists($df)) return false; ($oracle_info.op == '*') ? $price * $df : $price / $df }, 1); $oracle_price }; $get_target_p2 = ($curve_address, $curve_params, $leverage, $new_growth_factor) => { $oracle_price = $get_oracle_price($curve_address, $curve_params); if (!exists($oracle_price)) return false; $target_p2 = $oracle_price^($leverage - 1) * $new_growth_factor; $target_p2 }; $get_reserve = ($s1, $s2, $m, $n, $dilution_factor) => { $r = $dilution_factor * $s1^$m * $s2^$n; $r }; $get_fee = ($avg_reserve, $old_distance, $new_distance, $fee_multiplier) => { $fee = ceil($fee_multiplier * $avg_reserve * ($new_distance - $old_distance) * ($new_distance + $old_distance)); $fee }; $get_turnover = ($reserve_payout, $tokens1, $tokens2, $p2) => { // positive numbers are outputs, negative amounts are inputs $reserve_turnover = abs($reserve_payout); if ($tokens1 >= 0 AND $tokens2 >= 0 OR $tokens1 <= 0 AND $tokens2 <= 0) return $reserve_turnover; $token2_turnover = abs($tokens2) * $p2 * 10^(params.reserve_asset_decimals - params.decimals2); if ($tokens2 >= 0 AND $reserve_payout >= 0 OR $tokens2 <= 0 AND $reserve_payout <= 0) return $token2_turnover + $reserve_turnover; $token2_turnover }; }", "init": "{ $owner = params.owner; if(!$owner) bounce('no owner'); }", "messages": { "cases": [ { "if": "{!exists(trigger.data.withdraw) AND !exists(trigger.data.execute) AND !exists(trigger.data.define) }", "init": "{ $curve_address = trigger.data.curve_address; if($owner != trigger.address) bounce('You not owner'); if (!exists($curve_address) OR !is_valid_address($curve_address)) bounce('bad curve_address address'); $asset1 = var[$curve_address]['asset1']; $asset2 = var[$curve_address]['asset2']; if (!$asset1 AND !$asset2) bounce('curve not found'); $id = 'exchange_' || $curve_address; $amount1 = trigger.output[[asset=$asset1]]; $amount2 = trigger.output[[asset=$asset2]]; }", "messages": [ { "app": "state", "init": "{ $max_fee_percent = trigger.data.max_fee_percent OTHERWISE 1; if($amount1 == 0 AND $amount2 == 0) bounce("you don't send tokens"); $current_exchange = var[$id]; }", "state": "{ if($current_exchange){ $current_exchange.amount1 = $current_exchange.amount1 + $amount1; $current_exchange.amount2 = $current_exchange.amount2 + $amount2; var[$id] = $current_exchange; response['STATUS'] = "UPDATE"; } else { $exchange = { id: $id, curve_address: $curve_address, amount1: $amount1, amount2: $amount2, max_fee_percent: $max_fee_percent, owner: $owner, }; var[$id] = $exchange; response['id'] = $id; response['STATUS'] = "CREATE NEW"; } }" } ] }, { "if": "{ trigger.data.withdraw }", "init": "{ $tokens1 = trigger.data.tokens1 OTHERWISE 0; $tokens2 = trigger.data.tokens2 OTHERWISE 0; if($owner != trigger.address) bounce('You not owner'); $curve_address = trigger.data.curve_address; if (!exists($curve_address) OR !is_valid_address($curve_address)) bounce('bad curve_address address'); $id = 'exchange_' || $curve_address; $exchange = var[$id]; if(!$exchange) bounce('exchange not found'); $asset1 = var[$curve_address]['asset1']; $asset2 = var[$curve_address]['asset2']; $withdraw_all = $tokens1 == 0 AND $tokens2 == 0; if($tokens1 > 0 AND $exchange.amount1 < $tokens1) bounce('You are trying to withdraw too many tokens1'); if($tokens2 > 0 AND $exchange.amount2 < $tokens2) bounce('You are trying to withdraw too many tokens2'); }", "messages": [ { "if": "{ $withdraw_all OR $tokens1 > 0 }", "app": "payment", "payload": { "asset": "{$asset1}", "outputs": [ { "address": "{$owner}", "amount": "{ $tokens1 > 0 ? $tokens1 : $exchange.amount1 }" } ] } }, { "if": "{ $withdraw_all OR $tokens2 > 0}", "app": "payment", "payload": { "asset": "{$asset2}", "outputs": [ { "address": "{$owner}", "amount": "{ $tokens2 > 0 ? $tokens2 : $exchange.amount2 }" } ] } }, { "if": "{ $withdraw_all OR $tokens1 > 0 OR $tokens2 > 0 }", "app": "state", "state": "{ if($withdraw_all){ $exchange.amount1 = 0; $exchange.amount2 = 0; var[$id] = $exchange; } else { $exchange.amount1 = $exchange.amount1 - $tokens1; $exchange.amount2 = $exchange.amount2 - $tokens2; var[$id] = $exchange; } response['action'] = "withdraw"; }" } ] }, { "if": "{ trigger.data.execute }", "init": "{ $curve_address = trigger.data.curve_address; if($owner != trigger.address) bounce('You not owner'); if (!exists($curve_address) OR !is_valid_address($curve_address)) bounce('bad curve_address address'); $asset1 = var[$curve_address]['asset1']; $asset2 = var[$curve_address]['asset2']; if (!$asset1 AND !$asset2) bounce('curve not found'); if(!exists(var[$curve_address]['p2'])) bounce('p2 not initialized'); $initial_p2 = var[$curve_address]['p2']; $curve_params = definition[$curve_address][1].params; $id = 'exchange_' || $curve_address; $amount1 = trigger.output[[asset=$asset1]]; $amount2 = trigger.output[[asset=$asset2]]; $dilution_factor = var[$curve_address]['dilution_factor']; $growth_factor = var[$curve_address]['growth_factor']; $rate_update_ts = var[$curve_address]['rate_update_ts']; $leverage = $curve_params.leverage OTHERWISE 0; $m = $curve_params.m; $n = $curve_params.n; $interest_rate = var[$curve_address]['interest_rate'] OTHERWISE $curve_params.interest_rate OTHERWISE 0.1; $exchange = var[$id]; $auto_withdraw = trigger.data.auto_withdraw; $p2 = var[$curve_address]['p2']; if(!$exchange) bounce('exchange not found'); if($exchange.amount1 == 0) bounce('tokens1 not found'); if($exchange.amount2 == 0) bounce('tokens2 not found'); $new_supply1 = var[$curve_address]['supply1'] - $exchange.amount1; $new_supply2 = var[$curve_address]['supply2'] - $exchange.amount2; $s1 = $new_supply1 / 10^$curve_params.decimals1; $s2 = $new_supply2 / 10^$curve_params.decimals2; $expectT1 = (($p2 / ($dilution_factor * $n * (is_integer($n*2) ? sqrt($s2^(($n-1)*2)) : $s2^($n-1))))^(1 / $m)) - (var[$curve_address]['supply1'] / 10^$curve_params.decimals1); $expectT2 = (($p2 / ($dilution_factor * ($s1^$m) * $n)) ^ (1 / ($n - 1))) - var[$curve_address]['supply2'] / 10 ^ $curve_params.decimals2; $expectT1WithoutDecimals = abs(round($expectT1 * 10^$curve_params.decimals1)); $expectT2WithoutDecimals = abs(round($expectT2 * 10^$curve_params.decimals2)); if(abs($expectT2WithoutDecimals) < $exchange.amount2) { $count1 = $exchange.amount1; $count2 = $expectT2WithoutDecimals; $change1 = 0; $change2 = $exchange.amount2 - $count2; } else if(abs($expectT1WithoutDecimals) < $exchange.amount1){ $count1 = $expectT1WithoutDecimals; $count2 = $exchange.amount2; $change1 = $exchange.amount1 - $count1; $change2 = 0; } else { bounce("Couldn't calculate optimal quantity"); } response['count1'] = $count1; response['count2'] = $count2; response['change1'] = $change1; response['change2'] = $change2; }", "messages": [ { "app": "payment", "payload": { "asset": "{$asset1}", "outputs": [ { "address": "{$curve_address}", "amount": "{ $count1 }" }, { "address": "{$owner}", "amount": "{ $change1 }", "if": "{ $auto_withdraw }" } ] } }, { "app": "payment", "payload": { "asset": "{$asset2}", "outputs": [ { "address": "{$curve_address}", "amount": "{ $count2 }" }, { "address": "{$owner}", "amount": "{ $change2 }", "if": "{ $auto_withdraw }" } ] } }, { "app": "data", "payload": { "to": "{$owner}" } }, { "app": "state", "state": "{ if($auto_withdraw){ $exchange.amount1 = 0; $exchange.amount2 = 0; var[$id] = $exchange; } else { $exchange.amount1 = $exchange.amount1 - $count1; $exchange.amount2 = $exchange.amount2 - $count2; var[$id] = $exchange; } $reserve = var[$curve_address]['reserve']; $fee_multiplier = var[$curve_address]['fee_multiplier'] OTHERWISE $curve_params.fee_multiplier OTHERWISE 5; $r = $get_reserve($s1, $s2, $m, $n, $dilution_factor); $new_reserve = ceil($r * 10^$curve_params.reserve_asset_decimals); $avg_reserve = ($reserve + $new_reserve) / 2; $new_growth_factor = $get_growth_factor($rate_update_ts, $interest_rate, $curve_address); $target_p2 = $get_target_p2($curve_address, $curve_params, $leverage, $new_growth_factor); $distance = abs($initial_p2 - $target_p2) / $target_p2; $new_distance = abs($p2 - $target_p2) / $target_p2; $fee = $get_fee($avg_reserve, $distance, $new_distance, $fee_multiplier); $reserve_delta = $new_reserve - $reserve; $turnover = $get_turnover(-$reserve_delta, $count1, $count2, $p2); response['turnover'] = $turnover; response['fee'] = $fee; $fee_percent = $fee / $turnover * 100; response['fee_percent'] = $fee_percent; if($fee_percent > $exchange.max_fee_percent){ bounce('The commission percentage is greater than the maximum ' || $fee_percent || " > " || $exchange.max_fee_percent); } }" } ] }, { "if": "{ trigger.data.define }", "messages": [ { "app": "state", "state": "{ var['created_at'] = timestamp; }" } ] } ] } } ]
Technical information
11,528 bytes
(452 headers, 11076 payload)
Witnessed level:1916897
Main chain index:1908940
Latest included mc index:1908939