Unit ID
01.06.2021 19:31:27
Confirmation delay (full node)
2 minutes 59 seconds
Confirmation delay (light node)
5 minutes 7 seconds
Definition: [ "autonomous agent", { "bounce_fees": { "base": 10000 }, "init": "{ $INVESTMENT_CUT = 0.01; //We take a 1% cut from all maecenas investments $RESERVE_AMOUNT = 200000; //We will always keep > 200.000 in the AA if (NOT trigger.data["method"]) bounce("method field is mandatory"); $method = trigger.data["method"]; $spendableFunds = balance["base"] - var["locked"] - storage_size - $RESERVE_AMOUNT; $owner = var["owner"]; $calculateSharesToBuy = ($price, $pool, $myShare)=>ln($price / ($pool * $myShare)) / ln($myShare); $_maecenasCurve = $x=>6969420 * $x^2; }", "getters": "{ /* ** Attested profile (or just the address if not found) */ $profileOf = $artist=>(attestation[[attestors=this_address, address=$artist, ifseveral='last', ifnone=false, type="auto"]]["data"] OTHERWISE {}) || {address: $artist}; $artistInfoOf = $artist=>var["artist_" || $artist]; }", "messages": { "cases": [ { "if": "{ NOT $owner }", "messages": [ { "app": "state", "state": "{ var["owner"] = "IUU43O7TS2TBYKAPGKUARDZHOTAE275A"; //Set the Owner to my address var["helper"] = "IUU43O7TS2TBYKAPGKUARDZHOTAE275A"; var["locked"] = 0; //Bytes locked in investments are not withdrawable by the Owner }" } ] }, { "if": "{ trigger.address == $owner AND ($method == "payout" OR $method == "transferOwnership" OR $method == "setHelper" OR $method == "setAA" OR $method == "delAA" OR $method == "unverify") }", "messages": { "cases": [ { "if": "{ $method == "payout" }", "messages": [ { "app": "payment", "payload": { "asset": "base", "outputs": [ { "address": "{trigger.address}", "amount": "{$spendableFunds}" } ] } } ] }, { "if": "{ $method == "unverify" }", "init": "{ if (NOT trigger.data["artist"]) bounce("artist field is mandatory"); $prof = $profileOf(trigger.data["artist"]) || {verified: false, username: false}; }", "messages": [ { "app": "attestation", "payload": "{ { address: trigger.data["artist"], profile: { data: $prof } } }" }, { "app": "state", "state": "{ var["user_" || $prof.username] = false; //Free username }" } ] }, { "if": "{ $method == "transferOwnership" }", "init": "{ if (NOT trigger.data["newOwner"]) bounce("newOwner field is mandatory"); if (NOT is_valid_address(trigger.data["newOwner"])) bounce("newOwner field is not a valid address"); }", "messages": [ { "app": "payment", "payload": { "asset": "base", "outputs": [ { "address": "{trigger.address}", "amount": "{$spendableFunds}" } ] } }, { "app": "state", "state": "{ var["owner"] = trigger.data["newOwner"];//Ownership is transferred }" } ] }, { "if": "{ $method == "setHelper" }", "init": "{ if (NOT trigger.data["helper"]) bounce("helper field is mandatory"); }", "messages": [ { "app": "state", "state": "{ var["helper"] = trigger.data["helper"]; }" } ] }, { "if": "{ trigger.data["method"] == "setAA" }", "init": "{ if (NOT is_valid_address(trigger.data["AA"])) bounce("AA is not a valid address"); }", "messages": [ { "app": "state", "state": "{ var["AA_" || trigger.data["AA"]] = true; }" } ] }, { "if": "{ trigger.data["method"] == "delAA" }", "init": "{ if (NOT var["AA_" || trigger.data["AA"]]) bounce("AA is not a valid address"); }", "messages": [ { "app": "state", "state": "{ var["AA_" || trigger.data["AA"]] = false; }" } ] } ] } }, { "if": "{ (trigger.address == $owner OR trigger.address == var["helper"]) AND $method == "verifyProfile" }", "init": "{ if (NOT trigger.data["artist"]) bounce("artist field is mandatory"); $prof = $profileOf(trigger.data["artist"]); }", "messages": [ { "app": "attestation", "payload": "{ { address: trigger.data["artist"], profile: { //Wrapper to be able to query the whole object at once since you can only query attestations by fields data: $prof || {verified: true} } } }" }, { "app": "state", "state": "{ var["user_" || $prof.username] = trigger.data["artist"]; //Username is now taken }" } ] }, { "if": "{ $method == "DIVEST" }", "init": "{ $artist = $profileOf(trigger.data["artist"]); if (NOT trigger.data["artist"]) bounce("artist field is mandatory"); if (NOT is_valid_address(trigger.data["artist"])) bounce("artist's address is invalid"); if (NOT $artist) bounce("That artist never accepted maecenas"); if (NOT exists(trigger.data["amount"])) bounce("amount field is mandatory"); if (NOT is_integer(trigger.data["amount"]) OR trigger.data["amount"] <= 0) bounce("amount must be an integer > 0"); $investedAmount = var["maecenas_" || trigger.address || "_" || trigger.data["artist"]]; if (NOT $investedAmount) bounce("You have no shares of that artist"); if (trigger.data["amount"] > $investedAmount) bounce("You only have " || $investedAmount || " shares of that artist"); $yourShare = floor($artist.share * trigger.data["amount"] / $artist.supply, 0); if ($yourShare < 20000) bounce("It is not worth divesting your share"); $allowsMaecenas = ($artist.sharePercent >= 0.01) ? true : false; $hasMaecenas = $allowsMaecenas ? $artist.supply > 0 ? true : false : false; if ($allowsMaecenas){ $maecenasShare = 0; $sharesInThePool = $artist.supply - trigger.data["amount"]; //If divesting we need to substract divested shares $p = $artist.share - floor((trigger.data["amount"] / $artist.supply) * $artist.share, 0); //Current share minus what was just divested $k = 1 / ($sharesInThePool + 1); //The fraction of the pool 1 share represents $price = $_maecenasCurve($sharesInThePool + 1); //Price of buying one share $totalSpendable = floor($spendableFunds + $price * $INVESTMENT_CUT, 0); $sharesToBuy = $sharesInThePool == 0 ? 0 : ceil($calculateSharesToBuy($price, $p, $k), 0);//Can be 0 and I would still afford 1 share if profitable if ($k == 1){ $sharesICanAfford = $price < $totalSpendable ? 1 : 0; } else { if ($totalSpendable > $price AND $sharesToBuy >= 1){ $sharesICanAfford = floor($totalSpendable / ($price * $sharesToBuy * (1 - $INVESTMENT_CUT)), 0); //Do not buy more shares than what I can afford } else{ $sharesICanAfford = 0; } } } if ($allowsMaecenas AND $sharesICanAfford > 0){ $buyShares = true; } else{ $buyShares = false; } $shareIWillfinallyBuy = min($sharesToBuy, $sharesICanAfford); //Maybe I can afford more shares than what is profitable to buy $myProfit = floor($buyShares ? $p - $p * $k^$shareIWillfinallyBuy : 0, 0); //0 if no shares are bought $poolFinalValue = $p - $myProfit; //Not actual profit but what I got out of the pool }", "messages": [ { "app": "payment", "payload": { "asset": "base", "outputs": [ { "address": "{trigger.address}", "amount": "{$yourShare - 10000}" } ] } }, { "app": "state", "state": "{ var["artist_" || trigger.data["artist"]] ||= { share: $artist.share - $yourShare, //Decrease the share by the amount just divested supply: $artist.supply - trigger.data["amount"] //Decrease the supply by the shares used to divest }; var["maecenas_" || trigger.address || "_" || trigger.data["artist"]] -= trigger.data["amount"]; var["locked"] -= ($yourShare + $myProfit); }" } ] }, { "if": "{ $method == "ENABLE_INVESTING" }", "init": "{ if (var["artist_" || trigger.address]) bounce("You are already accepting maecenas"); if (NOT trigger.data["share"]) bounce("share field is mandatory"); if (NOT is_integer(trigger.data["share"]) OR trigger.data["share"] < 1 OR trigger.data["share"] > 50) bounce("share must be an integer between 1 - 50"); if (exists(trigger.data["selfBuy"])){ if (NOT is_integer(trigger.data["selfBuy"])) bounce("selfBuy field must be an integer"); if (trigger.data["selfBuy"] < 0) bounce("selfBuy must be a positive integer"); $cost = (1161570 * trigger.data["selfBuy"] * (1 + trigger.data["selfBuy"]) * (1 + 2 * trigger.data["selfBuy"])) * $INVESTMENT_CUT; if (trigger.output[[asset="base"]].amount < $cost) bounce("You need to send at least " || $cost || " bytes"); } }", "messages": [ { "app": "state", "state": "{ var["artist_" || trigger.address] = { supply: trigger.data["selfBuy"] OTHERWISE 0, share: 0, //Pooled amount availabe to investors sharePercent: trigger.data["share"] / 100 }; if (trigger.data["selfBuy"]) var["maecenas_" || trigger.address || "_" || trigger.address] = trigger.data["selfBuy"]; }" } ] }, { "if": "{ $method == "DISABLE_INVESTING" }", "init": "{ $info = $profileOf(trigger.address); if (NOT $info) bounce("You are already not accepting maecenas"); if ($info.supply > 0) bounce("You cannot stop accepting maecenas right now as you already have some"); }", "messages": [ { "app": "state", "state": "{ var["artist_" || trigger.address] = false; }" } ] }, { "if": "{ $method == "INVEST" }", "init": "{ if (NOT trigger.data["artist"]) bounce("artist field is mandatory"); $artist = $profileOf(trigger.data["artist"]); if (NOT $artist) bounce("That artist is not accepting maecenas"); if (NOT trigger.data["amount"]) bounce("amount field is mandatory"); if (NOT is_integer(trigger.data["amount"]) OR trigger.data["amount"] <= 0) bounce("amount must be a positive integer"); $x0 = $artist.supply; $x1 = $artist.supply + trigger.data["amount"]; $upToFirstToken = 1161570 * $x0 * (1 + $x0) * (1 + 2 * $x0); $upToTargetPurchase = 1161570 * $x1 * (1 + $x1) * (1 + 2 * $x1); $totalCost = round($upToTargetPurchase - $upToFirstToken, 0); if (trigger.output[[asset="base"]].amount < $totalCost) bounce("Your payment is not enough for that purchase"); }", "messages": [ { "app": "payment", "payload": { "asset": "base", "outputs": [ { "address": "{trigger.data["artist"]}", "amount": "{floor($totalCost * (1 - $INVESTMENT_CUT) - 10000, 0)}" } ] } }, { "app": "state", "state": "{ var["artist_" || trigger.data["artist"]] ||= {supply: $artist.supply + trigger.data["amount"]}; if (var["maecenas_" || trigger.address || "_" || trigger.data["artist"]]) var["maecenas_" || trigger.address || "_" || trigger.data["artist"]] += trigger.data["amount"]; else var["maecenas_" || trigger.address || "_" || trigger.data["artist"]] = trigger.data["amount"]; }" } ] }, { "if": "{ $method == "PROFILE" }", "init": "{ $prof = $profileOf(trigger.address); $oldUsername = $prof.username; $newUsername = trigger.data["username"] OTHERWISE $oldUsername; if (NOT $oldUsername){ if (NOT trigger.data["username"]) bounce("username field is mandatory"); } if (var["user_" || $newUsername]){ if ($oldUsername){ if ($oldUsername != $newUsername){ bounce("username already taken by a verified user"); } } } if (exists(trigger.data["username"]) OR exists(trigger.data["name"]) OR exists(trigger.data["company"])) $unverify = true; else $unverify = false; if ($prof) $profileObj = $prof || trigger.data || {username: $newUsername, verified: $unverify}; else $profileObj = trigger.data || {username: $newUsername, verified: $unverify}; delete($profileObj, "method"); }", "messages": [ { "app": "attestation", "payload": "{ { address: trigger.address, profile: { data: $profileObj } } }" }, { "app": "state", "state": "{ //var["profile_" || trigger.address] = $profileObj; if ($oldUsername){ if ($oldUsername != $newUsername) var["user_" || $oldUsername] = false; //Free old username } //Do not lock new username here. It will be locked upon verification to prevent username squatting }" } ] }, { "if": "{ $method == "addShare" }", "init": "{ if (NOT var["AA_" || trigger.address]) bounce("You have no power here"); }", "messages": [ { "app": "state", "state": "{ $current = $artistInfoOf(trigger.data["artist"]); var[trigger.data["artist"]] = $current || {share: trigger.output[[asset="base"]].amount}; }" } ] } ] } } ]
Technical information
17,015 bytes
(452 headers, 16563 payload)
Witnessed level:2027579
Main chain index:2019595
Latest included mc index:2019594