Response: {
"error": "formula
if (!$attested_domain_exist and !($domain == $default_domain and $attestor == $default_attestor))
bounce('Sorry, You have requested reputation for a domain-attestor pair that do not exist.');
$reputationExists = $reputation != false;
if (!$reputationExists)
bounce('Sorry, the address (user) do not have reputation in this domain-attestor pair yet. Please consider to rate this user once you interacted with him/her.');
if (!$requesting_fee_received)
bounce('Sorry, The fee to request a reputation is '|| $i_requesting_reputation_fee || 'bytes');
// Respond
$reputation_to_show = round($reputation,1);
if ($evaluated_is_attested){
$message = 'Reputation for domain \''|| $domain ||'\' is '||$reputation_to_show||'/5 from '||$eval_count||' votes (and the address is attested by \''||$attestor_address||'\').';
$message = 'Reputation for domain \''|| $domain ||'\' is '||$reputation_to_show||'/5 from '||$eval_count||' votes BUT the address is NOT attested by \''||$attestor_address||'\')!';
response['message'] = $message;
response['domain'] = $domain;
response['attestor'] = $attestor;
response['reputation'] = $reputation_to_show;
response['attestated'] = $evaluated_is_attested;
failed: booleans cannot be compared with other types"