Definition: [
"autonomous agent",
"bounce_fees": {
"base": 10000
"init": "{
$HOUSE_CUT = 0.1; //We will take this cut on the debut of an NFT in our platform. We charge 0% for foreign NFTs.
$ARTIST_CUT = 0.01; //The artist will get 1% from every resale of their NFT
$INVESTMENT_CUT = 0.01;//We take a 1% cut from all maecenas investments
$HALF_HOUR = 1800; //30m = 1800s. An auction is extended by 1800s every time there is a new bid near the deadline
$RESERVE_AMOUNT = 200000; //We will always keep > 200.000 in the AA
$extendDeadLine = $NFT=>($NFT.soldAt <= timestamp + $HALF_HOUR) ? ($NFT || {soldAt: $NFT.soldAt + $HALF_HOUR}) : $NFT; //Extend the auction if there is a bid less than half an hour before the auction is closed
** Strips $NFT of computed fields to reduce AA's storage size
$stripToken = $NFT=>{
delete($NFT, "isBanned");
delete($NFT, "issuer");
delete($NFT, "cap");
delete($NFT, "mintedAt");
delete($NFT, "duration"); //For foreign NFTs
return $NFT;
if (NOT exists(["method"]))
bounce("method field is mandatory");
$_lambertW = $x=>{ //NOTE: always keep an even number of ln() to approximate from below, $ev counts for the ln() count
if ($x == 1)
return 0.5671432904097838729999686622103555497538157871865125081351310792;
if ($x == 2)
return 0.8526055020137254913464724146953174668984533001514035087721073946;
$ev = ln($x);
return $ev - ln($ev - ln($ev - ln($ev - ln($ev - ln($ev - ln($ev - ln($ev - ln($ev - ln($ev - ln($ev - ln($ev - ln($ev - ln($ev)))))))))))));
$spendableFunds = balance["base"] - var["locked"] - storage_size - $RESERVE_AMOUNT;
$owner = var["owner"];
"getters": "{
$_maecenasCurve = $x=>69069420 * $x^2;
$_maecenasCurve = $x=>1000*$x^2;
** All the information about the given NFT
$tokenInfo = $NFT=>{
$unit = unit[$NFT];
$tok = var[$NFT];
if (typeof($tok) == "boolean") //*wink* *wink* it is false but this way it does not throw
bounce("NFT not found");
$feedData = data_feed[[oracles=this_address, feed_name=$NFT, ifnone=false, ifseveral="last", type="string"]];
return $tok ||
isBanned: (typeof($feedData) == "string" AND $feedData == "REVOKED") ? true : false,
cap: $unit.messages[[.app="asset"]].payload.cap,
mintedAt: $unit.timestamp
$publicTokenInfo = $NFT=>{
return $tokenInfo($NFT) || {issuer: asset[$NFT].definer_address};
$smallTokenInfo = $NFT=>{
$baseInfo = var[$NFT];
$unit = unit[$NFT];
if (typeof($baseInfo) == "boolean") //*wink* *wink*
bounce("NFT not found");
return $baseInfo || {
cap: $unit.messages[[.app="asset"]].payload.cap,
mintedAt: $unit.timestamp
** How many copies of a given NFT were initially minted wether they were sold or not
$mintedUnits = $NFT=>{
if (typeof(var[$NFT]) == "boolean")
bounce("NFT not found");
if (asset[$NFT].exists == false)
bounce("That NFT does not exist");
return asset[$NFT].cap;
** How many copies of the NFT were sold, bounces if we did not mint the NFT
$circulatingSupply = $NFT=>{
$info = $tokenInfo($NFT);
if ($info.isBanned)
bounce("That NFT was revoked");
if ($info.issuer != this_address)
bounce("That NFT was not minted by us, thus we don't know how many of them are out in the wild");
return $info.unitsSold OTHERWISE 1;
** All the artist information
$artistInfo = $artist=>var["artist_" || $artist];
$profile = $artist=>var["profile_" || $artist];
** How many BYTES have maecenas invested in a given artist
$totalArtistInvestment = $artist=>{
if (NOT is_valid_address($artist))
bounce("artist address is invalid");
$artistInf = $artistInfo($artist);
if (typeof($artistInf) == "boolean")
bounce("That artist does not accept maecenas");
return 11511570 * $ * (1 + $ * (1 + 2 * $;
** How many BYTES does the next share of the given artist costs
$artistSharePrice = $artist=>{
$artistInf = var["artist_" || $artist];
if (typeof($artistInf) == "boolean")
bounce("That artist does not accept investments");
return $_maecenasCurve($;
** How many BYTES does it take to buy $shares amount of the given artist shares
$artistSharesPrice = ($artist, $shares)=>{
if (NOT is_integer($shares))
bounce("shares must be an integer");
if ($shares <= 0)
bounce("shares must be a positive integer");
if (NOT is_valid_address($artist))
bounce("artist address is invalid");
$artistInf = $artistInfo($artist);
if (typeof($artistInf) == "boolean")
bounce("that artist does not accept maecenas");
$x0 = $;
$x1 = $ + $shares;
$upToFirstToken = 11511570 * $x0 * (1 + $x0) * (1 + 2 * $x0);
$upToTargetPurchase = 11511570 * $x1 * (1 + $x1) * (1 + 2 * $x1);
return round($upToTargetPurchase - ($upToFirstToken OTHERWISE 0), 0);
** How many SHARES of the given artist has the given maecenas
$maecenasArtistShares = ($maecenas, $artist)=>{
if (NOT is_valid_address($artist))
bounce("artist address is invalid");
if (NOT is_valid_address($maecenas))
bounce("maecenas address is invalid");
$shares = var["maecenas_" || $maecenas || "_" || $artist];
return $shares OTHERWISE 0;
** How many BYTES have an investor accrued from the given artist
$maecenasPnL = ($maecenas, $artist)=>{
if (NOT is_valid_address($artist))
bounce("artist address is invalid");
if (NOT is_valid_address($maecenas))
bounce("maecenas address is invalid");
$artistInf = $artistInfo($artist);
return floor($artistInf.share * $maecenasArtistShares($maecenas) / $, 0);
"messages": {
"cases": [
"if": "{
NOT $owner //The owner has not been set
"messages": [
"app": "state",
"state": "{
var["owner"] = "IUU43O7TS2TBYKAPGKUARDZHOTAE275A"; //Set the Owner to my address
var["locked"] = 0; //Bytes locked in bids are not withdrawable by the Owner
"if": "{
trigger.address == $owner
AND (["method"] == "mint"
OR["method"] == "payout"
OR["method"] == "approve"
OR["method"] == "revoke"
OR["method"] == "transferOwnership"
OR["method"] == "verifyProfile")
"messages": {
"cases": [
"if": "{["method"] == "mint"
"init": "{
if (NOT exists(["amount"]))
bounce("amount field is mandatory");
if (NOT is_valid_amount(["amount"]))
bounce("The amount of NFT copies to mint is not valid");
if (NOT exists(["ipfs"]))
bounce("ipfs field is mandatory");
if (NOT exists(["seller"]))
bounce("seller field is mandatory");
if (NOT is_valid_address(["seller"]))
bounce("The seller address is not valid");
if (NOT exists(["endTime"]))
bounce("endTime field is mandatory");
if (NOT is_integer(["endTime"]))
bounce("endTime field is not a timestamp");
if (["endTime"] <= timestamp)
bounce("The endTime cannot be set in the past");
if (["endTime"] - timestamp > 2628000)
bounce("You cannot set the end time in more than 30 days in the future");
"messages": {
"cases": [
"if": "{["amount"] == 1
"messages": [
"app": "asset",
"payload": {
"cap": 1,
"is_private": false,
"is_transferrable": true,
"auto_destroy": false,
"fixed_denominations": false,
"issued_by_definer_only": true,
"cosigned_by_definer": false,
"spender_attested": false
"app": "state",
"state": "{
var[response_unit] = {
bid: 20000, //Max current bid (a NFT can have this field because it was resold. Check for price field instead)
at: timestamp, //Max bid time
ipfs:["ipfs"], //Hash of the content
author:["seller"], //The original seller
soldAt:["endTime"], //End of the auction
soldBy:["seller"] //Who is currently selling the NFT
"init": "{
if (NOT exists(["price"]))
bounce("price field is mandatory if you intend to sell more than one NFT copy");
if (["price"] < 20000)
bounce("The minium price is 20000 bytes");
if (NOT is_valid_amount(["price"]))
bounce("price is not valid");
"messages": [
"app": "asset",
"payload": {
"cap": "{["amount"]}",
"is_private": false,
"is_transferrable": true,
"auto_destroy": false,
"fixed_denominations": false,
"issued_by_definer_only": true,
"cosigned_by_definer": false,
"spender_attested": false
"app": "state",
"state": "{
var[response_unit] = {
price:["price"], //Sale price (this field is only present if the first sale was a fixed price one)
at: timestamp, //Max bid time
ipfs:["ipfs"], //Hash of the content
unitsSold: 0,
author:["seller"], //The original seller
soldAt:["endTime"], //End of the auction
soldBy:["seller"] //Who is currently selling the NFT
"if": "{["method"] == "payout"
"init": "{
//if ($spendableFunds <= 20000)
// bounce("There are not enought funds to withdraw");
response["spendable"] = $spendableFunds;
"messages": [
"app": "payment",
"payload": {
"asset": "base",
"outputs": [
"address": "{trigger.address}"
"if": "{["method"] == "approve"
"init": "{
if (NOT exists(["NFT"]))
bounce("NFT field is mandatory");
$NFT = var[["NFT"]];
if (typeof($NFT) == "boolean")
bounce("That NFT is not known by this AA");
if ($NFT.pendingAproval == false)
bounce("That NFT is not pendingAproval");
"messages": [
"app": "state",
"state": "{
var[["NFT"]] ||= {pendingAproval: false, duration: '', foreign: true, bid: 20000, at: timestamp, soldAt: timestamp + $NFT.duration};
"if": "{["method"] == "verifyProfile"
"init": "{
if (NOT exists(["artist"]))
bounce("artist field is mandatory");
"messages": [
"app": "state",
"state": "{
var["profile_" ||["artist"]] ||= {verified: true};
"if": "{["method"] == "revoke"
"init": "{
if (NOT exists(["NFT"]))
bounce("NFT field is mandatory");
"messages": [
"app": "data_feed",
"payload": {
"{["NFT"]}": "REVOKED"
"if": "{["method"] == "transferOwnership"
"init": "{
if (NOT exists(["newOwner"]))
bounce("newOwner field is mandatory");
if (NOT is_valid_address(["newOwner"]))
bounce("newOwner field is not a valid address");
"messages": [
"app": "payment",
"if": "{
$spendableFunds > 20000
"payload": {
"asset": "base",
"outputs": [
"address": "{trigger.address}",
"amount": "{$spendableFunds}"
"app": "state",
"state": "{
var["owner"] =["newOwner"];//Ownership is transferred
"if": "{["method"] == "BUY"
OR["method"] == "DIVEST"
OR["method"] == "CLAIM"
"init": "{
$NFT = exists(["NFT"])
? $tokenInfo(["NFT"])
: false;
$artist =["method"] == "DIVEST"
? $artistInfo(["artist"])
: $artistInfo($;
if (["method"] == "BUY"){ //Validate buy params
if (NOT exists(["NFT"]))
bounce("NFT field is mandatory");
$isAuction = typeof($ == "number" AND $ > 0 ? true : false; //It can only NOT be an auction if it is first sold and thus $ does not exist
if ($isAuction)
$hasBidders = $NFT.soldBy != $ ? true : false; //Booleans cannot be compared
if (timestamp > $NFT.soldAt){
if ($isAuction){
if ($hasBidders) //You can still buy it if there were no bidders
bounce("The auction is over");
bounce("The sale is already over");
if (["method"] == "DIVEST"){ //Validate divest params
if (NOT exists(["artist"]))
bounce("artist field is mandatory");
if (NOT is_valid_address(["artist"]))
bounce("artist's address is invalid");
if (typeof($artist) != "object")
bounce("That artist never accepted maecenas");
if (NOT exists(["amount"]))
bounce("amount field is mandatory");
if (NOT is_integer(["amount"]) OR["amount"] <= 0)
bounce("amount must be an integer > 0");
$investedAmount = var["maecenas_" || trigger.address || "_" ||["artist"]];
if ($investedAmount == false)
bounce("You have no shares of that artist");
if (["amount"] > ($investedAmount OTHERWISE 0))
bounce("You only have " || $investedAmount || " shares of that artist");
$yourShare = floor($artist.share *["amount"] / $, 0);
if ($yourShare < 20000)
bounce("It is not worth divesting your share");
if (["method"] == "CLAIM"){ //Validate claim params
if (NOT exists(["NFT"]))
bounce("NFT field is mandatory");
if (timestamp <= $NFT.soldAt)
bounce("The auction is not over yet");
if ($ == 0 AND typeof($ == "number")
bounce("That auction was already claimed");
$allowsMaecenas = $artist.sharePercent > 0 ? true : false;
response["allowsMaecenas"] = $allowsMaecenas;
$hasMaecenas = $allowsMaecenas AND $ > 0 ? true : false;
response["hasMaecenas"] = $hasMaecenas;
if ($allowsMaecenas AND (NOT $isAuction OR ($isAuction AND $hasBidders))){ //Check if I should invest myself
$maecenasShare =["method"] != "DIVEST" //Amount of bytes that is going to the maecenas
? $artist.sharePercent * ($
: 0;
$sharesInThePool = (["method"] != "DIVEST")
? $
: ($ -["amount"]);
$p = (["method"] != "DIVEST") //Pool value after the sale
? ($artist.share + $maecenasShare)
: ($artist.share - floor((["amount"] / $ * $artist.share, 0)); //Current share minus what was just divested
$k = 1 / ($sharesInThePool + 1); //The fraction of the pool 1 share represents
$price = $_maecenasCurve($sharesInThePool + 1); //Price of buying one share
if (["method"] == "BUY")
$totalSpendable = floor($spendableFunds + $price * $INVESTMENT_CUT - trigger.output[[asset="base"]].amount * (1 - $HOUSE_CUT), 0); //We cannot count as spendable the whole transaction we just got
else if (["method"] == "CLAIM" AND ($NFT.soldBy == $ //First NFT sale
$totalSpendable = floor(
$spendableFunds //Initial amount
+ $price * $INVESTMENT_CUT //What I save from investment cut
+ $ * (1 - $HOUSE_CUT) //What I get from house cut
, 0);
$totalSpendable = floor($spendableFunds + $price * $INVESTMENT_CUT, 0);
if ($k==1){ //Artist allows maecenas but they have none
$sharesToBuy = ($p > $price) ? 1 : 0; //Buy a single share (100% of the pool) if it is profitable
else{ //Formula only fails for logArgument < e
$ln1lessk = ln(1 - $k); //Save complexity
$logArgument = ($k * $p * $ln1lessk) / ($k - 1);
$lambertW = $_lambertW($logArgument);
if ($logArgument <= e){
$sharesToBuy = 0;
else {
$s = (-1 * $lambertW) - $ln1lessk / ($ln1lessk);
$sharesToBuy = abs(floor($s, 0));
if ($sharesToBuy > 1)
$sharesICanAfford = ($price * $sharesToBuy * (1 - $INVESTMENT_CUT)) > 0
? floor($totalSpendable / ($price * $sharesToBuy * (1 - $INVESTMENT_CUT)), 0) //Do not buy more shares than what I can afford
: 0; //Buy 0 shares if I cannot pay them
$sharesICanAfford = 1;
$buyShares = ($allowsMaecenas AND $sharesICanAfford > 0) ? true : false;
$poolFinalValue = floor($buyShares ? $p - $k^$sharesICanAfford * $p : 0, 0); //0 if no shares are bought
$myProfit = $p - $poolFinalValue; //Not actual profit but what I got out of the pool
response["maecenasShare"] = $maecenasShare;
response["poolValue"] = $p;
response["myPoolPercentage"] = $k;
response["sharePrice"] = $price;
response["hasbidders"] = $sharesToBuy;
response["buyShares"] = $buyShares;
response["takenFromPool"] = $myProfit;
response["profit"] = $myProfit - $price*$sharesICanAfford;
response["spendable"] = $totalSpendable;
"messages": {
"cases": [
"if": "{["method"] == "BUY"
"messages": {
"cases": [
"if": "{
"init": "{
if (trigger.output[[asset=base]].amount < 20000)
bounce("The minimum bid is 20000 bytes");
if (trigger.output[[asset=base]].amount <= $
bounce("Your bid is lower or equal to the last bid. You must increase it");
if ($NFT.soldBy == trigger.address)
bounce("You cannot bid on your own auction");
"messages": [
"app": "payment",
"if": "{
$ != $NFT.soldBy //If we don't check for this the artists could steal bytes from the AA
"payload": {
"asset": "base",
"outputs": [
"address": "{$}",
"amount": "{$ - 10000}"
"app": "state",
"state": "{
var["locked"] += trigger.output[[asset=base]].amount - ($hasBidders ? $ : 0); //Increase non-withdrawable funds by the difference between previous and last bid
$ = trigger.output[[asset=base]].amount;
$ = trigger.address;
var[["NFT"]] ||= $stripToken($extendDeadLine($NFT));
"init": "{
if ($NFT.unitsSold == $NFT.cap)
bounce("All NFT copies have been already sold");
if (trigger.output[[asset=base]].amount < $NFT.price)
bounce("Your payment is lower than the NFT price. You have to send " || $NFT.price || " bytes");
"messages": [
"app": "payment",
"if": "{
floor($NFT.price * (1 - $HOUSE_CUT - ($allowsMaecenas ? (($hasMaecenas OR $buyShares) ? $artist.sharePercent : 0) : 0)) - 10000, 0) > 0
"payload": {
"asset": "base",
"outputs": [
"address": "{$NFT.soldBy}",
"amount": "{floor($NFT.price * (1 - $HOUSE_CUT - ($allowsMaecenas ? (($hasMaecenas OR $buyShares) ? $artist.sharePercent : 0) : 0)) - 10000, 0)}"
"app": "payment",
"payload": {
"asset": "{['NFT']}",
"outputs": [
"address": "{trigger.address}",
"amount": 1
"app": "state",
"state": "{
var[["NFT"]] ||= {unitsSold: $NFT.unitsSold + 1};
if ($hasMaecenas){
$increment = floor($NFT.price * (1 - $artist.sharePercent), 0);
var["locked"] += $increment;
var["artist_" || $] ||= {share: $artist.share + $increment};
"if": "{["method"] == "CLAIM"
"messages": {
"cases": [
"if": "{//NFT was first sold
$NFT.soldBy == $
"init": "{
$sellerPayout = floor(
$ * (1 - $HOUSE_CUT - ($allowsMaecenas ? (($hasMaecenas OR $buyShares) ? $artist.sharePercent : 0) : 0))
- 10000 +
($buyShares ? $price * $sharesICanAfford * (1 - $INVESTMENT_CUT) : 0)
, 0);
"messages": [
"app": "payment",
"if": "{
$sellerPayout > 0 //enough to be worth paying
AND $NFT.soldBy != $ //there is at least a bid
"payload": {
"asset": "base",
"outputs": [
"address": "{$NFT.soldBy}",
"amount": "{$sellerPayout}"
"app": "payment",
"payload": {
"asset": "{['NFT']}",
"outputs": [
"address": "{$}",
"amount": 1
"app": "state",
"state": "{
$decrement = $hasMaecenas //My share does not play a role here
? $ - $maecenasShare //If it had maecenas the maecenas share remains locked
: $; //If it does not have maecenas all bytes are unlocked
if ($ > 20000) //If it had no bids you don't need to reduce locked amount
var["locked"] -= $decrement; //These bytes are no longer locked as the artist is getting them in this same unit
var[["NFT"]] ||= {bid: 0, by: ''}; //Prepare the state for the next auction
if ($hasMaecenas)
var["artist_" || $] ||= {share: $artist.share + $maecenasShare};
"messages": [
"app": "payment",
"if": "{
$NFT.soldBy != $ //If we don't do this check the seller could steal bytes from the AA if there were no bids
"payload": {
"asset": "base",
"outputs": {
"cases": [
"if": "{
floor($ * $ARTIST_CUT, 0) - 10000 > 0 //It is worth to pay the artist
"outputs": [
"address": "{$NFT.soldBy}",
"amount": "{floor($ * (1 - $ARTIST_CUT) - 10000, 0)}"
"address": "{$}",
"amount": "{floor($ * $ARTIST_CUT, 0) - 10000}"
"outputs": [
"address": "{$NFT.soldBy}",
"amount": "{floor($ * (1 - $ARTIST_CUT) - 10000, 0)}"
"app": "payment",
"payload": {
"asset": "{['NFT']}",
"outputs": [
"address": "{$}",
"amount": 1
"app": "state",
"state": "{
var["locked"] -= $;
"if": "{["method"] == "DIVEST"
"messages": [
"app": "payment",
"payload": {
"asset": "base",
"outputs": [
"address": "{trigger.address}",
"amount": "{$yourShare - 10000}"
"app": "state",
"state": "{
var["artist_" ||["artist"]] ||= {
share: $artist.share - $yourShare, //Decrease the share by the amount just divested
supply: $ -["amount"] //Decrease the supply by the shares used to divest
var["maecenas_" || trigger.address || "_" ||["artist"]] -=["amount"];
var["locked"] -= ($yourShare + $myProfit);
"if": "{//[PUBLIC] Resell a NFT["method"] == "SELL"
"init": "{
//Parameter validation
if (NOT exists(["endTime"]))
bounce("endTime field is mandatory");
if (["endTime"] < timestamp)
bounce("You cannot set the end time in the past");
if (["endTime"] - timestamp > 2628000)
bounce("You cannot set the end time in more than 30 days");
if (NOT exists(["initialPrice"]))
bounce("initialPrice field is mandatory");
if (NOT is_valid_amount(["initialPrice"]))
bounce("initialPrice must be a valid amount");
if (["initialPrice"] < 20000)
bounce("The minimum initialPrice is 20000 bytes");
//NFT validation
if (trigger.output[[asset!="base"]].asset == "ambigous")
bounce("You cannot send more than one NFT type at a time");
if (typeof(var[trigger.output[[asset!="base"]].asset]) == "boolean")
bounce("You need to send an actual NFT but you are sending only bytes");
$feedData = data_feed[[oracles=this_address, feed_name=trigger.output[[asset!="base"]].asset, ifnone=false, ifseveral="last", type="string"]];
$NFT = var[trigger.output[[asset!="base"]].asset] || {isBanned: (typeof($feedData) == "string" AND $feedData == "REVOKED") ? true : false}; //[We need $NFT.isBanned]This already checks for $NFT existence
if (trigger.output[[asset!="base"]].amount != 1)
bounce("You cannot auction more than 1 copy of an NFT at a time");
if ($NFT.isBanned)
bounce("We revoked the trading of that token probably due to copyright reasons");
if (timestamp < $NFT.soldAt)
bounce("A copy of that NFT is already being auctioned. The auction is expected to end at " || timestamp_to_string($NFT.soldAt) || " UTC but may be delayed depending on the number of bids");
else if ($ AND typeof($ == "number" AND $ > 0)
bounce("A copy of that NFT is already being auctioned. The auction has already ended but it has not been claimed. You can close it yourself even if you are not the max bidder");
"messages": [
"app": "state",
"state": "{
$ =["initialPrice"];
$ = trigger.address;
$NFT.soldBy = trigger.address;
$ = timestamp;
$NFT.soldAt =["endTime"];
var[trigger.output[[asset!="base"]].asset] ||= $stripToken($NFT);
"if": "{["method"] == "PRELIST"
"init": "{
$ass = asset[["NFT"]].exists;
if (NOT exists(["NFT"]))
bounce("NFT field is mandatory");
if (NOT $ass.exists)
bounce("That NFT does not exist within the Obyte network");
if (NOT $ass.is_transferrable)
bounce("That NFT is not tradeable");
if (NOT exists(["ipfs"]))
bounce("ipfs field is mandatory");
if (NOT exists(["seller"]))
bounce("seller field is mandatory");
if (NOT is_valid_address(["seller"]))
bounce("The seller address is not valid");
if (NOT exists(["duration"]))
bounce("duration field is mandatory. Enter the auction duration in seconds");
if (NOT is_integer(["duration"]))
bounce("duration field is not a valid amount of seconds");
if (["duration"] > 2628000)
bounce("The auction cannot last more than 30 days");
"messages": [
"app": "state",
"state": "{
var[["NFT"]] = {
ipfs:["ipfs"], //Hash of the content
author: 'foreign', //The original seller is locked to foreign for foreign NFTs
duration:["duration"] //Duration of the auction in seconds
"if": "{["method"] == "ENABLE_INVESTING"
"init": "{
if (var["artist_" || trigger.address])
bounce("You are already accepting maecenas");
if (NOT exists(["share"]))
bounce("share field is mandatory");
if (NOT is_integer(["share"]) OR["share"] < 1 OR["share"] > 50)
bounce("share must be an integer between 1 - 50");
"messages": [
"app": "state",
"state": "{
var["artist_" || trigger.address] = {
supply: 0,
share: 0,
sharePercent:["share"] / 100
"if": "{["method"] == "INVEST"
"init": "{
if (NOT exists(["artist"]))
bounce("artist field is mandatory");
if (NOT is_valid_address(["artist"]))
bounce("artist field is not a valid address");
if (NOT var["artist_" ||["artist"]])
bounce("That artist is not accepting maecenas");
if (NOT exists(["amount"]))
bounce("amount field is mandatory");
if (NOT is_integer(["amount"]) OR["amount"] <= 0)
bounce("amount must be a positive integer");
$artist = $artistInfo(["artist"]);
$x0 = $ + 1;
$x1 = $ +["amount"];
$upToFirstToken = 11511570 * $x0 * (1 + $x0) * (1 + 2 * $x0);
$upToTargetPurchase = 11511570 * $x1 * (1 + $x1) * (1 + 2 * $x1);
$upToFirstToken = 500/2 * $x0 * (1 + $x0) * (1 + 2 * $x0);
$upToTargetPurchase = 500/2 * $x1 * (1 + $x1) * (1 + 2 * $x1);
$totalCost = round($upToTargetPurchase - ($upToFirstToken), 0);
if (trigger.output[[asset="base"]].amount < $totalCost)
bounce("Your payment is not enough for that purchase. You need to send " || $totalCost || " bytes" || (["amount"]>1 ? " or reduce the amount of maecenas tokens you are buying" : ""));
"messages": [
"app": "payment",
"payload": {
"asset": "base",
"outputs": [
"address": "{["artist"]}",
"amount": "{floor($totalCost * (1 - $INVESTMENT_CUT) - 10000, 0)}"
"app": "state",
"state": "{
var["artist_" ||["artist"]] ||= {supply: $ +["amount"]};
if (var["maecenas_" || trigger.address || "_" ||["artist"]])
var["maecenas_" || trigger.address || "_" ||["artist"]] +=["amount"];
var["maecenas_" || trigger.address || "_" ||["artist"]] =["amount"];
"if": "{["method"] == "PROFILE"
"init": "{
$prof = $profile(trigger.address);
if ($prof.verified)
bounce("You have to contact support to modify a verified profile. We do this to prevent already verified accounts from impersonating other artists");
$profileObj = $prof || || {verified: false};
delete($profileObj, "method");
"messages": [
"app": "state",
"state": "{
var["profile_" || trigger.address] = $profileObj;
"if": "{["method"] == "SET_META"
"init": "{
if (NOT exists(["NFT"]))
bounce("NFT field is mandatory");
$NFT = var[["NFT"]];
if ($ != trigger.address)
bounce("You can only set the metadata of NFTs created by yourself");
"messages": [
"app": "state",
"state": "{
var["meta_" ||["NFT"]] =;