Unit ID
21.03.2022 18:02:49
Confirmation delay (full node)
3 minutes 34 seconds
Confirmation delay (light node)
5 minutes 56 seconds
Definition: [ "autonomous agent", { "getters": "{ $get_leverages = () => [2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100]; $singularity_threshold = 0.01; $trade_merge_period = 1; // seconds $update_recent_data = ($recent, $p, $final_p, $trigger_initial_address, $tax_token, $traded_amount, $paid_tax, $period_length) => { $period_start_ts = floor(timestamp / $period_length) * $period_length; $pmin = min($p, $final_p); $pmax = max($p, $final_p); if (+$recent.current.start_ts < $period_start_ts){ $recent.prev = $recent.current; $recent.current = {start_ts: $period_start_ts, pmin: $pmin, pmax: $pmax}; } else{ $recent.current.pmin = min($recent.current.pmin, $pmin); $recent.current.pmax = max($recent.current.pmax, $pmax); } if ($recent.last_trade AND $recent.last_trade.address == $trigger_initial_address AND $recent.last_ts >= timestamp - $trade_merge_period){ // closely following trades are merged into one trade $recent.last_trade.pmin = min($recent.last_trade.pmin, $pmin); $recent.last_trade.pmax = max($recent.last_trade.pmax, $pmax); $recent.last_trade.amounts[$tax_token] = $recent.last_trade.amounts[$tax_token] + $traded_amount; $recent.last_trade.paid_taxes[$tax_token] = $recent.last_trade.paid_taxes[$tax_token] + $paid_tax; } else{ $amounts = {x:0, y:0}; $paid_taxes = {x:0, y:0}; $amounts[$tax_token] = $traded_amount; $paid_taxes[$tax_token] = $paid_tax; $recent.last_trade = { address: $trigger_initial_address, pmin: $pmin, pmax: $pmax, amounts: $amounts, paid_taxes: $paid_taxes, }; } $recent.last_ts = timestamp; }; // X, Y through P: // without LP leverage (Lambda) $get_final_xy = ($X, $Y, $P, $final_P, $X0, $Y0, $pool_props, $inverted) => { require($final_P >= $P, "not selling Y"); // log('get_final_xy', $X, $Y, $P, $final_P, $X0, $Y0); $a = $inverted ? $pool_props.beta : $pool_props.alpha; // alpha $b = 1 - $a; // beta $final_X = ($X + $X0) * ($P/$final_P)^$b - $X0; $final_Y = $b/$a * $final_P * ($final_X + $X0) - $Y0; $deltaX = $X - $final_X; require($final_X >= 0, "bad final_X " || $final_X); require($final_Y >= 0, "bad final_Y " || $final_Y); require($deltaX >= 0, "bad deltaX " || $deltaX); { X: $final_X, Y: $final_Y, } }; // along x means keeping x fully leveraged (y underleveraged) $get_final_xy_along_x = ($X, $Y, $P, $final_P, $pool_props, $inverted) => { require($final_P >= $P, "along X: not selling Y"); $a = $inverted ? $pool_props.beta : $pool_props.alpha; // alpha $b = 1 - $a; // beta $final_X = $X * ($P/$final_P)^($b*$pool_props.Lambda); $final_Y = $b/$a * $final_P * $final_X; { X: $final_X, Y: $final_Y, } }; // along y means keeping y fully leveraged (x underleveraged) $get_final_xy_along_y = ($X, $Y, $P, $final_P, $pool_props, $inverted) => { require($final_P >= $P, "along Y: not selling Y"); $a = $inverted ? $pool_props.beta : $pool_props.alpha; // alpha $b = 1 - $a; // beta $final_Y = $Y * ($final_P/$P)^($a*$pool_props.Lambda); $final_X = $a/$b * $final_Y / $final_P; { X: $final_X, Y: $final_Y, } }; $add_net_balance_without_changing_price = ($balances, $profits, $side, $amount, $Lambda) => { if ($amount == 0) return; if ($Lambda == 1){ $profits[$side] = $profits[$side] + $amount; return; } $opposite = $side == 'x' ? 'y' : 'x'; $side_n = $side || 'n'; $opposite_n = $opposite || 'n'; $Xn = $balances[$side_n]; $Yn = $balances[$opposite_n]; $X = $balances[$side]; $Y = $balances[$opposite]; $underleveraged = $Xn > ceil($X/$Lambda); $delta_Xn = $amount; // $delta_Yn = 0; // the price doesn't change as X and Y grow proportionally if (!$underleveraged){ // Y is underleveraged, increase Y proportionally while keeping Yn intact $full_delta_Y = $Y * $delta_Xn/$Xn; if ($Y + $full_delta_Y > $Yn * $Lambda){ // would overshoot and make Y overleveraged // bounce('overshoot'); $ratio = $Yn * $Lambda / $Y - 1; $delta_X = $ratio * $X; $delta_Y = $ratio * $Y; } else{ $delta_X = $delta_Xn * $Lambda; $delta_Y = $full_delta_Y; } } else{ $delta_X = 0; // only net X gets increased $delta_Y = 0; } // log('add_net_balance_without_changing_price', {side: $side, amount: $amount, delta_X: $delta_X, delta_Y: $delta_Y, Xn: $Xn, Y: $Y}); $balances[$side_n] = $balances[$side_n] + $delta_Xn; // $balances[$opposite_n] = $balances[$opposite_n] + $delta_Yn; $balances[$side] = $balances[$side] + $delta_X; $balances[$opposite] = $balances[$opposite] + $delta_Y; }; $pow = ($precomputed, $power) => { require(typeof($precomputed[$power]) == 'number', "no precomputed power " || $power); $precomputed[$power] }; $precompute = $v => { $pre = {}; $pre['2'] = $v * $v; $pre['5'] = $pre['2'] * $pre['2'] * $v; $pre['10'] = $pre['5'] * $pre['5']; $pre['20'] = $pre['10'] * $pre['10']; $pre['50'] = $pre['20'] * $pre['20'] * $pre['10']; $pre['100'] = $pre['50'] * $pre['50']; $pre }; $update_leveraged_balances = ($l_balances, $P, $final_P, $inverted) => { $ratio = $final_P/$P; $ratio_powers = $precompute($ratio); $totals = { delta_XL: 0, // (L>0) X added to the L-pools (bought from the swap pool) minus (L<0) new X borrowed by the L-pools (sent to the swap pool for buying Y) delta_YL: 0, // (L>0) Y added to the L-pools (bought from the swap pool) minus (L<0) new Y borrowed by the L-pools (sent to the swap pool for buying X) XL_denom: 0, YL_denom: 0, }; // if inverted, XL corresponds to y, YL to x foreach($get_leverages(), 6, ($L) => { $allyL = $inverted ? -$L : $L; $balance = $l_balances[$allyL||'x'].balance; $obalance = $l_balances[-$allyL||'x'].balance; if (!$balance AND !$obalance) return; $ratio_L1 = $pow($ratio_powers, $L) / $ratio; $debt_ratio = ($L-1)/$L; if ($balance) { $delta_XL_balance = $balance * ($ratio_L1 - 1); $new_XL_balance = $balance + $delta_XL_balance; $l_balances[$allyL||'x'].balance = $new_XL_balance; $delta_YL_balance = -($new_XL_balance * $final_P - $balance * $P) * $debt_ratio; // borrowed $totals.delta_XL = $totals.delta_XL + $delta_XL_balance; $totals.delta_YL = $totals.delta_YL + $delta_YL_balance; $totals.XL_denom = $totals.XL_denom + $new_XL_balance * ($L-1); } if ($obalance) { // e.g. L=-2 $delta_YL_obalance = $obalance * (1/$ratio_L1 - 1); $new_YL_obalance = $obalance + $delta_YL_obalance; $l_balances[-$allyL||'x'].balance = $new_YL_obalance; $delta_XL_obalance = -($new_YL_obalance / $final_P - $obalance / $P) * $debt_ratio; // borrowed $totals.delta_YL = $totals.delta_YL + $delta_YL_obalance; $totals.delta_XL = $totals.delta_XL + $delta_XL_obalance; $totals.YL_denom = $totals.YL_denom + $new_YL_obalance * ($L-1); } }); $totals }; $swap = ($balances, $l_balances, $profits, $recent, $x0, $y0, $y_in, $in_delta_Yn, $final_P, $received_amount_Y, $min_amount_out, $trigger_initial_address, $pool_props) => { require(!$in_delta_Yn, "no delta Yn please, this is swap by P"); $alpha = $pool_props.alpha; $beta = $pool_props.beta; $Lambda = $pool_props.Lambda; $xn = $balances.xn; $yn = $balances.yn; $x = $balances.x; $y = $balances.y; if ($y_in){ $inverted = false; $X = $x; $Y = $y; $Xn = $xn; $Yn = $yn; $X0 = $x0; $Y0 = $y0; $a = $alpha; $b = $beta; $in_token = 'y'; $out_token = 'x'; } else{ // x <-> y swap their roles. Uppercase X, Y, and P refer to invertable values $inverted = true; $X = $y; $Y = $x; $Xn = $yn; $Yn = $xn; $X0 = $y0; $Y0 = $x0; $a = $beta; $b = $alpha; $in_token = 'x'; $out_token = 'y'; } $P = $a/$b * ($Y + $Y0) / ($X + $X0); // price of X in terms of Y require($final_P > $P, "price should increase, current " || $P || ", target " || $final_P); if ($Lambda > 1){ $underleveraged = $Xn > ceil($X/$Lambda); } if ($Lambda == 1){ $final = $get_final_xy($X, $Y, $P, $final_P, $X0, $Y0, $pool_props, $inverted); $final_X = $final.X; $final_Y = $final.Y; $final_Xn = $final_X; $final_Yn = $final_Y; } else if (!$underleveraged){ // along X $final = $get_final_xy_along_x($X, $Y, $P, $final_P, $pool_props, $inverted); $final_X = $final.X; $final_Y = $final.Y; $final_Xn = $final_X/$Lambda; $delta_Y = $final_Y - $Y; $delta_Yn = -$a/($b*$Lambda-1)*$delta_Y; $final_Yn = $Yn + $delta_Yn; require($final_Yn > 0, "fully leveraged: negative final_Yn="||$final_Yn); } else if ($underleveraged){ $inflection_P = $P * ( $Lambda/($Lambda-1) * ($b + ($a * $Lambda - 1) * $Xn/$X) )^(1/($a*$Lambda-1)); require($inflection_P > 0, "negative inflection_P="||$inflection_P); $inflected = $final_P > $inflection_P; // along Y until the inflection point $final_P1 = $inflected ? $inflection_P : $final_P; $final1 = $get_final_xy_along_y($X, $Y, $P, $final_P1, $pool_props, $inverted); $final_X1 = $final1.X; $final_Y1 = $final1.Y; $final_Yn1 = $final_Y1 / $Lambda; $delta_X1 = $final_X1 - $X; $delta_Xn1 = -$b/($a*$Lambda-1) * $delta_X1; $final_Xn1 = $Xn + $delta_Xn1; require($final_Xn1 > 0, "negative final_Xn1="||$final_Xn1); if ($inflected){ // then, along X log('inflected at price', $inflection_P); $final = $get_final_xy_along_x($final_X1, $final_Y1, $final_P1, $final_P, $pool_props, $inverted); $final_X = $final.X; $final_Y = $final.Y; $final_Xn = $final_X/$Lambda; $delta_Y2 = $final_Y - $final_Y1; $delta_Yn2 = -$a/($b*$Lambda-1)*$delta_Y2; $final_Yn = $final_Yn1 + $delta_Yn2; require($final_Xn > 0, "negative final_Xn="||$final_Xn); require($final_Xn <= $final_Xn1, "Xn didn't decrease"); } else{ $final_X = $final_X1; $final_Y = $final_Y1; $final_Xn = $final_Xn1; $final_Yn = $final_Yn1; } } else bounce("???"); $balances.x = $y_in ? $final_X : $final_Y; $balances.y = $y_in ? $final_Y : $final_X; $balances.xn = $y_in ? $final_Xn : $final_Yn; $balances.yn = $y_in ? $final_Yn : $final_Xn; // log("balances after swap", $balances); // if inverted, XL corresponds to y, YL to x $totals = $update_leveraged_balances($l_balances, $P, $final_P, $inverted); $amount_X_exact = -($final_Xn - $Xn + $totals.delta_XL); $amount_Y_exact = $final_Yn - $Yn + $totals.delta_YL; $amount_Y = ceil($amount_Y_exact); if ($received_amount_Y >= 0) require($received_amount_Y >= $amount_Y, "expected " || $amount_Y || ", received " || $received_amount_Y); require($amount_X_exact >= 0, "to pay " || $amount_X_exact); $change = $received_amount_Y - $amount_Y; $denom = 1 - $totals.XL_denom/$b/($final_X+$X0) - $totals.YL_denom/$a/($final_Y+$Y0); // log('denom after swap to price:', $denom); require($denom >= $singularity_threshold, "too close to the singularity point, denom="||$denom||", need more liquidity in order to swap this amount"); // arb tax based on price difference if ($recent.last_trade AND $recent.last_trade.address == $trigger_initial_address AND $recent.last_ts >= timestamp - $trade_merge_period){ $min_P = min($P, $y_in ? $recent.last_trade.pmin : 1/$recent.last_trade.pmax); $max_P = max($final_P, $y_in ? $recent.last_trade.pmax : 1/$recent.last_trade.pmin); $recent_traded_amount = $recent.last_trade.amounts[$out_token]; $recent_paid_tax = $recent.last_trade.paid_taxes[$out_token]; } else{ $min_P = $P; $max_P = $final_P; } $arb_profit_in_Y = ($max_P - $min_P) * ($recent_traded_amount + $amount_X_exact) / 2; // in Y $arb_profit_in_X = $arb_profit_in_Y / $min_P; $arb_profit_tax = $arb_profit_in_X * $pool_props.arb_profit_tax - $recent_paid_tax; require($arb_profit_tax >= 0, "negative arb profit tax"); $swap_fee = $amount_X_exact * $pool_props.swap_fee; $fee = $arb_profit_tax + $swap_fee; $net_amount_X_exact = $amount_X_exact - $fee; $net_amount_X = floor($net_amount_X_exact); $rounding_fee_X = $net_amount_X_exact - $net_amount_X; $rounding_fee_Y = $amount_Y - $amount_Y_exact; $total_fee = $fee + $rounding_fee_X; $avg_price = $amount_Y / $net_amount_X; require($avg_price > $P, "avg price below initial price"); if ($min_amount_out) require($net_amount_X >= $min_amount_out, "output amount " || $net_amount_X || " would be less than the expected minimum " || $min_amount_out); // include rounding fees $fees = { X: $total_fee, Y: $rounding_fee_Y, }; // add the fee to the pool without trading and affecting the price (Lambda>1) or to a separate profit accumulator (Lambda=1) $add_net_balance_without_changing_price($balances, $profits, $out_token, $fees.X, $Lambda); $add_net_balance_without_changing_price($balances, $profits, $in_token, $fees.Y, $Lambda); // log("balances after adding the fees", $balances); $update_recent_data($recent, $inverted ? 1/$P : $P, $inverted ? 1/$final_P : $final_P, $trigger_initial_address, $out_token, $amount_X_exact, $arb_profit_tax, $pool_props.period_length); $event = json_stringify({ type: 'swap', direction: $y_in ? 'y2x' : 'x2y', in: $amount_Y, out: $net_amount_X, swap_fee: $swap_fee, arb_profit_tax: $arb_profit_tax, total_fee: $total_fee, }); { net_amount_X: $net_amount_X, amount_Y: $amount_Y, swap_fee: $swap_fee, arb_profit_tax: $arb_profit_tax, total_fee: $total_fee, fees: $fees, change: $change, initial_price: $P, final_price: $final_P, event: $event, } }; }", "messages": [ { "app": "state", "state": "{ $A = $swap(); bounce("library only"); }" } ] } ]
Technical information
14,804 bytes
(452 headers, 14352 payload)
Witnessed level:2659439
Main chain index:2636452
Latest included mc index:2636451