Definition: [
"autonomous agent",
"init": "{
$return_fee = 1000;
$balance_key = 'balance_'||trigger.address;
$timestamp_key = 'timestamp_'||trigger.address;
"messages": {
"cases": [
"if": "{!}",
"messages": [
"app": "state",
"state": "{
bounce("Welcome user! Please add 'operation' data field with 'keep' or 'return' values. Otherwise the transaction will be bounced.");
"if": "{ == 'keep'}",
"init": "{
if (!var[$balance_key] AND ! bounce("Please add 'unlock_date' data field with date format: YYYY-MM-DD.");
if (!var[$balance_key] AND AND typeof(parse_date( != "number") bounce("The format of the 'unlock_date' field is YYYY-MM-DD.");
if (var[$balance_key] AND
if (parse_date( != var[$timestamp_key]) bounce("This address have been already deposited before with 'unlock_date' set to " || timestamp_to_string(var[$timestamp_key], 'date') || ". You can't change the date. To increase the balance of this address either remove 'unlock_date' data field or make it the same as before.");
"messages": [
"app": "state",
"state": "{
if (!var[$balance_key])
var[$timestamp_key] = parse_date(;
var[$balance_key] = var[$balance_key] + trigger.output[[asset=base]];
response['message'] = "Total balance will be "|| var[$balance_key] || " bytes. The bytes will be locked till "|| || " 0:00 UTC. You can withdraw your bytes only from the address you made this deposit: " || trigger.address || ". Please make a wallet backup and store it in a safe place.";
"if": "{ == 'return'}",
"init": "{
if (!var[$balance_key]) bounce('No bytes to return for this address.');
if (var[$timestamp_key] > timestamp) bounce('The unlock date has not come yet. Bytes are locked till '|| timestamp_to_string(var[$timestamp_key], 'date') || ' 0:00 UTC.');// It is ' || (var[$timestamp_key] - timestamp)/86400 || ' days ' || (var[$timestamp_key] - timestamp)/3600) || ' hours' || (var[$timestamp_key] - timestamp)/60 || ' minutes left.' );
//if (var[$balance_key] <= $return_fee) bounce("Warning! Bytes balance amount is less than ' || $return_fee || ' bytes fee. Can't return.");
"messages": [
"app": "payment",
"payload": {
"asset": "base",
"outputs": [
"address": "{trigger.address}",
"amount": "{ var[$balance_key] - $return_fee}"
"app": "state",
"state": "{
response['message'] = var[$balance_key] || ' bytes will be returned. Transaction fee is ' || $return_fee || ' bytes. You will receive ' || (var[$balance_key] - $return_fee) || ' bytes to your account.';
var[$balance_key] = false;
var[$timestamp_key] = false;
"messages": [
"app": "state",
"state": "{
bounce("'operation' data field can have only 'keep' or 'return' values.");