Unit ID
12.12.2024 13:16:34
Confirmation delay (full node)
4 minutes 19 seconds
Confirmation delay (light node)
8 minutes 18 seconds
Definition: [ "autonomous agent", { "doc_url": "https://obyte.city/city.json", "getters": "{ /* nonce: 3910404 */ $lib_aa = '3LUPAHCQMJCQDKFVZB7GFKYJMHZ5BC67'; $launch_date = '2024-12-16'; $fundraise_recipient = 'EJC4A7WQGHEZEKW6RLO7F26SAR4LAQBU'; $randomness_timeout = 1800; $max_randomness_delay = 600; $matching_timeout = 600; $get_variables = () => { var['variables'] OTHERWISE { matching_probability: 0.1, plot_price: 1000e9, referral_boost: 0.1, randomness_aa: '3JMDMAGREGD5D4GDIQQXXKGZATYZD7QB', randomness_price: 0.001, p2p_sale_fee: 0.01, shortcode_sale_fee: 0.01, rental_surcharge_factor: 1, followup_reward_share: 0.1, attestors: 'EJC4A7WQGHEZEKW6RLO7F26SAR4LAQBU', } }; $get_randomness_request = $plot_num => { $plot = var['plot_'||$plot_num]; require($plot, "no such request"); require($plot.status == 'pending', "plot already allocated"); $want_max_security = timestamp < $plot.ts + $max_randomness_delay; return { // seed: $plot.unit, ts: $plot.ts, want_max_security: $want_max_security, }; }; $get_buy_fee = $city_name => { $city = var['city_'||($city_name OTHERWISE 'city')]; require($city, "no such city"); $variables = $get_variables(); $plot_price = $city.plot_price OTHERWISE $variables.plot_price; $matching_probability = $city.matching_probability OTHERWISE $variables.matching_probability; $referral_boost = $city.referral_boost OTHERWISE $variables.referral_boost; $buy_fee = 2 * (1 + $referral_boost) * $matching_probability / (1 - 4 * $matching_probability); return $buy_fee; }; $are_neighbors = ($plot1_num, $plot2_num, $allow_same_owner) => { require($plot1_num < $plot2_num, "not ordered"); $plot1 = var['plot_'||$plot1_num]; require($plot1, "no such plot1"); require($plot1.status == 'land', "plot1 is not a vacant plot of land, can't build"); $plot2 = var['plot_'||$plot2_num]; require($plot2, "no such plot2"); require($plot2.status == 'land', "plot2 is not a vacant plot of land, can't build"); if (!$allow_same_owner){ require($plot1.owner != $plot2.owner, "both plots have the same owner"); require($plot1.username != $plot2.username, "both plots are attested to the same username"); } require($plot1.city == $plot2.city, "plots must be in the same city"); $city_name = $plot1.city; $city = var['city_'||$city_name]; // if a user matches two plots they own, they can try to circumvent self-matching by transferring one of the plots to another account. The two below rules prevent this circumvention. if ($plot2.last_transfer_ts) bounce("the later plot was transferred after matching"); if ($plot1.last_transfer_ts AND $plot1.last_transfer_ts > $plot2.ts) bounce("the earlier plot was transferred after matching"); // check that no rentals were bought after plot2 to expand the matching area if ($plot2.last_rental_ts) bounce("the later plot was expanded by rental after matching"); if ($plot1.last_rental_ts AND $plot1.last_rental_ts > $plot2.ts) bounce("the earlier plot was expanded by rental after matching"); $variables = $get_variables(); $matching_probability = $city.matching_probability OTHERWISE $variables.matching_probability; $referral_boost = $city.referral_boost OTHERWISE $variables.referral_boost; $is_referrer_match = ($plot2.ref_plot_num AND $plot2.ref_plot_num == $plot1_num) ? 1 : 0; $plot1_rented_amount = ($plot1.rented_amount AND timestamp < $plot1.rental_expiry_ts) ? $plot1.rented_amount : 0; // plot1 has a square around it, and plot2 is just a point that has to land within the square to be declared neighbor $max_distance = sqrt(1e12 * $matching_probability * (($plot1.amount + $plot1_rented_amount) / ($city.total_land + $city.total_rented) + $is_referrer_match * $referral_boost)) / 2; $bNeighbors = abs($plot1.x - $plot2.x) <= $max_distance AND abs($plot1.y - $plot2.y) <= $max_distance; return $bNeighbors; }; }", "init": "{ $lib = $lib_aa||''; $year = 365 * 24 * 3600; $followup_reward_days = { '60': true, // +2 months '150': true, // +3 months '270': true, // +4 months '450': true, // +6 months '720': true, // +9 months '1080': true, // +12 months '1620': true, // +18 months }; $followup_claim_term = 10; // days $launch_ts = parse_date($launch_date); $bPrelaunch = timestamp < $launch_ts; // presale $min_contribution = 1e9; $constants = var['constants'] OTHERWISE {}; // CITY token $asset = $constants.asset; $governance_aa = $constants.governance_aa; $variables = $get_variables(); $state = var['state'] OTHERWISE { last_plot_num: 0, last_house_num: 0, total_land: 0, }; if ($asset) $received_amount = trigger.output[[asset=($bPrelaunch AND trigger.data.buy AND !trigger.data.mayor_plot ? 'base' : $asset)]]; if (trigger.data.to AND !is_valid_address(trigger.data.to)) bounce("bad to address"); $to = trigger.data.to OTHERWISE trigger.address; if (trigger.data.plot_num){ $plot_num = trigger.data.plot_num; $plot = var['plot_'||$plot_num]; require($plot, "no such plot"); require($plot.status == 'land', "not a vacant plot of land"); } $governance_base_aa = 'P5SP4B25G3XNX27MXWZBZUPZ5QXSAW7K'; }", "messages": { "cases": [ { "if": "{ trigger.data.define AND !$asset }", "messages": [ { "app": "asset", "payload": { "is_private": false, "is_transferrable": true, "auto_destroy": false, "fixed_denominations": false, "issued_by_definer_only": true, "cosigned_by_definer": false, "spender_attested": false } }, { "app": "definition", "payload": { "definition": [ "autonomous agent", { "base_aa": "{$governance_base_aa}", "params": { "city_aa": "{this_address}", "challenging_period": 120 } } ] } }, { "app": "state", "state": "{ $constants.asset = response_unit; $constants.governance_aa = unit[response_unit].messages[[.app='definition']].payload.address; var['constants'] = $constants; var['city_city'] = { // the first city is called just "city" count_plots: 0, count_houses: 0, total_land: 0, total_bought: 0, total_rented: 0, start_ts: 0, mayor: $fundraise_recipient, }; response['asset'] = response_unit; }" } ] }, { "if": "{ trigger.address == $governance_aa AND trigger.data.name }", "init": "{ $name = trigger.data.name; $value = trigger.data.value; $city_name = trigger.data.city; }", "messages": [ { "app": "state", "state": "{ if ($name == 'new_city'){ var['city_'||$city_name] = { count_plots: 0, count_houses: 0, total_land: 0, total_bought: 0, total_rented: 0, start_ts: 0, mayor: trigger.data.mayor, }; } else if ($city_name){ $city = var['city_'||$city_name]; $city[$name] = $value; var['city_'||$city_name] = $city; } else{ $variables[$name] = $value; var['variables'] = $variables; } }" } ] }, { "if": "{ $buy_from_balance = trigger.data.buy_from_balance; ($received_amount > 0 OR $buy_from_balance OR trigger.data.mayor_plot) AND trigger.data.buy }", "init": "{ // require(timestamp > $launch_ts, "not launched yet"); $city_name = trigger.data.city OTHERWISE 'city'; $city = var['city_'||$city_name]; require($city, "no such city"); $username = attestation[[attestors=$variables.attestors, address=$to, ifnone=false]].username; require($username, "your address must be attested"); $plot_price = $city.plot_price OTHERWISE $variables.plot_price; $matching_probability = $city.matching_probability OTHERWISE $variables.matching_probability; $referral_boost = $city.referral_boost OTHERWISE $variables.referral_boost; $buy_fee = 2 * (1 + $referral_boost) * $matching_probability / (1 - 4 * $matching_probability); $price = ceil($plot_price * (1 + $buy_fee)); if ($buy_from_balance){ require($to == trigger.address, "owner cannot be redefined when buying from balance"); require($received_amount == 0, "do not send coins when buying from balance"); $balance = var['balance_'||trigger.address] OTHERWISE 0; require($balance >= $price, "not enough balance to buy"); } else if (trigger.data.mayor_plot AND trigger.address == $city.mayor){ require($received_amount == 0, "do not send coins when creating a mayor plot"); $bMayorPlot = true; } else{ $bought_tokens = $bPrelaunch ? floor($plot_price * 0.1) : 0; $expected_amount = round(($price + $bought_tokens)/($bPrelaunch ? 1000 : 1)); require($received_amount == $expected_amount, "incorrect amount received, expected "||$expected_amount); } }", "messages": [ { "if": "{$bought_tokens}", "app": "payment", "payload": { "asset": "{$asset}", "outputs": [ { "address": "{$to}", "amount": "{$bought_tokens}" } ] } }, { "app": "state", "state": "{ if ($buy_from_balance) var['balance_'||trigger.address] -= $price; $new_plot_num = $state.last_plot_num + 1; $state.last_plot_num = $new_plot_num; $new_plot = { status: 'pending', amount: 0, city: $city_name, ts: timestamp, }; if (!$bMayorPlot){ $new_plot.owner = $to; $new_plot.username = $username; $new_plot.amount = $plot_price; if ($city.total_bought == 0) $city.start_ts = timestamp; $state.total_land = $state.total_land + $plot_price; $city.count_plots = $city.count_plots + 1; $city.total_land = $city.total_land + $plot_price; $city.total_bought = $city.total_bought + $plot_price; var['user_land_'||$to] += $plot_price; var['user_land_'||$city_name||'_'||$to] += $plot_price; $ref = trigger.data.ref; if (($ref OR trigger.data.ref_plot_num) AND $received_amount){ if (trigger.data.ref_plot_num) // we don't check that it is valid and exists $new_plot.ref_plot_num = trigger.data.ref_plot_num; else{ require(is_valid_address($ref), "invalid referrer address"); $new_plot.ref = $ref; $ref_plot_num = var['user_main_plot_'||$city_name||'_'||$ref]; if ($ref_plot_num) $new_plot.ref_plot_num = $ref_plot_num; else response['warning'] = "The referring user has no main plot"; } } } var['plot_'||$new_plot_num] = $new_plot; var['city_'||$city_name] = $city; var['state'] = $state; response['message'] = "Order received, now wait for randomness to determine your new plot's coordinates"; response['plot_num'] = $new_plot_num; response['event'] = json_stringify({type: 'buy', plot_num: $new_plot_num, owner: $new_plot.owner, amount: $new_plot.amount, city: $city_name, from_balance: $buy_from_balance, mayor_plot: $bMayorPlot}); }" } ] }, { "if": "{ trigger.data.rand AND trigger.data.req_id AND trigger.address == $variables.randomness_aa }", "init": "{ $new_plot_num = trigger.data.req_id; $new_plot = var['plot_'||$new_plot_num]; require($new_plot.status == 'pending', "plot already received"); $new_plot.status = 'land'; // assign coordinates $n = number_from_seed(trigger.data.rand, 1e12 - 1); $x = floor($n / 1e6); $y = $n % 1e6; $new_plot.x = $x; $new_plot.y = $y; }", "messages": [ { "app": "state", "state": "{ var['plot_'||$new_plot_num] = $new_plot.amount ? $new_plot : false; $city_name = $new_plot.city; if ($new_plot.amount){ response['event'] = json_stringify({type: 'allocate', plot_num: $new_plot_num, x: $x, y: $y, city: $city_name}); } else{ // free plot created by the mayor $state.last_house_num = $state.last_house_num + 2; var['house_'||$state.last_house_num] = { plot_num: $new_plot_num, // owner: none amount: 0, city: $city_name, x: $x, y: $y, ts: timestamp, plot_ts: $new_plot.ts, info: $new_plot.info, }; var['state'] = $state; response['event'] = json_stringify({type: 'house', house_num: $state.last_house_num, plot_num: $new_plot_num, amount: 0, x: $x, y: $y, city: $city_name}); } $city = var['city_'||$city_name]; var['rand_provider_balance_'||$variables.randomness_aa] += floor(($new_plot.amount OTHERWISE $city.plot_price OTHERWISE $variables.plot_price) * $variables.randomness_price); }" } ] }, { "if": "{ $randomness_aa = trigger.data.randomness_aa; trigger.data.withdraw_rand_provider_earnings AND $randomness_aa }", "init": "{ $balance = var['rand_provider_balance_'||$randomness_aa]; require($balance, "no balance"); }", "messages": [ { "app": "payment", "payload": { "asset": "{$asset}", "outputs": [ { "address": "{$randomness_aa}", "amount": "{$balance}" } ] } }, { "app": "state", "state": "{ var['rand_provider_balance_'||$randomness_aa] = 0; }" } ] }, { "if": "{trigger.data.leave AND $plot_num}", "init": "{ require($plot.owner == trigger.address, "you are not the owner"); $amount = $plot.amount; $city_name = $plot.city; $city = var['city_'||$city_name]; }", "messages": [ { "app": "payment", "payload": { "asset": "{$asset}", "outputs": [ { "address": "{trigger.address}", "amount": "{$amount}" } ] } }, { "app": "payment", "payload": { "asset": "base", "outputs": [ { "address": "{$governance_aa}", "amount": 1000 } ] } }, { "app": "data", "payload": { "update_user_balance": 1, "address": "{trigger.address}", "city": "{$city_name}" } }, { "app": "state", "state": "{ var['plot_'||$plot_num] = false; $city.count_plots = $city.count_plots - 1; $city.total_land = $city.total_land - $amount; $state.total_land = $state.total_land - $amount; var['city_'||$city_name] = $city; var['user_land_'||trigger.address] -= $amount; var['user_land_'||$city_name||'_'||trigger.address] -= $amount; var['state'] = $state; response['message'] = "Left plot"; response['event'] = json_stringify({type: 'leave', plot_num: $plot_num, city: $city_name}); }" } ] }, { "if": "{ $plot1_num = trigger.data.plot1_num; $plot2_num = trigger.data.plot2_num; trigger.data.build AND $plot1_num AND $plot2_num }", "init": "{ require($plot1_num < $plot2_num, "not ordered"); $plot1 = var['plot_'||$plot1_num]; require($plot1, "no such plot1"); require($plot1.status == 'land', "plot1 is not a vacant plot of land, can't build"); $owner1 = $plot1.owner; $bOwnerOf1 = $owner1 == trigger.address; $plot2 = var['plot_'||$plot2_num]; require($plot2, "no such plot2"); require($plot2.status == 'land', "plot2 is not a vacant plot of land, can't build"); $owner2 = $plot2.owner; $bOwnerOf2 = $owner2 == trigger.address; require($bOwnerOf1 OR $bOwnerOf2, "you are not the owner of any plot"); if ($bOwnerOf1 AND $bOwnerOf2) bounce("you are the owner of both plots"); require($plot1.username != $plot2.username, "both plots are attested to the same username"); require($plot1.city == $plot2.city, "plots must be in the same city"); $city_name = $plot1.city; $city = var['city_'||$city_name]; // if a user matches two plots they own, they can try to circumvent self-matching by transferring one of the plots to another account. The two below rules prevent this circumvention. if ($plot2.last_transfer_ts) bounce("the later plot was transferred after matching"); if ($plot1.last_transfer_ts AND $plot1.last_transfer_ts > $plot2.ts) bounce("the earlier plot was transferred after matching"); // check that no rentals were bought after plot2 to expand the matching area if ($plot2.last_rental_ts) bounce("the later plot was expanded by rental after matching"); if ($plot1.last_rental_ts AND $plot1.last_rental_ts > $plot2.ts) bounce("the earlier plot was expanded by rental after matching"); $matching_probability = $city.matching_probability OTHERWISE $variables.matching_probability; $referral_boost = $city.referral_boost OTHERWISE $variables.referral_boost; $is_referrer_match = ($plot2.ref_plot_num AND $plot2.ref_plot_num == $plot1_num) ? 1 : 0; $plot1_rented_amount = ($plot1.rented_amount AND timestamp < $plot1.rental_expiry_ts) ? $plot1.rented_amount : 0; // plot1 has a square around it, and plot2 is just a point that has to land within the square to be declared neighbor $max_distance = sqrt(1e12 * $matching_probability * (($plot1.amount + $plot1_rented_amount) / ($city.total_land + $city.total_rented) + $is_referrer_match * $referral_boost)) / 2; $bNeighbors = abs($plot1.x - $plot2.x) <= $max_distance AND abs($plot1.y - $plot2.y) <= $max_distance; require($bNeighbors, "not neighbors"); }", "messages": [ { "app": "state", "state": "{ $key = 'match_'||$plot1_num||'_'||$plot2_num; $match = var[$key]; if (!$match){ $new_match = {first: trigger.address, ts: timestamp}; response['message'] = "Registered your request. Your neighbor must send their request within 10 minutes, otherwise you both will have to start over."; } else{ require(!$match.built_ts, "houses already built"); if ($match.first == trigger.address){ $match.ts = timestamp; response['message'] = "Refreshed your request. Your neighbor must send their request within 10 minutes, otherwise you both will have to start over."; } else{ $bInTime = timestamp < $match.ts + $matching_timeout; if (!$bInTime){ $match.ts = timestamp; $match.first = trigger.address; response['message'] = "Unfortunately, you are too late. Your neighbor has to send their request again within 10 minutes, otherwise you both will have to start over."; } else{ // build houses and allocate new plots $match.built_ts = timestamp; $amount = min($plot1.amount, $plot2.amount); $plot1.amount = $plot1.amount - $amount; $plot2.amount = $plot2.amount - $amount; $house1_num = $state.last_house_num + 1; $house2_num = $house1_num + 1; $state.last_house_num = $house2_num; var['house_'||$house1_num] = { plot_num: $plot1_num, owner: $owner1, amount: $amount, city: $city_name, x: $plot1.x, y: $plot1.y, ts: timestamp, plot_ts: $plot1.ts, info: $plot1.info, }; var['house_'||$house2_num] = { plot_num: $plot2_num, owner: $owner2, amount: $amount, city: $city_name, x: $plot2.x, y: $plot2.y, ts: timestamp, plot_ts: $plot2.ts, info: $plot2.info, }; $events = [ {type: 'house', house_num: $house1_num, plot_num: $plot1_num, owner: $owner1, amount: $amount, city: $city_name, x: $plot1.x, y: $plot1.y}, {type: 'house', house_num: $house2_num, plot_num: $plot2_num, owner: $owner2, amount: $amount, city: $city_name, x: $plot2.x, y: $plot2.y}, ]; var['plot_'||$plot1_num] = ($plot1.amount == 0) ? false : $plot1; var['plot_'||$plot2_num] = ($plot2.amount == 0) ? false : $plot2; $lost_rented_amount = (($plot1.amount == 0 AND $plot1.rented_amount) ? $plot1.rented_amount : 0) + (($plot2.amount == 0 AND $plot2.rented_amount) ? $plot2.rented_amount : 0); if ($lost_rented_amount) $city.total_rented = $city.total_rented - $lost_rented_amount; // create 4 new plots $p1 = { status: 'pending', owner: $owner1, username: $plot1.username, amount: $amount, city: $city_name, ts: timestamp, }; $p2 = { status: 'pending', owner: $owner2, username: $plot2.username, amount: $amount, city: $city_name, ts: timestamp, }; $last_plot_num = $state.last_plot_num; foreach([1,2,3,4], 4, $offset => { $new_plot_num = $last_plot_num + $offset; $p = $offset <= 2 ? $p1 : $p2; var['plot_'||$new_plot_num] = $p; $events[] = {type: 'reward', plot_num: $new_plot_num, owner: $p.owner, amount: $amount, city: $city_name}; }); // reassign main plot num if it has just been built upon $main_plot_num1 = var['user_main_plot_'||$city_name||'_'||$owner1]; $main_plot_num2 = var['user_main_plot_'||$city_name||'_'||$owner2]; if ($main_plot_num1 AND $main_plot_num1 == $plot1_num) var['user_main_plot_'||$city_name||'_'||$owner1] = $last_plot_num + 1; if ($main_plot_num2 AND $main_plot_num2 == $plot2_num) var['user_main_plot_'||$city_name||'_'||$owner2] = $last_plot_num + 3; $state.last_plot_num = $last_plot_num + 4; $state.total_land = $state.total_land + 2 * $amount; $city.count_plots = $city.count_plots + 2; $city.count_houses = $city.count_houses + 2; $city.total_land = $city.total_land + 2 * $amount; // $city.total_bought = $city.total_bought + 2 * $amount; var['city_'||$city_name] = $city; var['state'] = $state; var['user_houses_'||$owner1] += 1; var['user_houses_'||$owner2] += 1; var['user_houses_'||$city_name||'_'||$owner1] += 1; var['user_houses_'||$city_name||'_'||$owner2] += 1; var['user_land_'||$owner1] += $amount; var['user_land_'||$owner2] += $amount; var['user_land_'||$city_name||'_'||$owner1] += $amount; var['user_land_'||$city_name||'_'||$owner2] += $amount; response['message'] = "Now you've built a house on your land and will receive two new plots of land. Please wait a few minutes for the plots to be randomly allocated."; response['events'] = json_stringify($events); } } } var[$key] = $match OTHERWISE $new_match; }" } ] }, { "if": "{trigger.data.sell AND $plot_num}", "init": "{ $sale_price = trigger.data.sale_price; require($plot.owner == trigger.address, "you are not the owner"); require($sale_price > $plot.amount OR $sale_price == 0, "bad sale price"); }", "messages": [ { "app": "state", "state": "{ response['message'] = $sale_price ? 'Put on sale' : 'Withdrawn from sale'; response['event'] = json_stringify({type: 'p2p-sell', plot_num: $plot_num, sale_price: $sale_price}); $plot.sale_price = $sale_price; var['plot_'||$plot_num] = $plot; }" } ] }, { "if": "{ $p2p_buy = trigger.data.p2p_buy AND $received_amount > 0; $plot_num AND (trigger.data.transfer OR $p2p_buy) }", "init": "{ if ($p2p_buy){ require($plot.owner != trigger.address, "you are already the owner"); require($plot.sale_price, "not on sale"); require($plot.sale_price == $received_amount, "wrong amount"); $fee = ceil($variables.p2p_sale_fee * $plot.sale_price); } else{ // transfer require($plot.owner == trigger.address, "you are not the owner"); require($to != $plot.owner, "same owner"); } $old_owner = $plot.owner; }", "messages": [ { "if": "{$p2p_buy}", "app": "payment", "payload": { "asset": "{$asset}", "outputs": [ { "address": "{$old_owner}", "amount": "{$received_amount - $fee}" } ] } }, { "app": "payment", "payload": { "asset": "base", "outputs": [ { "address": "{$governance_aa}", "amount": 1000 } ] } }, { "app": "data", "payload": { "update_user_balance": 1, "address": "{$old_owner}", "city": "{$plot.city}" } }, { "app": "state", "state": "{ if ($p2p_buy){ $new_owner = trigger.address; response['message'] = 'Bought'; response['event'] = json_stringify({type: 'p2p-buy', plot_num: $plot_num, amount: $plot.amount, sale_price: $received_amount, fee: $fee, old_owner: $old_owner, new_owner: $new_owner}); } else{ // transfer $new_owner = $to; response['message'] = 'Transferred'; response['event'] = json_stringify({type: 'transfer', plot_num: $plot_num, old_owner: $old_owner, new_owner: $to}); } $plot.owner = $new_owner; $plot.last_transfer_ts = timestamp; delete($plot, 'sale_price'); // if the plot had a rental, it stays with the plot var['plot_'||$plot_num] = $plot; var['user_land_'||$new_owner] += $plot.amount; var['user_land_'||$old_owner] -= $plot.amount; var['user_land_'||$plot.city||'_'||$new_owner] += $plot.amount; var['user_land_'||$plot.city||'_'||$old_owner] -= $plot.amount; }" } ] }, { "if": "{ $rented_amount = trigger.data.rented_amount; trigger.data.rent AND $plot_num AND $rented_amount AND $received_amount > 0 }", "init": "{ require($plot.owner == trigger.address, "you are not the owner"); $city = var['city_'||$plot.city]; $matching_probability = $city.matching_probability OTHERWISE $variables.matching_probability; $plot_price = $city.plot_price OTHERWISE $variables.plot_price; $count_bought = $city.total_bought / $plot_price; require($count_bought > 10, "too few plots bought yet"); // to make count_buys_next_year estimate reliable $total_working = $city.total_land + $city.total_rented + $rented_amount - $plot.rented_amount; $elapsed = timestamp - $city.start_ts; if ($plot.rented_amount AND timestamp < $plot.rental_expiry_ts){ require($rented_amount >= $plot.rented_amount, "rental ammount cannot be decreased"); $unused_rent = floor($plot.rented_amount * ($plot.rental_expiry_ts - timestamp) / $year); } $count_buys_next_year = $year/$elapsed * $count_bought; // income is overestimated if rental amount is large while $plot.amount is small, then the $plot.amount would be used in full before the year expires $income_from_one_buy = 2 * $plot_price * $matching_probability * $rented_amount/$total_working; // "2" because there are two users, each earns one additional plot $year_income = $income_from_one_buy * $count_buys_next_year; $rental_fee = ceil($variables.rental_surcharge_factor * $year_income); $required_fee = $rental_fee - $unused_rent; $excess = $received_amount - $required_fee; require($excess >= 0, "not enough paid for rental fee, required "||$required_fee); }", "messages": [ { "app": "payment", "payload": { "asset": "{$asset}", "outputs": [ { "address": "{trigger.address}", "amount": "{$excess}" } ] } }, { "app": "state", "state": "{ response['message'] = 'Rented'; $city.total_rented = $city.total_rented + $rented_amount - $plot.rented_amount; var['city_'||$plot.city] = $city; $plot.rented_amount = $rented_amount; $plot.rental_expiry_ts = timestamp + $year; response['event'] = json_stringify({type: 'rent', plot_num: $plot_num, rented_amount: $rented_amount, rental_expiry_ts: $plot.rental_expiry_ts, rental_fee: $rental_fee}); var['plot_'||$plot_num] = $plot; }" } ] }, { "if": "{trigger.data.end_rental AND $plot_num}", "init": "{ require($plot.rented_amount AND timestamp > $plot.rental_expiry_ts, "rental is still active"); $city = var['city_'||$plot.city]; }", "messages": [ { "app": "state", "state": "{ response['message'] = 'Ended rental'; $city.total_rented = $city.total_rented - $plot.rented_amount; var['city_'||$plot.city] = $city; response['event'] = json_stringify({type: 'end_rental', plot_num: $plot_num, rented_amount: $plot.rented_amount}); $plot.rented_amount = 0; var['plot_'||$plot_num] = $plot; }" } ] }, { "if": "{ $days = trigger.data.days; $house1_num = trigger.data.house1_num; $house2_num = trigger.data.house2_num; trigger.data.followup AND $days AND $house1_num AND $house2_num }", "init": "{ require($followup_reward_days[$days], "no such follow-up"); $house1 = var['house_'||$house1_num]; $house2 = var['house_'||$house2_num]; $key = 'followup_'||$house1_num||'_'||$house2_num; // the follow-up reward share might be changed by governance but it affects only future followups $fu = var[$key] OTHERWISE {reward: floor($variables.followup_reward_share * $house1.amount)}; $res = $lib#0.$claim_followup_reward($house1, $house2, $house1_num, $house2_num, $days||'', trigger.address, $followup_claim_term, $matching_timeout, $fu); }", "messages": [ { "app": "state", "state": "{ response['message'] = $res.message; if ($res.bPaid){ var['balance_'||$house1.owner] += $fu.reward; var['balance_'||$house2.owner] += $fu.reward; response['event'] = $res.event; } var[$key] = $res.fu; // $res.fu is the modified $fu }" } ] }, { "if": "{trigger.data.edit_house AND trigger.data.house_num}", "init": "{ $house_num = trigger.data.house_num; $house = var['house_'||$house_num]; require($house, "no such house"); $city = var['city_'||$house.city]; require($house.owner AND $house.owner == trigger.address OR $house.amount == 0 AND $city.mayor == trigger.address, "you are not the owner"); }", "messages": [ { "app": "state", "state": "{ $shortcode = trigger.data.shortcode; if (($shortcode OR trigger.data.release_shortcode) AND $house.shortcode){ var['shortcode_'||$house.shortcode] = false; // release the old shortcode first $house.shortcode = ''; } if ($shortcode){ require($house.amount, "mayor houses cannot be assigned shortcodes"); require($house.amount >= $variables.plot_price, "the plot is too cheap"); require(typeof($shortcode) == 'string', "shortcode must be a string"); require(!var['shortcode_'||$shortcode], "this shortcode is already taken"); // if (trigger.data.address) // require(is_valid_address(trigger.data.address), "address not valid"); // $address = trigger.data.address OTHERWISE trigger.address; var['shortcode_'||$shortcode] = $to; $house.shortcode = $shortcode; } if (trigger.data.sell_shortcode AND is_integer(trigger.data.shortcode_price) AND trigger.data.shortcode_price >= 0) $house.shortcode_price = trigger.data.shortcode_price; // 0 removes the shortcode from sale if (exists(trigger.data.new_owner) AND $house.amount == 0){ // assign a manager of a mayor house $house.owner = trigger.data.new_owner; } if (trigger.data.info) $house.info = trigger.data.info; response['message'] = 'Edited house'; response['event'] = json_stringify({type: 'edit_house', house_num: $house_num, info: trigger.data.info, shortcode: $shortcode, release_shortcode: trigger.data.release_shortcode}); var['house_'||$house_num] = $house; }" } ] }, { "if": "{ $seller_house_num = trigger.data.seller_house_num; $my_house_num = trigger.data.my_house_num; trigger.data.p2p_buy_shortcode AND $seller_house_num AND $my_house_num AND $received_amount > 0 }", "init": "{ $seller_house = var['house_'||$seller_house_num]; $my_house = var['house_'||$my_house_num]; $res = $lib#0.$buy_shortcode($seller_house, $my_house, $seller_house_num, $my_house_num, trigger.address, $received_amount, $variables); }", "messages": [ { "app": "payment", "payload": { "asset": "{$asset}", "outputs": [ { "address": "{$seller_house.owner}", "amount": "{$res.net_amount}" } ] } }, { "app": "state", "state": "{ response['message'] = 'Bought shortcode'; response['event'] = $res.event; var['house_'||$seller_house_num] = $res.seller_house; var['house_'||$my_house_num] = $res.buyer_house; }" } ] }, { "if": "{trigger.data.edit_plot AND $plot_num AND trigger.data.info}", "init": "{ require($plot.owner == trigger.address, "you are not the owner"); }", "messages": [ { "app": "state", "state": "{ $plot.info = trigger.data.info; response['message'] = 'Edited plot'; response['event'] = json_stringify({type: 'edit_plot', plot_num: $plot_num, info: trigger.data.info}); var['plot_'||$plot_num] = $plot; }" } ] }, { "if": "{trigger.data.edit_user AND (trigger.data.info OR trigger.data.main_plot_num)}", "messages": [ { "app": "state", "state": "{ if (trigger.data.main_plot_num){ $main_plot = var['plot_'||trigger.data.main_plot_num]; require($main_plot, "no such plot"); require($main_plot.owner == trigger.address, "you are not the owner"); var['user_main_plot_'||$main_plot.city||'_'||trigger.address] = trigger.data.main_plot_num; } if (trigger.data.info) var['user_'||trigger.address] = trigger.data.info; response['message'] = 'Edited user profile'; response['event'] = json_stringify({type: 'edit_user', address: trigger.address, info: trigger.data.info, main_plot_num: trigger.data.main_plot_num}); }" } ] }, { "if": "{trigger.data.withdraw_fundraise AND trigger.data.amount AND trigger.address == $fundraise_recipient}", "messages": [ { "app": "payment", "payload": { "asset": "base", "outputs": [ { "address": "{trigger.address}", "amount": "{trigger.data.amount}" } ] } } ] } ] } } ]
Technical information
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Actual TPS fee:
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Main chain index:3577838
Latest included mc index:3577837