Unit ID
10.10.2019 21:52:21
Confirmation delay (full node)
6 minutes 1 second
Confirmation delay (light node)
7 minutes 57 seconds
Definition: [ "autonomous agent", { "bounce_fees": { "base": 10000 }, "init": "{ // constantes $name = "WEAALTH"; $how_to_claim = "To claim you heritage, enter you signature"; $how_to_setup = "To setup your testament, use, start+testament name then add + beneficiary + percentage, then finish then fill and later cancel_request"; $how_to = $how_to_claim||$how_to_setup; $request_heritage_fee = 50000; $HOLLAA = "C6M6BLAM2QTK727RTWA3YHZ4VW5ZIGBF"; $Shafe = '2W6XFKSHXI5OJRZR7T4LQBFZ2GZ3BZBN'; // AA from sharjar, easy version of safe storage $DEFAULT_DELAY_TO_CANCEL = 4 * 7 * 24 * 60 * 60; // 4 weeks }", "messages": { "cases": [ { "if": "{ !!trigger.data.start and !!trigger.data.testament_name }", "messages": [ { "app": "state", "state": "{ // existing? if (!!var[trigger.data.testament_name]) bounce ("This name exist already!"); // for the moment store the user for faster next steps var[trigger.address] = trigger.data.testament_name; // store the testament writter to be able to change his mind var[trigger.data.testament_name||"_writter"] = trigger.address; // create the testament balance: var[trigger.data.testament_name||"_balance"] = trigger.output[[asset=base]].amount - 2000; response['message'] = 'Testament setup started'; }" } ] }, { "if": "{ !!trigger.data.add and !!trigger.data.beneficiary and !!trigger.data.percentage}", "init": "{ $testament_name = var[trigger.address] otherwise trigger.data.testament_name otherwise bounce ($how_to); if (!trigger.data.hash_of_secret) bounce ("need 'hash_of_secret'"); if (!!var[$testament_name||"_writter"]) if (trigger.address != var[$testament_name||"_writter"]) bounce ("Account "||$testament_name||" already exist!"); // inputs tests if (!is_integer(trigger.data.percentage)) bounce ("Invalid percentage'!"); if (trigger.data.percentage>100) bounce ("Invalid percentage'!"); }", "messages": [ { "app": "data", "payload": { "list_name": "{ $testament_name||"_beneficiaries" }", "add": "{ trigger.data.beneficiary }", "value": "{ "hash="||trigger.data.hash_of_secret||" %="||trigger.data.percentage }" } }, { "app": "payment", "payload": { "asset": "base", "outputs": [ { "address": "{ $HOLLAA }", "amount": 1000 } ] } }, { "app": "state", "state": "{ var[$testament_name||"_balance"] = trigger.output[[asset=base]].amount - 1000; var[$testament_name||"_total_percentage"] += trigger.data.percentage; response['message'] = 'Beneficiariey added'; }" } ] }, { "if": "{ !!trigger.data.finish_testament }", "init": "{ $testament_name = var[trigger.address] otherwise trigger.data.testament_name otherwise bounce ($how_to); if (!!var[$testament_name||"_writter"]) if (trigger.address != var[$testament_name||"_writter"]) bounce ("Account "||$testament_name||" already exist!"); if (var[$testament_name||"_total_percentage"] != 100) bounce ("Sorry the total percentage must be 100%, not "||var[$testament_name||"_total_percentage"]); }", "messages": [ { "app": "state", "state": "{ var[trigger.address] = false; var[$testament_name||"_total_percentage"] = false; var[$testament_name||"_balance"] = trigger.output[[asset=base]].amount - 1000; response['message'] = $testament_name||" activated ^^"; }" } ] }, { "if": "{ !!trigger.data.fill }", "init": "{ $testament_name = trigger.data.testament_name otherwise bounce ("needs testament name"); }", "messages": [ { "app": "state", "state": "{ var[$testament_name ||"_balance"] += trigger.output[[asset=base]].amount; response['message'] = "Testament balance updates ^^"; }" } ] }, { "if": "{ !!trigger.data.cancel_testament }", "init": "{ $testament_name = trigger.data.testament_name otherwise bounce ("needs testament name"); // check if it is the writter if (!!var[$testament_name||"_writter"]) if (trigger.address != var[$testament_name||"_writter"]) bounce ("This is possible only from the writter of the testament"); }", "messages": [ { "app": "payment", "payload": { "asset": "base", "outputs": [ { "address": "{ trigger.address }", "amount": "{ var[$testament_name ||"_balance"] }" } ] } }, { "app": "state", "state": "{ var[$testament_name ||"_balance"] =false; var[$testament_name ||"_writter"] =false; response['message'] = "Testament cancelled ^^"; }" } ] }, { "if": "{ !!trigger.data.request_heritage and !!trigger.data.beneficiary }", "init": "{ $testament_name = trigger.data.testament_name otherwise bounce ($how_to); // Check big fee to limit spam if (trigger.output[[asset=base]].amount < $request_heritage_fee) bounce ("Minimum fee for this is "||$request_heritage_fee); // Inputs tests if (!var[$testament_name||"_writter"]) bounce ("Account "||$testament_name||" do NOT exist!"); // Test if the user is really a beneficiary if (!var[$HOLLAA][$testament_name||"_beneficiaries_"||trigger.data.beneficiary]) bounce ("Beneficiary do not exist"); // Check the phase of the withdraw if (!!var[$testament_name||"_requester_address"]) bounce ("Heritage validation already requested, wait for the waiting delay to expire and use 'ask_to_proof_ownership'"); // Check if the testament is not already validated so taht the user can directly proof ownership if (!!var[$testament_name||"_validated"]) bounce ("the testament execution is already validated, you can directly use 'proove_ownership'"); }", "messages": [ { "app": "data", "payload": { "message": "{ trigger.data.beneficiary||" have requested his heritage" }" } }, { "app": "payment", "payload": { "asset": "base", "outputs": [ { "address": "{ var[$testament_name||"_writter"] }", "amount": 1000 } ] } }, { "app": "state", "state": "{ var[$testament_name||"_requester_address"] = trigger.address; var[trigger.address||"_requested_time"] = timestamp; var[trigger.address||"_beneficiary"] = trigger.data.beneficiary; var[trigger.address||"_testament_name"] = $testament_name; var[$testament_name||"_balance"] -= 1000; response['message'] = "Request validated"; }" } ] }, { "if": "{ !!trigger.data.ask_to_proof_ownership }", "init": "{ // check if this address has requested heritage if (!var[trigger.address]) bounce ("You cannot proof ownership before you have requested your heritage and waited for the delay"); if (!var[$testament_name||"_validated"]) { // check if delay expired $delay_to_cancel = var[var[trigger.address||"_testament_name"]||"_waiting_period"] otherwise $DEFAULT_DELAY_TO_CANCEL; $earlier_time = var[trigger.address||"_requested_time"] + $delay_to_cancel; if (timestamp < $earlier_time) bounce ("Too early to proof onwership wait for "||timestamp_to_string($earlier_time, 'datetime')); // validate heritage $validated=true; } // calculate part $beneficiary = var[trigger.address||"_beneficiary"]; $hash_and_percentage = var[$HOLLAA][$testament_name||"_beneficiaries_"||$beneficiary]; $separator_pos=index_of($hash_and_percentage, " %="); $hash = substring($hash_and_percentage, 0, $separator_pos); // convert percentage as string to number $percentage = json_parse(substring($hash_and_percentage, $separator_pos + 3)); // the final balance to share is the actual for the first proof or the stored one for the next ones $final_balance = var[$testament_name||"_final_heritage_balance"] otherwise var[$testament_name||"_balance"]; // compute heritage part $heritage_value = round(var[$testament_name||"_balance"] * $percentage / 100) + $request_heritage_fee ; }", "messages": [ { "app": "data", "payload": { "list_name": "{ $testament_name||"_beneficiaries" }", "remove": "{ var[trigger.address||"_beneficiary"] }", "store": "{ $percentage||" % of the "||$testament_name||" heritage" }", "hash_of_secret": "{ $hash }", "message": "{ "Heritage available by providing your secret to AA: "||$Shafe }" } }, { "app": "payment", "payload": { "asset": "base", "outputs": [ { "address": "{ $HOLLAA }", "amount": 500 }, { "address": "{ $Shafe }", "amount": "{ $heritage_value }" }, { "address": "{ trigger.data.withdraw_address }", "amount": "{ 66 }" } ] } }, { "app": "state", "state": "{ if(!!$validated) { var[$testament_name||"_validated"] =true; var[$testament_name||"_final_heritage_balance"] = var[$testament_name||"_balance"]; } var[$testament_name||"_balance"] -= $heritage_value; response['message'] = 'Heritage sent to '||$Shafe ; }" } ] }, { "if": "{ !!trigger.data.cancel_request }", "init": "{ $testament_name = trigger.data.testament_name otherwise bounce ("Add 'testament_name'"); // inputs tests if (!var[$testament_name||"_writter"]) bounce ("Account "||$testament_name||" do NOT exist!"); // check that it is the writter if (trigger.address != var[$testament_name||"_writter"]) bounce ("you must be the writter of the will to cancel a request"); // check if heritage already validated if (!!var[$testament_name||"_validated"]) bounce ("Sorry, too late the heritage has been validated"); }", "messages": [ { "app": "state", "state": "{ var[$testament_name||"_requester_address"] = false; var[$requester_address||"_requested_time"] = false; var[$requester_address||"_beneficiary"] = false; var[$requester_address||"_testament_name"] = false; response['message'] = 'Heritage request cancelled'; }" } ] }, { "messages": [ { "app": "state", "state": "{ bounce ($how_to); }" } ] } ] } } ]
Technical information
10,699 bytes
(353 headers, 10346 payload)
Witnessed level:1101974
Main chain index:1100741
Latest included mc index:1100740