Response: {
"error": "one of secondary AAs bounced with error: formula
// checking
if (var[$pu])
if (var[$pu] != trigger.address)
bounce ("Not allowed to withdraw from this private drawer!");
if (!var[$as]) bounce ("puk doesn\'t exists with asset!"||$asset_nice_name);
if (var[$ls])
if (var[$ls] == sha256($signature))
bounce ("Cannot use 2 times the same signature in a row!");
$formated_puk = "-----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----"||$puk||"-----END PUBLIC KEY-----";
if (is_valid_signed_package($signature, $formated_puk))
bounce ("This signature was not created with private key linked to "||$puk||" !");
if (!is_valid_sig(, $formated_puk, $signature))
bounce ("The 'withdraw address' signed is not the same as the one that was asked to use !");
// balances
$old_balance = var[$am];
$amount = otherwise $old_balance;
failed: bad address in is_valid_signed_package: -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY-----MFYwEAYHKoZIzj0CAQYFK4EEAAoDQgAE90U9sMxra8wxIaIBy87p09aM8n4rKe1eZOtL0Im19ItIIzT3AiKE0dRsHemcn5bUcSqnC/jC+3H8vaCtjn9ylg==-----END PUBLIC KEY-----"