Unit ID
14.08.2019 13:19:12
Confirmation delay (full node)
1 minute 53 seconds
Confirmation delay (light node)
6 minutes 14 seconds
Definition: [ "autonomous agent", { "init": "{ $oracles = 'F4KHJUCLJKY4JV7M5F754LAJX4EB7M4N:K237YYRMBYWCJBLSZGLJTXLZVVEXLI2Y'; // Add judge address $feed_name = 'GBYTE_USD'; $decimal_multiplier_base = 1e9; $decimal_multiplier_stablecoin = 1e3; $liquidation_ratio = 1.5; $liquidation_penalty = 0.1; $bounce = 1e4; $asset = var['asset']; $supply = var['supply']; $rate = data_feed[[oracles=$oracles, feed_name=$feed_name, ifnone=false]]; $is_active = ($asset AND $rate); $cdp = trigger.data.cdp; if ($cdp) { $owner = var['cdp:' || $cdp || ':owner']; $collateral = var['cdp:' || $cdp || ':collateral']; $debt = var['cdp:' || $cdp || ':debt']; $liquidation = var['cdp:' || $cdp || ':liquidation']; $collateralization_ratio = ($collateral * $rate / $decimal_multiplier_base) / (($debt + $amount) / $decimal_multiplier_stablecoin); $is_valid = var['cdp:' || $cdp]; $is_owner = (trigger.address == $owner); } }", "messages": { "cases": [ { "if": "{trigger.data.define AND !$asset}", "messages": [ { "app": "asset", "payload": { "is_private": false, "is_transferrable": true, "auto_destroy": true, "fixed_denominations": false, "issued_by_definer_only": true, "cosigned_by_definer": false, "spender_attested": false } }, { "app": "state", "state": "{ var['asset'] = response_unit; response['asset'] = response_unit; }" } ] }, { "if": "{$is_active AND trigger.data.open}", "init": "{ $cdp_index = (var['cdp:index'] + 1); }", "messages": [ { "app": "state", "state": "{ var['cdp:' || $cdp_index] = true; var['cdp:' || $cdp_index || ':owner'] = trigger.address; var['cdp:index'] = $cdp_index; response['message'] = 'Opened CDP ' || $cdp_index; response['cdp'] = $cdp_index; }" } ] }, { "if": "{$is_valid AND trigger.data.lock}", "init": "{ $amount = (trigger.output[[asset=base]] - $bounce); if (!$is_owner) bounce('You need to be the owner of the CDP'); if ($liquidation) bounce('The CDP is in liquidation'); if ($amount <= 0) bounce('You need to send more than the bounce fees'); }", "messages": [ { "app": "state", "state": "{ var['cdp:' || $cdp || ':collateral'] += $amount; response['message'] = 'Added ' || $amount || ' as collateral for CDP ' || $cdp; response['cdp'] = $cdp; response['amount'] = $amount; }" } ] }, { "if": "{$is_valid AND trigger.data.free AND trigger.data.amount}", "init": "{ $amount = trigger.data.amount; if (!$is_owner) bounce('You need to be the owner of the CDP'); if ($liquidation) bounce('The CDP is in liquidation'); if ($amount <= 0) bounce('The amount must be positive'); if ($collateral <= 0) bounce('The CDP collateral must be positive'); if (($collateral - $amount) < 0) bounce('The amount must be lower or equal to the current CDP collateral'); if ($collateralization_ratio >= $liquidation_ratio) bounce('You need a collateralization ratio over ' || $liquidation_ratio || ', found ' || $collateralization_ratio); }", "messages": [ { "app": "payment", "payload": { "asset": "base", "outputs": [ { "address": "{trigger.address}", "amount": "{$amount}" } ] } }, { "app": "state", "state": "{ var['cdp:' || $cdp || ':collateral'] -= $amount; response['message'] = 'Reclaimed ' || $amount || ' bytes from CDP ' || $cdp; if ($collateralization_ratio) response['collateralization_ratio'] = $collateralization_ratio; }" } ] }, { "if": "{$is_valid AND trigger.data.draw AND trigger.data.amount}", "init": "{ $amount = trigger.data.amount; if (!$is_owner) bounce('You need to be the owner of the CDP'); if ($liquidation) bounce('The CDP is in liquidation'); if ($amount <= 0) bounce('The amount must be positive'); if ($collateral <= 0) bounce('The CDP collateral must be positive'); if ($collateralization_ratio < $liquidation_ratio) bounce('You need a collateralization ratio over ' || $liquidation_ratio || ', found ' || $collateralization_ratio); }", "messages": [ { "app": "payment", "payload": { "asset": "{$asset}", "outputs": [ { "address": "{trigger.address}", "amount": "{$amount}" } ] } }, { "app": "state", "state": "{ var['cdp:' || $cdp || ':debt'] += $amount; var['supply'] += $amount; response['message'] = 'Sent fresh stablecoin for ' || trigger.address; response['collateralization_ratio'] = $collateralization_ratio; }" } ] }, { "if": "{$is_valid AND trigger.data.wipe}", "init": "{ $amount = trigger.output[[asset=$asset]]; if (!$is_owner) bounce('You need to be the owner of the CDP'); if ($liquidation) bounce('The CDP is in liquidation'); if ($amount <= 0) bounce('You must send stablecoin ' || $asset); if (!$debt) bounce('The CDP must have debt'); if ($amount > $debt) bounce('You need to send an amount of stablecoin equal or less than current CDP debt'); $collateralization_ratio = ($rate / $decimal_multiplier_base * $collateral) / (($debt + $amount) / $decimal_multiplier_stablecoin); }", "messages": [ { "app": "state", "state": "{ var['cdp:' || $cdp || ':debt'] -= $amount; var['supply'] -= $amount; response['message'] = 'Debt reduced by ' || $amount || ' on CDP ' || $cdp; response['collateralization_ratio'] = $collateralization_ratio; }" } ] }, { "if": "{$is_valid AND trigger.data.bite}", "init": "{ $amount = trigger.output[[asset=$asset]]; if ($liquidation) bounce('The CDP is already in liquidation'); if ($collateralization_ratio >= $liquidation_ratio) bounce('Require a collateralization ratio lower than ' || $liquidation_ratio || ', found ' || $collateralization_ratio); }", "messages": [ { "app": "state", "state": "{ var['cdp:' || $cdp || ':liquidation'] = true; var['cdp:' || $cdp || ':liquidation-initiator'] = trigger.address; response['message'] = 'Triggered the liquidation process for CDP ' || $cdp; response['cdp'] = $cdp; }" } ] } ] } } ]
Technical information
5,707 bytes
(353 headers, 5354 payload)
Witnessed level:998472
Main chain index:997298
Latest included mc index:997297